"The Sleeping Prophet"

** The occidental Buda to me , Yan Ayrton . **
Edgar Cayce was born near Beverly, seven miles south of Hopkinsville,USA , March 18, 1877.
At an early age he gave evidence of his budding talent: he was able to master his school lessons by sleeping on his books Edgar Cayce made his name in the first half of this century in America as a psychic healer; perhaps the greatest that the United States ever produced.
During his lifetime he was credited with assisting thousands of people suffering from all manner of ailments. But there was also a lesser known aspect to Cayce's psychic revelations. Occasionally while in a self-induced trance, Cayce would speak of events to come. He predicted the First and Second World War, the independence of India and the 1929 stockmarket crash. He also predicted, fifteen years before the event, the creation of the State of Israel. His most disturbing predictions, however, concern vast geographical upheavals which by the year 2009 will result in the destruction of New York, the disappearance of most of Japan, and a cataclysmic change in Northern Europe.
Cayce was born on 18 March 1877, on a farm near Hopkinsville, Kentucky. He came from an old, conservative family, and as a child developed what became a lifelong interest in the Bible and the Church. His outlook was undoubtedly influenced by the Christian revivalist meetings which were popular at the time in that part of the country.At the age of seven or eight Edgar was sitting in a wooded clearing reading the Bible when he saw what he described as a bright vision of a winged figure clothed in white. The vision asked the child what he wanted in life, and Edgar responded that he wished to help others. The next day, so the story goes, Edgar was having difficulty learning his spelling homework. In his mind he heard the voice of his vision telling him to sleep that he might be helped. The boy did as he was told, laying his head on his spelling book. A little later he awoke to find he knew the spelling of every word.
This story is perhaps the more incredible because Edgar Cayce was not a good student. Later in life, he would become renowned for the learned manner in which he spoke while in a trance. But in his conscious, waking state, he appeared to his contemporaries as a quiet, humble, self-effacing man, somewhat unschooled, and deeply religious. At the age of fifteen, Edgar suffered an accident a school. He was struck on the back of his neck by a baseball. The boy went into a semi-stupor, and while in that state, told his parents to prepare a special poultice and apply it to the nape of his neck, at the base of his brain. To appease their son, his parents did as they were told, and in the morning, the boy was completely recovered. Followers of Cayce say this was his very first health reading. After completing seventh grade, Cayce left school in Hopkinsville to find work where he could. He worked on a farm, then in a shoestore, and later a bookstore. By the age of twenty-one, he had become the salesman for a wholesale stationery company. At about this time, Cayce contracted a throat problem which developed into aphonia -- a total loss of voice. Doctors he approached were unable to help him, and Cayce began to regard his problem as incurable.
He resorted to hypnosis, but this too had no useful effect until it occurred to Cayce to attempt re-entering the kind of hypnotic sleep which had enabled him to learn his schoolbooks when he was a boy. A hypnotist was found who was willing to give Cayce the necessary suggestion. Once in a trance, Cayce reportedly spoke in a clear voice, spelling out precisely what his symptoms were, and what should be done to cure them. Cayce had succeeded in curing himself and, in doing so, had launched himself on a lifelong career as a psychic diagnostician and healer. It made no difference to Cayce whether his patient was sitting next to him in the same room or a total stranger living hundreds of miles away. His preparations for the health reading were always the same. As he himself described it, he would first loosen his clothing in order to have a perfectly freeflowing circulation. He would then lie on the couch in his office, with his head to the south, and his feet to the north. Placing his hands on his forehead between his eyes, he would wait a few moments until he received what he would call the go signal, a flash of brilliant white light. Cayce would then move his hands to his solar plexus, and fall into a trance. His wife would tell him the name and location of the patient, leaving out any mention of age, sex or physical problem. Cayce might pause a while before repeating the name and address until he had succeeded in 'locating' the patient and describing his or her condition. He would then prescribe medication and any other corrective measures, always ending his reading with the words: "We are through."
His lifelong secretary, Gladys Davis, took down virtually all his readings, and they are recorded and indexed in the Association for Enlightenment and Research, established in Virginia in 1932 to study Cayce's work. In all, he gave 14,879 readings, well over half of them for people concerned about their health. Over a period of forty-three years, he read for more than six thousand people. In 1933, when he had been exercising his powers for thirty-one years, he explained that he still understood very little about what he was doing. "Apparently," he said, "I am one of the few who can lay aside their own personalities sufficiently to allow their souls to make this attunement to a universal source of knowledge -- but I say this without any desire to brag about it. In fact I do not claim to possess anything that other individuals do not inherently possess.
Really and truly, I do not believe there is a single individual that does not possess this same ability I have. I am certain that all human beings have much greater powers than they are ever conscious of -- if they would only be willing to pay the price of detachment from self-interest that it takes to develop those abilities." Those who came into contact with Cayce were continually taken aback by the depth of medical knowledge he displayed during his sleep state. He would frequently recommend the use of drugs which were not generally known, not yet on the market, or which had long since passed out of use. Although he had a conscious knowledge only of the English language,

Cayce is also estimated to have spoken in some two dozen foreign tongues while in a trance. The unconscious Cayce believed there was a cure for every health problem, including cancer, in nature, providing that cure could be found in time. He seldom advocated operations, believing that surgery was much overworked. Cayce took a holistic approach to health. He believed that a man was composed of body, mind and spirit, and that all three are one. He talked about consciousness in the cells of the body, each contributing to the total consciousness of the individual. Health, he indicated, would flow from a perfect harmony of body and mind. In accordance with the concept that we are what we eat, think and believe, Cayce would often urge his patients to improve their mental and spiritual outlook in order to regain their health. His recommended treatments for patients included many forms of drugless healing, such as special baths, oils, heat, light, colonic irrigation, massage, diet and exercise.
The knowledge of anatomy displayed by the sleeping Cayce flabbergasted more than one physician. The first to use Cayce in his own work was Doctor Wesley Ketchum of Hopkinsville. Ketchum wrote of Cayce; "His psychological terms and description of the nervous anatomy would do credit to any professor of nervous anatomy. There is no faltering in his speech and all his statements are clear and concise. He handles the most complex jawbreakers with as much ease as any Boston physician, which to me is quite wonderful in view of the fact that while in his normal state he is an illiterate man, especially along the lines of medicine, surgery and pharmacy, of which he knows nothing... in six important cases which had been diagnosed as strictly surgical he stated that no such condition existed, and outlined treatment which was followed with gratifying results in every case." With Ketchum's persuasion, Cayce set up business in Hopkinsville as a psychic diagnostician, giving readings twice a day. Before long he was receiving sacks of mail every day from people anxious to avail themselves of his services. Cayce's prophetic powers often emerged during the readings he gave. In the main, his prophecies had little or nothing to do with the original request for a reading. Sometimes they were to do with financial matters, although Cayce's readings stressed repeatedly that they should not be used for personal gain.
Indeed Cayce found to his own cost early on in his career that if he did attempt to make money out of the information he received in his trances, he would suffer for it physically with headaches and stomach upsets. But other people were not so affected. Cayce gave advice to businessmen who were worried about the location of their holdings or the stability of their stocks and bonds. On occasion, he pointed to the location of oil wells, and correctly prophesied a real estate boom in the Norfolk-Newport area of the United States.Six months before the 1929 stockmarket crash he warned people to sell everything they owned. Many who had followed Cayce before failed to pay heed to his warning then, and lost all they had. The sleeping prophet, as Cayce has been nicknamed, predicted the beginning and end of both the First and Second World Wars, and the lifting of the Depression in 1933. In the 1920s, he first warned of coming racial strife in the United States,and in 1939 he predicted
>** and in 1939 he predicted the deaths of two presidents in office; "Ye are to have turmoils -- ye are to have strife between capital and labor. Ye are to have a division in thy own land, before ye have the second of the Presidents that next will not live through his office... a mob rule!" President Franklin D. Roosevelt died in office in April 1945. In November 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, when racial tensions in the United States were at their height."Unless there is more give and take,"Cayce said, "consideration for those who produce, with better division of the excess profits from labor, there must be greater turmoil in the land."
** In October 1935, Cayce spoke of the coming holocaust in Europe. The Austrians and Germans, he said, and later the Japanese, would take sides. "Thus an unseen force, gradually growing, must result in an almost direct opposition to the Nazi, or Aryan theme. This will gradually produce a growth of animosities. And unless there is interference by what many call supernatural forces and influences -- which are active in the affairs of nations and peoples -- the whole world as it were... will be set on fire by militaristic groups and people who are for power expansion." Two of Cayce's major predictions concerned the futures of China and the Soviet Union, the world's great Communist giants.
** In 1944, he prophesied that China would one day be "the cradle of Christianity as applied in the lives of men."Through Russia, he said "comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."Russia, he said, would be guided by friendship with the United States.Its attempt to rule "not only the economic, but the mental and spiritual life" of its people was doomed to failure.
** Cayce also predicted the possibility of a third world war.He spoke of strifes arising "near the Davis Straits," and "in Libya, and in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf." When asked in June 1943 whether it would be feasible to work towards an international currency or a stabilization of international exchange levels when the war had ended, Cayce replied that it would be a long, long time before this would happen. Indeed, he said, "there may be another war over just such conditions." Cayce believed in reincarnation. Each person, in his view, existed in a self-conscious form before birth and would exist again after death. As well as his health readings, Cayce gave many hundreds of so-called "life" readings, during which he would describe his subject's past lives. A number of those readings referred to past incarnations in the legendary lost land of Atlantis .** In all, Cayce referred to Atlantis no fewer than seven hundred times in his readings over a span of twenty years. He maintained that Atlantis had a civilization which was technologically superior to our own, and that its last surviving islands had disappeared in the area of the Caribbean some ten thousand years ago. His most specifically timed forecast was that Atlantis would rise again in 1968 or 1969. [Note: However, it was in that timeframe that the "Bimini Road" was located in the Atlantic Ocean. Whether this is a "road" or "natural, geologic erosion" is being hotly debated.] Cayce said the size of Atlantis was equal to "that of Europe, including Asia in Europe." He saw visions of a continent which had gone through three major periods of division; the first two about 15,600 BCE, when the mainland was divided into islands.
** The three main islands Cayce named Poseida, Og and Aryan.He said the Atlanteans had constructed giant laser-like crystals for power plants, and that these had been responsible for the second destruction of the land. Cayce blamed the final destruction on the disintegration of the Atlantean culture through greed and lust. But before the legendary land disappeared under the waves, Cayce believed there was an exodus of many Atlanteans through Egypt and further afield. Cayce attributed history's Great Flood in part to the sinking of the last huge remnants of Atlantis. But Cayce's most striking predictions -- particularly in view of many other prophecies relating to the approaching end of the millennium -- concern dramatic changes in the Earth's surface in the period of 1958 to 2008. The cause of these he put down to a tilting in the Earth's rotational axis which he said would begin in 1936.
**The first sign of this change in the Earth's core would be the "breaking up of some conditions" in the South Pacific and "sinking or rising" in the Mediterranean or Etna area.Cayce forecast that, by the begging of the next century, New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco would be destroyed. He said that "the greater portion of Japan must go into the sea" at this time, and that northern Europe would be "changed as in the twinkling of an eye." In 1941, Cayce predicted that lands would appear in the Atlantic and the Pacific in the coming years, and that "the coastline now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean. Even many of the battlefields of (1941) will be ocean, will be the sea, the bays, the lands over which the new order will carry on their trade as with one another."

"Watch New York, Connecticut and the like. Many portions of the east coast will be disturbed, as well as many portions of the west coast, as well as the central portion of the United States. *** Los Angeles, San Francisco, most of all these will be among those that will be destroyed before New York, or New York City itself, will in the main disappear.This will be another generation though, here; while the southern portions of Carolina, Georgia, these will disappear. This will be much sooner. The waters of the Great Lakes will empty into the Gulf of Mexico." Cayce prophesied that the Earth's axis would be shifted by the year 2012, bringing on reversals in climate, "so that where there has been a frigid or semi-tropical climate, there will be a more tropical one, and moss and fern will grow."By this time, he indicated, a new cycle would begin. Edgar Cayce's last reading on 17 September 1944, was for himself.He was now receiving thousands of requests for assistance. His own readings had repeatedly warned him that he should not try to undertake more than two sessions a day.But many of the letters he received were from mothers worried about ** he received were from mothers worried about their sons on the battlefields, and Cayce felt he could not refuse them his aid.His last reading told him that the time had come for him to stop working and rest.On New Year's Day, 1945, he announced that he would be buried on the fifth of January. He was right. Ten years earlier, Cayce had written a brief account of his work. In it, he said, "The life of a person endowed with such powers is not easy. For more than forty years now I have been giving readings to those who came seeking help. Thirty-five years ago the jeers, scorn and laughter were even louder than today. I have faced the laughter of ignorant crowds, the withering scorn of tabloid headlines, and the cold smirk of self-satisfied intellectuals. But I have also known the wordless happiness of little children who have been helped,the gratitude of fathers and mothers and friends..I believe that the attitude of the scientific world is gradually changing towards these subjects.

*** "Elogios tornam os bons melhores e os maus piores."( Thomas Fuller )" Podemos nos defender de um ataque, mas somos indefesos a um elogio." (Freud)Prefiro os que me criticam, porque me corrigem, aos que me elogiam, porque me corrompem."( Santo Agostinho )"Quando alguém te olhar dos pés à kbça, e rir, Lembre-se:- O melhor elogío para um gênio, é a risada de um idiota." (Yan Ay )" O elogio é como a luz do sol para o ardente espírito humano. Sem ele, não florescemos e não crescemos. "(Jess Lair)"O problema de ser pontual é que não há ninguém lá para elogiar vc."( Franklin P. Jones )"As pessoas podem ser persuadidas a engolir qualquer coisa, contanto que venha temperada de elogios."( Molière )" Fuja dos elogios, mas trate de merecê-los" (Fenelón)“Elogio:de uma certa espécie deles eu me rio.( Yan Ay )
Os Homens Ocos ( excerto ) THOMAS S. ELIOT"Entre a idéiaE a realidadeEntre o movimentoE a açãoTomba a Sombra**
Porque Teu é o ReinoEntre a concepçãoE a criaçãoEntre a emoçãoE a reaçãoTomba a SombraA vida é muito longaEntre o desejoE o espasmoEntre a potênciaE a existênciaEntre a essênciaE a descendênciaTomba a SombraPorque Teu é o ReinoPorque Teu éA vida éPorque Teu é oAssim expira o mundoAssim expira o mundoAssim expira o mundoNão com uma explosão, mas com um suspiro."
The date that interests is the beginning of the next 13- Baktun cycle,which occurs on December 21, 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar.A recent translation of a text from Tortuguero, a Classic Maya site north of Palenque, explicitly points to the date December 21, 2012.Translated by Mayan epigrapher David Stuart, the legible part of the text reads:“At the end of 13 Baktuns, on 4 Ahau 3 Kankin,; something occurs when Bolon Yokte descends.” The verb glyph describing what happens is effaced, so it is replaced with the word something, but the creation
*** but the creation lord Bolon Yokte is depicted, meaning that 2012 was thought of by the Maya as a creation or recreation of the world, possibly during a time of war, conflict, and dominance of the Underworld and the Lords of the Underworld.As we can see, the end of the Mayan Calendar is simply the end of the present World Age.Yan Ay Edgar Cayce predicted that the Great Lakes would empty into the Gulf of Mexico in the future and that ancient repositories would be discovered when people reached the appropriate level of consciousness.The three repositories mentioned are Egypt, the Bimini area, and the Yucatan. "The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America. When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea and those as apparent in the sinking or rising*** of that that's almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Etna area, then we many know it has begun." "If there are greater activities in Vesuvius or Pelee, then the southern coast of California and the areas between Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada, we may expect, within the three months following same, inundation by the earthquakes. But these are to be more in the Southern than the Northern Hemisphere.""There will be the upheavals in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanoes in the torrid areas, and there will be the shifting then of the poles -- so that where there has been those of a frigid or the semi-tropical will become the more tropical, and moss and fern will grow.
*** "As to conditions in the geography of the world, of the country -- changes here are gradually coming about. No wonder, then, that the entity feels the need, the necessity for change of central location. For, many portions of the east coast will be disturbed, as well as many portions of the west coast, as well as the central portion of the U.S. In the next few years land will appear in the Atlantic as well as in the Pacific.And what is the coast line now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean. Even many battle fields of the present will be ocean, will be the seas, the bays, the lands over which The New World Order will carry on their trade as one with another."Portions of the now east coast of New York, or New York City itself, will in the main disappear. This will be another generation, though, here; while the southern portions of Carolina, Georgia -- these will disappear.
This will be much sooner. The waters of the lakes will empty into the Gulf, rather than the waterway over which such discussions have been recently made.
It would be well if the waterway were prepared, but not for that purpose for which it is at present being considered. Then the area where the entity is now located (Virginia Beach) will be among the safety lands, as will be portions of what is now Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and much of the southern portion of Canada and the eastern portion of Canada; while the western land -- much of that is to be disturbed as, of course much in other lands." "Strifes will arise through the period. Watch for them near the Davis Strait in the attempts there for the keeping of the life line to land open. Watch for them in Libya and in Egypt, in Ankara and in Syria, through the straits about those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf."

... for changes are coming, this may be sure -- an evolution or revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The basis of it for the world will eventually come out of Russia. Not communism, no! But rather that which is the basis of the same as the Christ taught -- his kind of communism." On the Sphinx"It would be well if this entity were to seek either of the three phases of the ways and means in which those records of the activities of individuals were preserved -- the one in the Atlantean land, that sank, which will rise and is rising again; another in the place of the records that leadeth from the Sphinx to the hall of records, in the Egyptian land; and another in the Aryan or Yucatan land, where the temple there is overshadowing same. (2012-1; Sep 25, 1939)""...the entity joined with those who were active in putting the records in forms that were partially of the old characters of the ancient or early Egyptian, and part in the newer form of the Atlanteans.
These may be found, especially when the house or tomb of records is opened, in a few years from now. (2537-1; Jul 17, 1941)...[the entity] was among the first to set the records that are yet to be discovered or yet to be had of those activities in the Atlantean land, and for the preservation of data that is yet to be found from the chambers of the way between the Sphinx and the pyramid of records. (3575-2; Jan 20, 1944)"
"Q: Give in detail what the sealed room contains.A: A record of Atlantis from the beginning of those periods when the Spirit took form, or began the encasements in that land; and the developments of the peoples throughout their sojourn; together with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the land; with the record of the sojournings of the peoples and their varied activities in other lands, and a record of the meetings of all the nations or lands, for the activities in the destruction of Atlantis; and the building of the pyramid of initiation, together with whom, what, and where the opening of the records would come, that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis.For with the change, it [Atlantis] must rise again. In position, this lies -- as the sun rises from the waters -- as the line of the shadows (or light) falls between the paws of the Sphinx; that was set later as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the Sphinx's right paw until the time has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of man's experience. Then [it lies] between the Sphinx and the river. (378-16; Oct 29, 1933)
" In several of his readings, Cayce stated that the survivors of the lost continent of Atlantis had brought with them records relating to their earliest history. These, he said, were carefully buried in a secret chamber somewhere near to the Great Sphinx, which stands guard like a sentinel over the Pyramids of Giza. A second set of these records was taken, he said, by other survivors of the disaster to be buried somewhere in the Yucatan area of Mexico.He also said that a third set of records still resides in the heart of Atlantis itself. [ Source: Edgar Cayce on Atlantis by Edgar Evans Cayce ][ Many thanks to Vince for contributing the first section of this page. The following comes from the Australian "Armageddon: Doomsday in Our Lifetime?" ( Chapter 4 ) by Bob Leaman, originally published in 1986 by Greenhouse Publications. The book is no longer in print. ]
Edgar Cayce was born near Beverly, seven miles south of Hopkinsville, March 18, 1877. At an early age he gave evidence of his budding talent: he was able to master his school lessons by sleeping on his books. In early manhood he experienced a seemingly incurable loss of voice. When doctors were unable to find a cause for his condition, Cayce entered the same hypnotic sleep that had enabled him to learn his school lessons years before.
Through self diagnosis while under hypnosis, he prescribed simple treatment which ultimately restored his voice. It was soon discovered that he could do the same for others.From the first psychic reading given in Hopkinsville in 1901 until the last at Virginia Beach, Virginia, in 1944, Edgar Cayce gave 14,256 clairvoyant medical and life readings.
The first thirty-five years in the life of Edgar Cayce were spent in Kentucky, nearly seventeen passed in his native south Christian County, ten in Louisville and Bowling Green, and over eight in Hopkinsville, the county seat of Christian.It was there in the formative years of his life that this native son developed his remarkable psychic talents and embarked upon a lifetime of service to God and to mankind. The talented man returned to his homeland for many visits, but the years 1877 to 1912 marked the foundation for his courage and strength.
Today, "The Work," as he called it, is carried on by the Association for Research and Enlightenment, a non-profit open-membership organization with headquarters at Virginia Beach. Its basic purpose is to make practical use of the readings though dissemination of information by providing library facilities, lectures, seminars and publications.
Chronology of Life and Work of Edgar Cayce
The Formative Years 1877 – 1912
Compiled by William T. Turner
• 1817 - William Cayce, paternal great grandfather of Edgar Cayce, moved from Cumberland Co., Va., to Christian Co., Ky.
• 1828 - Charles Major, maternal great grandfather of Edgar Cayce, migrated from Culpeper co., Va., to Christian Co., Ky.
• 1877- Edgar Cayce born near Beverly, seven miles south of Hopkinsville, March 18.
• 1883 - Began formal education in a school house behind Liberty Christian Church.
• 1888 - Confessed faith in Christ and united with the Liberty Christian Church, October 13.
• 1889-93 - Attended Beverly Academy, located between Beverly store and Liberty Church.
• 1890 - Vision, followed by incident of spelling book clairvoyance.
• 1893 - Moved with family to Hopkinsville in December, occupied home at 705 West Seventh, southeast corner Seventh and Young Street.
• 1894 - 1898 - First job at Richards Dry Goods Store, then in Hopper's Bookstore both located on Main Street.
• 1897 - Became engaged to Gertrude Evans, March 14.
• 1898 - Moved to Louisville, Kentucky to work for J. P. Morton & Co., August 1.•
• 1899 - Home for Christmas and decided to remain in Hopkinsville. • ]
• 1900 - Formed business partnership with father L.B. Cayce to sell Woodmen of the World Insurance; severe illness in March; lost voice on April 18; went to Louisville June 8 to take a business course at Bryant & Stratton Business College; returned to Hopkinsville in the fall and began work in the photograph studio of W. R. Bowles at corner of Ninth and Virginia.
• 1901 - "Hart-The Laugh Man," a hypnotist, put Edgar Cayce to Sleep on the stage of Holland's Opera House and his voice returned - February 12, gave first psychic reading (physical), March 31; recovered voice. Began readings for patients of Al. C. Layne.
• 1902 - Frank H. Bassett Sr., obtained for him a photographer's position in Bowling Green with Lucian D. Potter's Bookstore in May; roomed in the Boarding House of Mrs. Hollins with Dr. Hugh C. Beazley; gave readings in the Dietrich case.
• 1903 - Married Gertrude Evans, June 17.

• 1904 - Formed photographic studio partnership with frank J. Potter, cousin of L. D. Potter, in July.
• 1905 - Dalton case, resulting from fall sustained by George Dalton at the construction site of new L & N Railroad Freight Office, May 31.
• 1906 Cayce Studio on College Street in Bowling Green conducted a $40,000 art exhibit of paintings, carbon prints, and water colors, opened in November; studio destroyed by fire December 23.
• 1907 - Son Hugh Lynn Cayce born March 16; State Street Studio burned in September.
• 1909 - Moved family back to Hopkinsville, August. Worked that fall in Gadsden, Alabama; home for Christmas; conducted first psychic reading to be held in the Dalton Building, corner of Virginia and Seventh, in December.
• 1910 - Worked for Russell Brothers, Photographers, Anniston, Alabama, January to July 4; then associated with H. P. Tressler, of Montgomery, Alabama, July to October; New York Times article appeared October 9; moved back to Hopkinsville and formed the Psychic Reading Corporation with Dr. Wesley Hl Ketchum, Albert D. Noe Sr., and L. B. Cayce; photographic studio opened on second floor of Thompson Building, Main Street between seventh and Eighth; gave readings daily for first time as "Psychic Diagnostician." Rented Mrs. Arnold's cottage at 1910 South Main Street.
• 1911 - Roswell Field, brother of Eugene Field, with Hearst's Chicago Examiner, came to Hopkinsville in February to write a feature article on Edgar Cayce for the paper; in March Edgar Cayce, L. B. Cayce and A. D. Noe Sr., made a ten day trip to Chicago to give readings for the paper; son Milton Porter Cayce born March 28 and died May 17; wife Gertrude suffered tuberculosis, much improved by first of year.
• 1912 - Investigation by Dr. Hugo Munsterberg, of Harvard University; broker partnership with Dr. Ketchum and A. D. Noe Sr., filed suit against them for $28,000 in Christian Circuit Court for breach of contract, (settled out of court in March 1913 )
• • family moved to Anniston, Alabama in March; then to Selma to open photographic studio.
• 1918 - Son Edgar Evans Cayce born February 9.
• 1923 - Gladys Davis secured as secretary September 10; Family moved to Dayton, Ohio in November.
• 1925 - Family settled in Virginia Beach, Virginia, September 16.
• 1927 - Association of national Investigators organized May 6.
• 1931 - Hospital closed February 28. A.R.E. organized June 6.
• 1942 - THERE IS A RIVER published in March.
• 1944 - Last psychic reading given September 17.

• 1945 - Death of Edgar Cayce January 3. - Death of Gertrude Evans Cayce April 1
.• [ Betty Sellers/Mt. Vernon, In. ]
**Nascido nos Estados Unidos em 18 de março de 1877, Edgar Cayce ,para mim Yan, é o mais famoso sensitivo já nascido neste país.
Quando criança, Cayce conversava com pessoas que ninguém mais via,
inclusive com seu falecido avô - que também possuía dons paranormais.
Quase todas as faculdades psíquicas de Edgar Cayce se manifestavam sob o estado de transe, quando ele entrava como que em um sono hipnótico, fato que lhe rendeu o título de o profeta adormecido.
Adulto, Edgar dedica-se à profissão de fotógrafo, mas resolve também prestar atendimento às pessoas doentes, em especial desenganados pela medicina,
serviço este que ofereceu gratuitamente durante uns 40 anos,atendendo neste período uma média de quatorze mil [ sim , MIL ! ] pessoas.
Precisava apenas saber nome e endereço da pessoa para poder medicá-la.
Edgar ficou conhecido também pelas milhares de mensagens que dava, que tratavam de medicina, moral, espiritualismo, interpretação de sonhos ** eprofecias.
Falecido em 5 de janeiro de 1945, deixou uma espantosa produção intelectual de 30 mil textos que foram taquigrafados por uma secretária que sempre o acompanhava em seus transes.
Os textos mais interessantes e que mais chamam a atenção são suas profecias referentes ao futuro da humanidade.
A seguir , eu Yan , darei com a minha tradução direta ,alguns trechos destes textos.ABSOLUTAMENTE NOTÁVEIS E REVELATÓRIOS
Em 1932, perguntaram quais seriam os acontecimentos mais importantes dos próximos 50 anos,e o genial Edgar Cayce respondeu:
“Em primeiro lugar virá a catástrofe causada por forças que agem sobre a Terra, partindo do Universo. ...
As forças provocarão uma mudança no equilíbrio da Terra no Universo, que, indiretamente será também atingido por isso. ...
Revoluções no interior da Terra. É uma mudança da própria Terra,porque o eixo se deslocará e os pólos ficarão em uma outra posição.”
** “A Terra se partirá na parte oeste da América.
Uma grande parte do Japão deverá afundar no mar.
A parte superior da Europa se transformará em um piscar de olhos.
Uma nova terra aparecerá e poderá ser vista da costa leste americana.
Movimentos se verificarão no Ártico e na Antártida
que provocarão erupções vulcânicas nas regiões tórridas
e, em seguida, um deslocamento dos pólos,
de maneira que as regiões frias, temperadas e semitropicais
se tornarão mais quentes, onde crescerão musgos e fetos. ... ”
“A Atlântida surgirá novamente.”
“Nos próximos anos, outras terras aparecerão no Atlântico e no Pacífico.
E o que agora é litoral de muita terra, será leito do oceano.
Inclusive, muitos campos de batalha presente
( PS : esta mensagem é de 1943 - Yan Ay ) serão oceano, serão mares, baías...
**Partes da atual costa leste de Nova York, ou a própria cidade de Nova York, desaparecerão em sua maioria, enquanto que as partes sulistas da Carolina e Geórgia desaparecerão inteiramente...
As águas dos lagos serão vertidas no Golfo. Virgínia Beach estará entre as terras seguras, assim como parte do Ohio, de Indiana e Illinois, bem como a maior parte do sul do Canadá e sua parte oriental.”
“A América do Sul será sacudida desde sua porção superior
até a final e,na Antártida, perto da Terra do Fogo, aparecerá terra,
com um estreito e correntes de água.”
** Partes da atual costa leste de Nova York, ou a própria cidade de Nova York, desaparecerão em sua maioria, enquanto que as partes sulistas da Carolina e Geórgia desaparecerão inteiramente...
As águas dos lagos serão vertidas no Golfo. Virgínia Beach estará entre as terras seguras, assim como parte do Ohio, de Indiana e Illinois, bem como a maior parte do sul do Canadá e sua parte oriental.”“A América do Sul será sacudida desde sua porção superior até a final e, na Antártida, perto da Terra do Fogo, aparecerá terra, com um estreito e correntes de água.
”Pouco antes de deixar esta extraordinária existência, e morrer fisicamente, Edgar Cayce teve uma visão – que me emociona profundamente , no âmago do meu Yan ser - do futuro, onde se achava dentro de um objeto metálico em forma elipsioidal, sobrevoando a América, no ano de 2100.
** Diz ele:“Chegamos a uma enorme cidade. As casas são quase todas totalmente de vidro. Eu perguntei pelo nome da cidade, eles disseram: ‘Esta é a nova Nova York. A antiga cidade foi destruída. Nós a reconstruímos’...
... a água cobria ainda uma grande parte de Alabama e que Norfolk e Virgínia eram imensos portos de mar. As indústrias estavam dispersas nos campos próximos, em vez de centralizadas nas cidades.
Um grande número de casas era construída de vidro.

”Sobre o panorama econômico e político do mundo no futuro, previu Edgar:
“A União Soviética tornar-se-á um dia o país mais religioso do mundo
.E a China tornar-se-á o alicerce da cristandade.”
“Nova compreensão tem vindo e virá para o povo castigado, em virtude do jugo, da opressão... outro extremo surgirá. Somente quando houver liberdade de expressão e o direito de culto ...
- Através da Rússia vem a esperança do mundo -
não a respeito do que é com frequência denomin**Ainda da Rússia vem novamente a esperança do mundo! Pelo que será ela guiada?
Pela fraternidade com a nação que fez cunhar em sua moeda ‘Confiamos em Deus’.”
“Haverá uma nova ordem social e também haverá uma nova ordem econômica... Não que tudo tenha que vir a ser possuído em comum, como nos regimes comunistas, mas deve ser constituída aquela unidade, aquela associação de idéias, de atividades, de influências por meio das experiências de todos...
Cada pessoa, por sua própria atividade, deve ter a oportunidade de expressão, de trabalho, de produção ... Todos devem entender que os que possuem mais devem dar mais ...”
INTERNALIZADO E P R A T I C A D O .A redenção da saga e do sonho humano .
**"Learn to live! Then there is no death, save the transition, when desired.
Eventually the scope of these impressive discourses, called Readings, expanded to include information and advice on a wide range of subjects including metaphysics, parapsychology, religion, meditation, dreams, reincarnation, psychic development, and prophecy of personal and world events.
Today Cayce is widely known through three major biographies:
"...in the doing for others there comes the answer to the problems for self, in everydirection." (Cayce Reading 2174-3)
While Cayce sometimes describes particular meditation techniques of sitting or chanting ("Arrr--eee-oommm" which is strikingly similar to popular Hindu mantra "Hari Om") the crucial element is that of opening up to divine influences.
The Search For God books say that "Through prayer we speak to God.
"In meditation, God speaks to us."
Cayce's concept of meditation has some aspects in common with Hinduism or Buddhism (the chakras, kundalini) but is most similar to Christian versions of New Thought. The symbolism of the Book of Revelation, he says, is based on meditative experiences.
**Edgar Cayce (pronounced "Kay-see") was a man who, over the span of his lifetime (1877-1945),had more near-death experiences than anyone ever documented.
Cayce learned that when he was hypnotized, he could leave his body and journey into the afterlife realms.
Cayce made over 14,000 otherworldly journeys in his life and the information he gained from these journeys has astounded people all over the world.
In 1910, the New York Times carried two pages of headlines and pictures in which he was declared the "World's Most Mysterious Man"
A national magazine ran an article titled, "Miracle Man of Virginia Beach", and Cayce was swamped with an avalanche of 25,000 requests for medical help.
President Woodrow Wilson sought the services of Edgar Cayce for healing and guidance while he was President and conceiving the idea of the League of Nations.
In 1954, the University of Chicago accepted a Ph.D. thesis based on a study of his life and work. Cayce is also
** considered to be the father of holistic medicine by JAMA, the prestigious medical journal.
Cayce was a wonder to the medical community
because of his ability to diagnose and specify a treatment for gravely ill people often hundreds of miles away through his out-of-body journeys.
Cayce was able to gain a tremendous amount of information through his frequent NDEs
.Much of this information solved some of the greatest mysteries of humanity. YAN AYRTON
WHAT SUCH AMAZING ACHIEVEMENT TO A L L MANKIND !!!!!Great Cayce our gratitude is endless ( Yan Ay )
** Edgar Cayce (March 18, 1877 – January 3, 1945) (pronounced /'keɪsiː/ or like 'Casey')was an American who claimed psychic abilities. He claimed an ability to channel answers to questions on subjects such as health, astrology, reincarnation, and Atlantis while in trance.
Although Cayce lived before the emergence of the New Age movement, he remains a major influence on its teachings.Cayce became an American celebrity towards the end of his life and the publicity given to his prophecy has overshadowed what to him were usually considered the more important parts of his work such as healing (the vast majority of his readings were given for people who were sick) and theology (Cayce being a lifelong, devout member of the Disciples of Christ).
Skeptics challenge Cayce's claim to psychic prowess, while conservative Christians also question his unorthodox answers on religious matters (such as reincarnation and akashic records). He may have been the source for the idea
** that California would fall into the ocean (though he never said exactly this).Today there are several tens of thousands of Cayce students. Most are located in the United States and Canada, but Edgar Cayce Centers are now found in 25 other countries. The Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE), headquartered in Virginia Beach, is the major organization promoting interest in Cayce
Edgar Cayce was born into a farming family on March 18, 1877 near Beverly, seven miles south of Hopkinsville, Kentucky. One convenient way to divide Cayce's life is according to geography:
1877 to 1920—the Kentucky period.
In December 1893 the family moved to Hopkinsville, Kentucky and occupied 705 West Seventh, on the south-east corner of Seventh and Young Street. During this time Cayce received an eighth-grade education; discovered his spiritual vocation; left the family farm to pursue various forms of employment (at Richard's Dry Goods Store, then in Hopper's Bookstore both
** located on Main Street).Cayce's education stopped with the eighth grade because his family could not afford the costs involved. It should be noted that at that time a great deal more advanced material (especially in mathematics and practical sciences) was often presented at an earlier level in public schools; an eighth-grade education might be the equivalent of high school today, at least in some subjects, and was often considered more than sufficient for working-class children. Much of the remainder of Cayce's life would be characterized by a forlorn search for employment and/or money.Throughout his life Cayce was drawn to church as a member of the Disciples of Christ. He read the Bible once for every year of his life, taught at Sunday school, recruited missionaries, and is said to have agonized over the issue of whether his psychic abilities--and the teachings which resulted--were spiritually legitimate.
** In 1900 he formed a business partnership with his father to sell Woodmen of the World Insurance but was struck by severe laryngitis in March that resulted in a complete loss of speech on April 18. Unable to work, he lived at home with his parents for almost a year. He then decided to take up the trade of photography, an occupation that would exert less strain on his voice. He began an apprenticeship at the photography studio of W. R. Bowles in Hopkinsville.A travelling stage hypnotist and entertainer called "Hart - The Laugh Man" was performing at the Hopkinsville Opera House in 1901.
He heard about Cayce's condition and offered to attempt a cure. Cayce accepted and the experiment took place on stage in front of an audience. Remarkably, Cayce's voice returned while in a hypnotic trance but disappeared on awakening. Hart tried a post-hypnotic suggestion that the voice would continue to function after the trance but this proved unsuccessful.Since Hart had appointments at other cities

Since Hart had appointments at other cities, he could not continue his hypnotic treatment of Cayce. However a local hypnotist, Al Layne, offered to help Cayce in restoring his voice. Layne suggested that Cayce describe the nature of his condition and cure while in a hypnotic trance. Cayce described his own ailment from a first person plural point of view ("we") instead of the singular ("I").
In subsequent readings he would generally start off with "We have the body."
According to the reading, his voice loss was due to psychological paralysis and could be corrected by increasing the blood flow to the voice box. Layne suggested that the blood flow be increased and Cayce's face became flushed with blood and his chest area turned bright red. After 20 minutes Cayce, still in trance, declared the treatment over. On awakening his voice remained normal. Relapses occurred but were corrected by Layne in the same way and eventually the cure was permanent.
Layne had read of similar hypnotic cures effected by the Marquis de Puységur, a follower of Franz Mesmer, and was keen to explore the limits of the healing knowledge of the trance voice. He asked Cayce to describe Layne's own ailments and suggest cures, and reportedly found the results both accurate and effective. Layne suggested that Cayce offer his trance healing to the public but Cayce was reluctant. He finally agreed on the condition that readings would be free.He began with Layne's help to offer free treatments to the townspeople. Reportedly he had great success and his fame spread.
Reports of Cayce's work appeared in the newspapers, inspiring many postal inquiries. Supposedly, Cayce was able to work just as effectively using a letter from the individual as with having the person present. Given the person's name and location, he could diagnose the physical and/or mental conditions and provide corrective remedy. Cayce's accuracy in diagnosing the problems and providing effective cures made him more popular and soon people from around the world sought his advice through correspondence.
Cayce's work grew in volume as his fame grew. He asked for voluntary donations to support himself and his family so that he could practice full time. He continued to work in an apparent trance state with a hypnotist all his life. His wife and eldest son later replaced Layne in this role. A secretary, Gladys Davis, recorded his readings in shorthand.The trance reading produced a visible strain on Cayce's health. He attributed the occasional failure in his accuracy to the stress involved in his work.
He was scrupulous in giving refunds to unsatisfied clients.
1920 to 1923—the Texas period
The growing fame of Cayce coupled with the popularity he received from newspapers attracted several eager commercially minded men who wanted to seek a fortune by using Cayce's clairvoyant abilities.Even though Cayce was reluctant to help them, he was persuaded to give the readings, which left him dissatisfied with himself and unsuccessful. A cotton merchant offered Cayce a hundred dollars a day for his readings about the daily outcomes in the cotton market. However, despite his poor finances, Cayce refused the merchant's offer. Others wanted to know where to hunt for treasures; some wanted to know the outcome of horse races. Several times he was persuaded to give the readings as an experiment. However he was unsuccessful several times when he used his ability for such purposes. These experiments left him depleted of energy, distraught and unsatisfied with himself.Finally he came to the conclusion that he would use his gift only to help the distressed and sick.He was persuaded to give readings on philosophical subjects in 1923 by Arthur Lammers, a wealthy printer. While in his supposed trance state, Cayce spoke unequivocally of past lives. Reincarnation was a popular subject of the day, but is not an accepted part of Christian doctrine. Cayce reported that his conscience bothered him severely over this conflict. Lammers reassured and argued with Cayce. His "trance voice", the "we" of the readings, also supposedly dialogued with Cayce and finally persuaded him to continue with these kinds of readings. In 1925 Cayce reported his "voice" had instructed him to move to Virginia Beach, Virginia.1925 to 1945—the Virginia Beach periodCayce's mature period, in which he created the several institutions which would survive him in some form. By this time he was a professional psychic with a small staff of employees and volunteers. The "readings" increasingly came to involve occultic or esoteric themes.In 1929 the Cayce hospital was established in Virginia Beach sponsored by a wealthy recipient of the trance readings, Morton Blumenthal.Cayce gained national prominence in 1943 through a high profile article in Coronet. Feeling he couldn't refuse people who felt they needed his help so desperately, he increased the frequency of his readings to 8 per day to try and make an impression on the ever growing pile of requests. Eventually this took a toll on his health, as he said that it was emotionally draining and often fatigued him. The readings themselves scolded him for attempting too much and warned Cayce that more than 2 readings a day would start breaking down his physical health and would result in his death.Unfortunately when he finally stopped in order to recuperate his failing strength, it was too late.Edgar Cayce suffered a stroke on January 2nd, 1945. He died a day later on January 3rd.Claimed psychic abilitiesEdgar Cayce has variously been referred to as a "prophet" (cf. Jess Stearn's book, The Sleeping Prophet), a "mystic", a "seer", and a "clairvoyant".Cayce's business card described him as a "psychic diagnostician".Cayce's methods involved lying down and entering into what appeared to be a trance or sleep state, usually at the requestof a subject who was seeking help with health or other personal problems (subjects were not usually present). The subject's questions would then be given to Cayce, and Cayce would proceed with a reading. At first these readings dealt primarily with the physical health of the individual (physical readings); later readings on past lives, business advice, dream interpretation, and mental or spiritual health were also given.Cayce gave an estimated 22,000 readings during a period of 43 years (1901 to 1944); however, until September 1923, they were not systematically preserved.
Accordingly, only about 14,000 Cayce readings are currently available. When out of the trance he entered to perform a reading, Cayce claimed generally not to remember what he had said during the reading. The unconscious mind, according to Cayce, has access to information which the conscious mind does not — a common theory about hypnosis in Cayce's time. After Gladys Davis became Cayce's secretary on September 10, 1923, all readings were preserved and his wife Gertrude Evans Cayce generally conducted (guided) the readings.Cayce said that his trance statements should be taken into account only to the extent that they led to a better life for the recipient: "Does it make one a better husband, a better businessman, a better neighbor, a better artist, a better churchman? If so, cleave to it; if not, reject it."Moreover, he invited his audience to test his suggestions rather than accept them on faith.Other abilities that have been attributed to Cayce include astral projection, prophesying, mediumship (communication with the dead), viewing the Akashic Records or "Book of Life", and seeing auras. Cayce became interested in learning more about these subjects after he was informed about the content of his readings, which he reported that he never actually heard himself.[5]Major themesThe choice of which elements of the Cayce corpus to emphasize is fraught with hermeneutic hazards. The health readings are most numerous, and they involve many alternative health concepts and practices.Cayce described his work in terms of Christian service. Finally, people with esoteric interests have focused on a somewhat different set of topics.Origin and destiny of humanity. "All souls were created in the beginning, and are finding their way back to whence they came." [Reading 3744-5] The Cayce readings suggest that human souls were created with a consciousness of their oneness with God. Some "fell" from this state; others —led by the Jesus soul— volunteered to save them. The earth, with all its limitations, was created as a suitable arena for spiritual growth. Reincarnation. Cayce's work teaches the reality of reincarnation and karma, but as instruments of a loving God rather than blind natural laws. Its purpose is to teach us certain spiritual lessons. Animals have undifferentiated, "group" souls rather than individuality and consciousness. Humans have never been incarnated as animals. He describes a very complex design arranged between souls and God to "meet the needs of existing conditions", which was a reference to the souls who became entrapped in the Earth's physical materiality which was not intended for a habitat of the soul. Spirit "thought-forms" stayed near and guided the anthropoid ape which was chosen to be the most ideal vehicle for the human physical race to be created from, and psychically guided their separate evolution into a Homo sapiens species. Cayce's view arguably incorporates Theosophical teachings on spiritual evolution.Astrology. Cayce accepts astrology on the basis that our souls spend time on other planets (or perhaps their spiritual counterparts) in between incarnations. The position of the planets at our >>*
birth records these influences. Universal laws. Souls incarnated on the earth are subject to certain spiritual laws such as, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap" (karma) or "As ye judge (others), so shall ye be judged." Properly regarded, such laws represent an aspect of God's mercy whereby no matter what our circumstances, He has promised to guide us in our spiritual path.Jesus and Christ. Following New Thought precedent, Cayce distinguishes between Jesus and Christhood. Briefly, Jesus was a soul like us, who reincarnated through many lifetimes (and made many mistakes). "Christhood" is something which he achieved, and to which we also ought to aspire. Cayce accordingly calls Jesus our "elder brother."Unknown Life of Jesus. Cayce presented narratives of Jesus' previous incarnations, including a mysterious Atlantean figure called "Amilius" as well as the more familiar biblical figures of Adam, Enoch, Melchizedek, Joshua, Asaph, and Jeshua. Cayce describes Jesus as** an Essene who traveled to India in his youth in order to study Eastern religions.Ideals. Cayce repeatedly stresses the choice of an ideal as the foundation of the spiritual path. "And O that all would realize... that what we are... is the result of what we have done about the ideals we have set" (1549-1).
We may choose any ideal we feel drawn to. As we attempt to apply it in our lives, God will guide us further, perhaps inspiring us to revise our choice of ideal.The highest ideal, says Cayce, is Christ; however, the readings recognize "the Christ spirit" in some form as the basis for religions other than Christianity. Body, Mind, Spirit. Cayce often invokes these three terms, or their equivalents, to describe the human condition. "Spirit is the life. Mind is the builder. Physical is the result." (conflation of various readings). The concept has application not only to holistic health but also to the spiritual life.Meditation. While Cayce sometimes **describes particular meditation techniques of sitting or chanting ("Arrr--eee-oommm" which is strikingly similar to popular Hindu mantra "Hari Om") the crucial element is that of opening up to divine influences. The Search For God books say that "Through prayer we speak to God. In meditation, God speaks to us."Cayce's concept of meditation has some aspects in common with Hinduism or Buddhism (the chakras, kundalini) but is most similar to Christian versions of New Thought.The symbolism of the Book of Revelation, he says, is based on meditative experiences. ESP. Cayce accepted psychic experiences and ESP as a natural by-product of soul growth. God may speak to us through dreams (many readings consist of dream interpretation), or through intuitions similar to the pangs of conscience. However, Cayce does not endorse Spiritualism or mediumship on the grounds that entities thus contacted are not necessarily particularly lofty. Instead, he encourages seekers
** to focus on Christ. Atlantis. The Cayce readings affirm the existence of Atlantis, a vast continent with an advanced technology whose refugees peopled ancient Egypt as well as pre-Columbian America. Cayce's description of Atlantis has much in common with that of Ignatius L. Donnelly.According to Cayce, Atlantean society was divided into two long-lived political factions--a "good" faction called the "Sons of the Law of One," and an "evil" faction called the "Sons of Belial."Many people alive today are the reincarnations of Atlantean souls, who must now face similar temptations as before. In this regard Cayce also predicted the coming of a certain 'blue stone' of Atlantean origin, that was to be found on "an island in the Caribbean" and was to have the power to heal.In 1974 a Volcanic blue pectolite now known as the Larimar was found in the Dominican Republic. In occult circles this colored gemstone is said to have healing powers; as with most crystals** and gemstones, there is no scientific evidence that it has any special properties. Atlantis suffered 3 major destructions one of which was the deluge. According to the readings, a major source of turmoil was the Sons of Belial's desire to exploit the Things, sub-humans with animal appendages and low intelligence, and the movements to protect and evolve them by the Sons of the Law of One. The final destruction was the overcharging of the Crystal which caused a massive explosion.Egypt. Next to biblical times, the most significant era for the "life readings" was a pre-dynastic Egyptian civilization consisting of Atlantean refugees. Cayce purported to have been an Egyptian priest named "Ra Ta" who built a spiritually-based healing center (the "Temple of Sacrifice") and educational institution (the "Temple Beautiful"). His diagnostic readings and narratives about the past and future were supposed to be a continuation of his ancient work. This civilization** also built monuments on the Giza plateau, including the Great Pyramid, and left records of Atlantis in a "hall of records" located somewhere beneath the Sphinx. These readings bear a close resemblance to books by AMORC founder H. Spencer Lewis. Earth changes. Some Cayce readings allude to massive earth changes—perhaps in conjunction with a pole shift—in the 1930s, 1960s, or 1990s. Cayce people have developed several creative ways of interpreting such passages, or the Second Coming of Christ.Although he didn't actually state these would happen at this specific time, the period was referred to as a pivotal point that could see the beginning of many of these prophecies.Cayce however, stressed repeatedly that free will influenced all facets of what will become reality and even something predestined to happen can be postponed or altered. "Cayce cures." Cayce's medical readings typically prescribe poultices (often of castor oil), osteopathic adjustments,**colonic irrigation, massage (often with peanut oil), prayer, folk remedies (e.g. charcoal tablets), various forms of electric medicine and patent medicines (such as Atomidine), and specific recommendations concerning diet and exercise. Cayce is often seen as a practitioner of holistic medicine, and has particularly strong philosophical ties with naturopathy. The "Cayce diet". Major dietary recommendations include the avoidance of red meat (esp. pork), alcohol (except red wine), white bread, and fried foods; a preference for fruits and (above-ground, leafy) vegetables over starches; and a high ratio (80:20%)of alkaline foods over acidic. One meal per day should consist entirely of raw vegetables. Under strict circumstances, Cayce advocated both coffee and pure tobacco cigarettes to be non-harmful to health. “Food Combining” was also a central idea in the Cayce diet. Several food combinations that are contraindicated are coffee with milk or sugar, citrus fruit with ** starchy foods and high protein foods with starches. Cayce followed very few of the dietary recommendations that were suggested by the readings.Sources of Cayce's beliefsHopper's Bookstore in Hopkinsville where Cayce worked for many years as a young man specialized in occult and osteopathic works and he may have consciously or otherwise absorbed much of this material.However, knowledge of this material cannot account for most of Cayce's specific diagnoses, such as directing that osteopathic adjustments be given to a developmentally-delayed and seizure-ridden child named Aime Dietrich. She was restored to normal health by Cayce-directed treatments after conventional doctors had pronounced her case hopeless.Books such as Frederick Oliver's Atlantean fantasy A Dweller on Two Planets and Marie Corelli's novels were probably accessible to Cayce at his bookstore. Corelli's writings in particular seek to reconcile mystical beliefs such as reincarnation with **Christianity, and Cayce may have been subconsciously trying to accept this idea.Some books of this type refer to Jesus as "elder brother".However, Cayce's life readings show remarkable consistency over many years.In fact, it has not been demonstrated that Cayce ever was inconsistent in his chronology. (For example, telling a woman whose reading was done in the 1920s that in a lifetime in ancient Persia she was one of three sisters of a warrior; then telling a man whose reading was done in the 1940s that he was that warrior and had two sisters.)Regardless of the accuracy of the information Cayce provided, those who accept that Cayce was unconscious during his "trance" state generally agree that Cayce was not likely to have been an intentional fraud.Gina Cerminara published books such as Many Mansions, The World Within and Many Lives, Many Masters which provide compendious information about Cayce's works and buttress his claimed abilities with real life: examples. **One such example from Gina Cerminara's works:[6]"Cayce once gave a reading on a blind man, a musician by profession, who regained part ot his vision in one eye through following the physical suggestions given by Cayce.This man happened to have a passion for railroads and a tremendous interest in the Civil War. In the life reading which Cayce gave, he said that the man had been a soldier in the South, in the army of Lee, and that he had been a railroad man by profession in that incarnation. Then he proceeded to tell him that his name in that life was Barnett Seay, and that the records of Seay could still be found in the state of Virginia. The man took the trouble to hunt for the records -- and found them, in the state capitol at Richmond: that is to say he found the record of one Barnett Seay, standard-bearer in Lee's army who had entered and been discharged from the service in such and such a year." Mention in The Law of One** Book 1, a collection of word-for-word question and answer sessions which purport to channel a "social memory complex" known to us as "Ra," the following exchange takes place:QUESTIONER: Who spoke through Edgar Cayce?RA: I am Ra. No entity spoke through Edgar Cayce.QUESTIONER: Where did the information come from that Edgar Cayce channeled?RA: I am Ra. We have explained before that the intelligent infinity is brought into intelligent energy from eighth density or octave. The one sound vibratory complex called Edgar used this gateway to view the present, which is not the continuum you experience but the potential social memory complex of this planetary sphere. The term your peoples have used for this is the "Akashic Record" or the "Hall of Records".[7]

O Excepcional Edgar Cayce
A história, que hoje está na literatura científica, conta como o americano Edgar Cayce descobriu sua fantástica capacidade "mental". Embora tenha morrido em **5 janeiro de 1945, ainda hoje médicos e psicólogos se ocupam da avaliação de suas ações. Edgar adoeceu gravemente quando ainda era menino. Convulsões e febre alta lhe consumiram até chegar ao coma. Enquanto os médicos tentavam em vão fazer a criança voltar à lucidez, Edgar, repentinamente, começou a falar, alta e nitidamente: explicou porque estava doente, indicou alguns medicamentos dos quais necessitava e disse quais os ingredientes de uma pomada com a qual deveria ser tratado, mediante fricções em sua coluna dorsal. Médicos e parentes ficaram perplexos, pois não podiam imaginar de onde vinham ao garoto esse conhecimento e os vocábulos científicos. Uma vez que o caso parecia sem esperança, executaram suas indicações e a cura procedeu-se clara e rapidamente. A ocorrência divulgou-se por todo o estado do Kentucky. Como Edgar havia falado em estado de coma, muitas propostas surgiram no sentido de hipnotizá-lo para tentar obter conselhos para novas curas. Edgar recusou. ** Só quando adoeceu um amigo ele ditou uma receita precisa, usando palavras latinas que jamais conhecera. Uma semana mais tarde o amigo estava restabelecido. A austera American Medical Association concedeu a Caye uma licença especial para dar consultas, embora .A austera American Medical Association concedeu a Caye uma licença especial para dar consultas, embora não fosse médico. Certa vez "prescreveu" a um paciente muito rico, certo medicamento que não foi possível descobrir em parte alguma. O homem colocou anúncios em jornais de grande circulação, inclusive no exterior. De Paris(!), um jovem médico escreveu que seu pai havia, anos atrás, preparado este medicamento, cuja produção, no entanto, há muito encerrara. A composição era idêntica às indicações de Edgar. Em outra receita mencionou o endereço de certo laboratório de uma cidade distante. Em uma busca telefônica receberam a informação de que o medicamento já estava sendo preparado, que a fórmula estava pronta apenas
**buscavam um nome para o produto que, no entanto, ainda não se achava à venda.Edgar declarou crer que podia entrar em contato com qualquer cérebro e lhe extrair as informações que precisava para o diagnóstico. Ele pedia informações ao cérebro do paciente, que sabia exatamente que sabia exatamente o que estava acontecendo em seu corpo. Depois, procurava, em qualquer lugar do mundo, o cérebro que pudesse lhe dizer o que deveria ser feito.
CAYCE, Edgar. The Sleeping Prophet . Hardcover / Published 1997.
CAYCE, Edgar, A.Robert Smith (Editor). As Memórias Perdidas de Edgar Cayce. Paperback / Published 1997.

The Cayce readings reveal that this new era will be accompanied by physical changes to the planet, changes to the human body – and by the emergence of a new consciousness for humanity.
Cayce describes this “new consciousness” as a radical shift in humanity’s values, perception, and priorities. Understanding these inner changes ** provides a powerful context for understanding all the prophecies – by Cayce and others – of the dramatic physical changes that are prophesied for our future.A powerful and electrifying experienceTogether with three of the most renowned authors and speakers on prophecy, unravel the deepest mysteries of ancient history and the evolution of human consciousness.
You will learn about:The ancient Egyptian and biblical propheciesThe prophecies of Nostradamus, Malachi, Mary, and Edgar Cayce
The prophetic Mayan calendar that functions as a metaphysical map of the evolution of consciousness, records how spiritual time flows, and provides a new science of timeArcheological discoveries about ancient civilizations that are radically altering our sense of human historyThe documented miracles that suggest that the “second coming” has already begunThe timing and details of the changes to the planet and weather patterns

^ Many Lives, Many Loves, Chapter 2 - Clear Seeing People 2.
^ Elkins, Rueckert, McCarty: The Ra Material: An Ancient Astronaut Speaks, p. 141. The Donning Company, 1984.
Bro, Harmon Hartzell, Edgar Cayce: A seer out of season, Aquarian Press, London, 1990, ISBN 1-85538-408-6
• Campbell, Dan, Edgar Cayce: On the Power of Color, Stones, and Crystals, Warner Books Inc., New York, NY, 1989.
• Cayce, Edgar, Auras: An Essay On The Meaning of Colors, A.R.E. Press, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 1945 [1973], ISBN 0-87604-012-1
• Cayce, Edgar Evans. Edgar Cayce on Atlantis. New York: Hawthorn, 1968, ISBN 0-312-96153-7
• Cerminara, Gina. Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation. orig. 1950; Signet Book, Reissue edition 1990, ISBN 0-451-16817-8
• Kirkpatrick, Sidney D. An American Prophet. Riverhead Books, 2000, ISBN 1-57322-139-2
• Kittler, Glenn D. Edgar Cayce on the Dead Sea Scrolls. Warner Books, 1970, ISBN 0-446-90035-4
• Stern, Jess. "The Sleeping Prophet". Bantam Books, 1967, ISBN 0-553-26085-5 Sugrue, Thomas. There Is a River. A.R.E. Press, 1997, ISBN 0-87604-375-9
www.ofspiritandsoul.com/profiles.html great analisys
The prophecies of Nostradamus, Malachi, Mary, and Edgar Cayce
The prophetic Mayan calendar that functions as a metaphysical map of the evolution of consciousness, records how spiritual time flows, and provides a new science of timeArcheological discoveries about ancient civilizations that are radically altering our sense of human historyThe documented miracles that suggest that the “second coming” has already begunThe timing and details of the changes to the planet and weather patternsThe new body type and new consciousness that are evolving and whyEffective methods for preparing for and living through these dramatic changes, and how you can participate as a co-creator of this new age A message of hope and possibilityUltimately, this rich and fascinating body of ancient and modern prophecies offers a message of hope and possibility. These prophecies outline an inspiring vision of a purposeful world – and offer a blueprint for a new way of living that will create a revitalized and transformed planetary culture
Edgar Cayce's7 Prophecies that Came True
1. Cayce Foreseesthe Stock Market Crash of 1929Edgar Cayce gave many readings on world affairs. The famous one below paints a picture of the impending stock market crash of 1929, months before it occurred. ”These were given as to how the changes and how breaks. At the same time there was given that there was a division in the money conditions and positions.That fight has hardly begun. When this is an issue we may expect a CONSIDERABLE break and bear market, see? This issue being between those of the reserves of nations and of INDIVIDUALS, and will cause - unless another of the more STABLE banking conditions come to the relief - a great disturbance in financial circles. This warning has been given, see? Mind these are all in the position of being an influence in market conditions, and may turn EITHER way, as the conditions come.” Edgar Cayce Reading 900-425 -- March 6, 1929
2. The 2004 Tsunami in the Indian Ocean Perhaps the most amazing example of Cayce's predictive abilities was his predict of the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean. This event occurred on December 26, 2004, but Cayce saw it in April of 1941: “Watch for strife in ... the Indian Ocean.... Ye say that these are of the sea; yes, for there shall the breaking up be.” Edgar Cayce Reading, 3976-26 -- April 28, 1941.3. The Shifting of the Earth's Poles Has Begun, as predictedby Cayce in 1936NOVA, the PBS television program from WGBH in Boston, reported startling discoveries about our planet’s electromagnetic poles and fields. The program was titled “Magnetic Storm” and was written and produced by David Sington.The reason this is of interest to us is that Edgar Cayce predicted that the beginning of the New Age would coincide with a pole shift.
In this NOVA show, scientists explained: “2,000 miles beneath our feet is the Earth’s molten core. Here a vast ocean of liquid iron generates an invisible force, the Earth’s magnetic field. It’s what makes our compasses point north. But it does a lot more: it helps to keep the Earth a living planet.Our neighbors, Venus and Mars, have only weak magnetic fields, which means they’re unprotected from the deadly radiation sweeping through the solar system.
The Earth, on the other hand, exists within a vast magnetic cocoon, a force-field that for billions of years has sheltered us on our journey through space.”But now scientists have made a startling discovery: it seems there’s a storm brewing deep within the Earth, a storm that is weakening our vital magnetic shield. Peter Olson at Johns Hopkins University explained that “the Earth’s magnetic field has been our protector for millennia, and now, it appears, it’s about to go away.”
John Shaw of the University of Liverpool explains: “Pottery acts just like a magnetic tape recorder. It records the Earth's magnetic field when the pottery is first made.” The intense heat in the kiln erases all the magnetic regions. But as the pot begins to cool, new magnetic regions form in the magnetite. And as the regions reform, they align with the Earth's magnetic field, just like compass needles. With millions of tiny magnets all pointing in the same general direction, the pot itself becomes slightly magneticOnce it has cooled, the magnetism is locked in.
“So if we take an ancient pot, when it cooled for the first time, it cooled in the Earth’s ancient magnetic field and it became magnetized in that field.And of course, if the field’s very strong, then the pot’s strongly magnetized, and if the field’s very weak, then the pot’s weakly magnetized,” Shaw explained. By examining pottery from prehistory to modern times, Shaw has discovered just how dramatically the field has changed in the last few centuries.“When we plot the results from the ceramics, this is what we see: gentle changes as we come forward in time over twelve thousand years – a gentle rise – and then a rapid fall, as we come towards the present day.The rate of change is higher over the last three hundred years than it has been for any time in the past five thousand. It’s going from a strong field down to a weak field, and it's doing it very quickly.” In three hundred years the field has fallen 10 percent. And the rate of decline is increasing. In just a few centuries it could be gone altogether.In reading 826-1, Cayce indicated that the pole shift would become apparent in 2000 to 2001.
The NOVA show revealed that the shift has indeed begun in the South Atlantic Ocean region, between Africa and South America.Here the north-south polarity is fluctuating back and forth, weakening the shield against solar radiation.During the pole shift process, the planet’s electromagnetic shield will no longer channel the solar winds to our current poles, where few people live.The Northern and Southern lights are a result of radiation moving to the poles. Since radiation causes many problems, the weakening of the shield is a concern. A weak magnetic shield also means that the Northern and Southern lights will be seen all around the planet, even along the equator. It may be a beautiful, wondrous, visionary time for Earth but not a healthy time for many of its inhabitants.
“Question: What great change or the beginning of what change, if any, is to take place in the earth in the year 2,000 to 2,001 A.D.? Answer: When there is a shifting of the poles;or a new cycle begins.” Edgar Cayce Reading 826-8 – August 11, 19364. The following reading, given in 1929, is an interesting one on the convergence of large communications companies.These mergers did indeed occur. Also, Cayce’s description of how varied channels of communications working in a more cooperative and structured manner has come to pass.(Q) Will the consolidations take place of the Communications company as given in 1928, American Tel & Tel - Int. Tel & Tel? – [See 257-30, Par. 17-A, 18-A on 8/24/28.] (A) These combinations in communicative forces, as has been give WILL take place. As to when, and how, consider the conditions as prevent such a coalition at this time.Not only are there some of the laws as concerning same to be changed, but many of the larger holdings are to be won over by death even. In these changes, then, these are to be a GRADUAL change, and will come about much in the same way and manner as the various Express companies came under the direct correlation physically in one form. Not that wars alone are to produce same, but the RUMORS of many of same, making the necessity OF communications in the varied fields to come under one supervision, will make physical coalition. As to when, in time - it may be years, but all of the varied channels of communication will work one with another, and thus the varied commodities in their various divisions - as has been given - will offer an opportunity of investments as for holdings;and as for speculative interest - both those of the air and of physical contact, meaning those of Telegraph, Telephone, as well as Radio or Radial Operative Forces - including International American, Western Union, Westinghouse, and Radio. [GD's note: This prophecy was fulfilled. See 416-7 Reports.] Edgar Cayce Reading 257-36 -- April 7, 19295. There Was a Community of People Called the Essenes –and Cayce Described Them in Details Year’s before the
** Discover of the Dead Sea Scrolls (1947 – 1956)The first of the The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947- texts attributed to a then little known sect called the Essenes.Cayce mentioned the Essenes in 171 different readings years before the first of the scrolls were unearthed.
Here are a few excerpts.“Before this we find the entity was during those periods when there was much turmoil in the land of Judea, when there was the announcing of the prophet, of the new teacher, and all Judea had gone out to John.The entity then was among those that had been of the students of the Essenes, and in direct connection with many that had been prophesying, had been searching the records of or for the coming of the new light to those that had been hemmed in by tradition and by the acts of peoples in a political and religious purpose in the land.” **: Edgar Cayce Reading 489-1 –January 17, 1934Another“In that experience we find the entity was a soul seeking through those associations and activities that brought the entity into the environ of the Grecian-Syrophenician surroundings; and in the activity in Palestine grew into womanhood there as one - that would be termed in the present - in the household of the counsellor of those that traded with the peoples in that land.With the advent of the Roman rule, the activities of such people became much more important; for there was the necessity of keeping a balance with both the Jew, the Greek and the Roman.When the ministry of the forerunner began, that of itself brought into the association of the entity many of those that were in that particular sect of peoples to whom the entity then was joined - the Essenes . . .It then became a refuge or hospital for those that might become the teachers, the ministers, for the activities of the Essenes or teachers of which **the Master was a member during the sojourn in Palestine.” Edgar Cayce Readings 489-3 – May 24, 1934And finally,“In giving the biographical life of the entity Josie, much of those activities might be indicated that brought about those later relationships with Mary, the mother of Jesus.As has been outlined from here, there were those special groups of individuals who had made some preparations for the expected activities that were to come about during that particular period; especially those of the Essenes who had chosen the twelve maidens to indicate their fitness. This choice was to be made by those selections indicated by the spirit, and Josie was the daughter of Shem and Mephibosheth that was among these.This entity, Josie, was close to Mary when the selection was indicated by the shadow or the angel on the stair, at that period of consecration in the temple. This was not the temple in Jerusalem, but the temple where those who were consecrated **worshiped, or a school - as it might be termed - for those who might be channels.This was a part of that group of Essenes who, headed by Judy, made those interpretations of those activities from the Egyptian experience, - as the Temple Beautiful, and the service in the Temple of Sacrifice. Hence it was in this consecrated place where this selection took place. Edgar Cayce Reading 1010-17 –June 21, 19426. Blood as Diagnosis Tool “Cayce’s prophetic gift was exhibited in many ways, including an ability to foresee developments in the field of medicine.“
(Q) Does the blood still show traces or effects of my bodily condition?Read more about Edgar Cayce'sLife, Work, and Philosophy Click Here(A)This is bettered, though there are still EVIDENCES of same in blood. For, as is seen, there is no condition existent in a body that the reflection of same may not be traced in the blood supply, for not only does the blood stream carry the** rebuilding forces to the body, it also takes the used forces and eliminates same through their proper channels in the various portions of the system. Hence we find red blood, white blood and lymph all carried in the veins.These are only separated by the very small portions that act as builders, strainers, destroyers, or resuscitating portions of the system - see? Hence there is ever seen in the blood stream the reflections or evidences of that condition being carried on in the physical body.The day may yet arrive when one may take a drop of blood and diagnose the condition of any physical body. Edgar Cayce Reading 283-2 -- November 10, 1927
. La Niña and El NiñoAmazingly, on May 28, 1926, Edgar Cayce made a connection between temperature changes in deep ocean currents and weather changes in reading 195-29: "As the heat or cold in the various parts of the earth is radiated off, and correlated with reflection in the earth's atmosphere, **, this in its action changes the currents or streams in the ocean...."
This reading was concerning the future of wheat crops and weather patterns, and Cayce's comments may be his version of what we've all come to know today as La Niña and El Niño. These are weather patterns that are a result of temperature changes in the deep currents of Earth's oceans.These changes in the temperature of ocean currents have had dramatic effects on our weather, Cayce foresaw.

Who was Edgar Cayce - Twentieth Century Psychic and Medical Clairvoyant-
For forty-three years of his adult life, Edgar Cayce demonstrated the uncanny ability to put himself into some kind of self-induced sleep state by lying down on a couch, closing his eyes, and folding his hands over his stomach.
This state of relaxation and meditation enabled him to place his mind in contact with all time and space. From this state he could respond to questions as diverse as ** "What are the secrets of the universe?" to "How can I remove a wart?"
His responses to these questions came to be called "readings" and contain insights so valuable that even to this day individuals have found practical help for everything from maintaining a well-balanced diet and improving human relationships to overcoming life-threatening illnesses and experiencing a closer walk with God.
Although Cayce died more than sixty years ago, the timeliness of the material in the readings is evidenced by approximately one dozen biographies and more than 300 titles that discuss various aspects of this man's life and work. These books contain a corpus of information so valuable that even Edgar Cayce himself might have hesitated to predict their impact on the contemporary world. Sixty years ago who could have known that terms such as "meditation," "Akashic records," "spiritual growth," "auras," "soul mates," and "holism" would have become household words to millions?** Further details of Cayce's life and work are explored in the classic book There is a River (1942) by Thomas Sugrue.The majority of Edgar Cayce's readings deal with health maintenance and the treatment of illness. Even to this day individuals have found physical help from information given as long as 100 years ago! Yet, although best known for this material, the sleeping Cayce did not seem to be limited to concerns about the physical body. In fact, in their entirety the readings discuss an astonishing number of 10,000 different subjects. Even this vast array of subject matter, however, can be narrowed down into a much smaller range of topics. When compiled together, the majority contain and deal with the following five categories: (1) Health-Related Information; (2) Philosophy and Reincarnation; (3) Dreams and Dream Interpretation; (4) ESP and Psychic Phenomena; and (5) Spiritual Growth, Meditation, and Prayer.**
O AMOR E A SAUDADE.Um dia o AMOR perguntou para a SAUDADE: Por que teimas em entrar nos corações das pessoas?E com um suspiro melancólico a SAUDADE respondeu: Chego nos corações onde tu deixaste de habitar,e quando entro neles encontro tudo desarrumado, sem vida, sem perspectiva de um futuro feliz.E então, começo a arrumar tudo no seu devido lugar. E quando tudo está arrumadinho tu voltas com seu ar brejeiro e toma conta novamente do lugar.Então, o AMOR sorrindo, respondeu: Faço parte da vida das pessoas. Trago alegria, felicidade e a esperança que todos necessitam para viver. E só saio dos corações das pessoas que não confiam em mim.Podem continuar vcs ......Yan
**2 ProfecíasMuchos profetas a nivel individual y varias culturas tales como las de Los Mayas, los Hopi, y muchas otras han predicho el desplazamiento de los polos, ya sea en forma directa o alegórica, pero solamente haremos caso del trabajo de Edgar Cayce por la evidente certeza de sus profecías, la cual se ha valorado por fuentes independientes en un mínimo de 85% y con un promedio del 92% de certidumbre. Entre 1933 y 1939, Edgar Cayce dio varias lecturas en las que se hablaba de los futuros cambios en la tierra.Vamos a citar a continuación algunas de ellas 3.1 Lectura 826 – 8 Agosto 11 1936 Pregunta: Que grandes cambios o el comienzo de que cambio, si hubiese alguno, tendrá lugar en la tierra entre los años 2000 y 2001 ? Respuesta: Entonces habrá el cambio de los polos. O un nuevo ciclo comienza. 3.2 Lectura 3976 – 15 Enero 19 1934 Con relación a los cambios, que han de ser vistos como avisos, como un signo para aquellos,** de que esto va a suceder prontamente – tal como se ha dicho desde la antigüedad, el sol se oscurecerá y la tierra se romperá en diversas partes – y entonces se proclamará – a través de la intersección espiritual en los corazones y mentes y almas de aquellos que han buscado Su camino- que Su estrella ha aparecido, y que dirigirá el camino para aquellos que entran en el sagrario de ellos mismos. Ya que Dios el Padre, Dios el Maestro, Dios el Director, en las mentes y corazones de los hombres, debe estar siempre en aquellos que van a conocerle a El como El primero en la búsqueda de aquellas almas.... Con relación a los cambios físicos de nuevo, La tierra se romperá en la porción oeste de América. La mayor parte de Japón se hundirá en el océano. La parte superior de Europa cambiará en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Aparecerá tierra en las costas orientales de América. Habrán los levantamientos en el Artico y en el Antártico que producirán la erupción de volcanes en las zonas tórridas y **habrá entonces el desplazamiento de los polos - de tal forma que donde ha sido frígido o semitropical se convertirá en mas tropical, y crecerán el musgo y el helecho. Y esto comenzará en aquellos periodos del 58 al 98, este tiempo será proclamado como el período en que Su luz será vista de nuevo en las nubes. En relación al momento, a la estación, a los lugares, solamente le será dado a aquellos que han proclamado su Nombre – y que llevan la marca de Su llamado y de Su elección en sus cuerpos. A aquellos se les dará. 3.3 Lectura 378 – 16 Octubre 29 1933 En la cámara de los registros (en Egipto) hubo mas ceremonias además de la convocación de la gente al finalizar aquello llamado la pirámide. Ya que aquí, aquellos que fueron entrenados tanto en el Templo del Sacrificio como en el Templo Hermoso se aproximaban al sellado de la cámara de los registros. Ya que debían ser guardados tal como habían dicho los sacerdotes de la Atlántida o Poseidia, **cuando los registros de la raza, de los desarrollos, de las leyes pertinentes al UNO fueron puestas en sus cámaras y serian abiertas solo cuando se diera el retorno de aquellos al plano material o a la experiencia en la Tierra, cuando los cambios fueran inminentes en la Tierra; Que cambios? Vemos, empieza en el 58 y termina con los cambios forjados en los levantamientos y el desplazamiento de los polos, cuando comienza el reino en el 98 (tal como se cuenta el tiempo en el presente) de aquellas influencias que informadas por muchos en los registros que se han guardado por aquellos moradores en la tierra de los pueblos Semíticos. 3.4 Lectura 1602 – 3 Septiembre 22 1939 Pregunta: Hace 300 años Jacob Boehme predijo que la Atlántida emergería de nuevo en el tiempo de crisis cuando pasamos de la Era de Piscis a la de Acuario. Está emergiendo ahora la Atlántida? Causará esto una convulsión repentina y en que año? Respuesta:En 1998 podremos encontrar **una gran cantidad de actividades que han sido forjadas por los cambios graduales que están sucediendo. Este es el periodo cuando el ciclo de la actividad solar, o los años relacionados al paso del sol a través de las varias esferas de actividad llega a su máximo supremo marcando el cambio entre las eras de Piscis y Acuario. Este es un cambio gradual, no una actividad cataclísmica en la experiencia de la Tierra en este período. Es indudable entonces que las fuentes que hablan a través de Edgar Cayce, en reiteradas oportunidadespredicen con claridad el desplazamiento de los polos,fenómeno que se inicia en forma gradual y que se comienza, con los levantamientos en el interior de la tierra, en el año 1958, culminado con el proceso de cambio en la corteza exterior.Igualmente se predice que el sol llegará a su máximo de actividad en estos años culminandose en 2012. A continuación veremos cuan acertado estaba Edgar Cayce cuando predijo estos asuntos.
Edgar Cayce- Born 1877-Passed to spirit 1945
Edgar Cayce was born on a farm near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, U.S. in 1877 and passed over to Spirit in 1945. He showed his psychic powers whilst still a boy. He became the most documented psychic of all time. His powers included healing, first of himself and then others. He was privileged to be able to access the Akashic Records and give life readings in which he channelled information for the person who had requested help, whether it be health reasons or for personal/karmic problems. The scope of his range expanded over the years to include meditation, dreams, reincarnation and prophecy.
The original readings/transcripts are housed at the Virginia Beach headquarters of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E.) that Cayce founded in 1931.
For more information www.edgarcayce.org
Edgar first began channelling with us in 1994. This was with the intention of working for many years on a substantial project, which included Lemuria, Atlantis, Crystals, Karma, Reincarnation etc. from the beginning of time right up to the present. A Life Chart was begun showing how a certain group of 32 individuals reincarnated from the time of Atlantis to the present day. Unfortunately this work had to be abandoned, mainly due to an unexpected car accident which made it impossible for the main trance channeller to work on a regular basis. Cayce’s last channelling was given to us on 4th April 2001.
Edgar Cayce has been working for many years during his time in Spirit with other groups on the physical, not least of which the A.R.E. which his grandson is President. In one of his many prophecies he foretold his own rebirth in 1998. I asked him about this on one occasion and his reply was that 'events in spirit had meant his re-birth had to be postponed.' This event is scheduled for the year 2003.
During the many channellings over the years, we refer to the entities that we channel by the name they give us or would be known to us. Some may not have been known to us on a personal level in recent lifetimes. However, in some of Cayce’s previous lifetimes, both my daughter and I have known him. Cayce drew our attention to the fact that in his lifetime in Egypt, Elizabeth was a priestess in the temple who worked as a psychic/crystal healer. Elizabeth works in the same Trance State when channelling information as Cayce did. We are told that the decision to work with spirit in the way that we do was made before we re-incarnated. It was always intended that we work together in specific areas. I had no previous knowledge of psychic work, but had worked as both a healer and a facilitator. My work therefore, in this lifetime, was to be rather as a facilitator than a healer, and this still predominates.
Edgar Cayce's laid to rest at a cemetery in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. He was an Gifted American Figure. Known as a psychic counselor and healer, he was reputed to have uncanny and marvelous,unique extrasensory perception giving him the ability to make far beyond exact medical diagnoses.
O norte-americano Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), conhecido como o Profeta Dormente, efectuava as suas profecias durante as suas fases de sono.
Cayce, ao longo de 43 anos, efectuou 8000 profecias sob transe de sono.
Destas destacam-se, entre muitas outras, o aparecimento do raio laser; os terramotos; furacões e maremotos que arrasaram a Califórnia, o Japão e as Filipinas em 1926; o terrível crash da bolsa nova-iorquina em 1929, e a descoberta dos manuscritos do mar Morto.
Todas as suas profecias se cumpriram até esta data.
The Life of Edgar Cayce
Every year, tens of thousands of people — from all over the world — become interested in the life work of one ordinary man. He was an average individual in most respects: a loving husband, a father of two children, a skilled photographer, a devoted Sunday School teacher, and an avid gardener. Yet, throughout his life, he also displayed one of the most remarkable psychic talents of all time. His name was Edgar Cayce. 75 years ago in 1931 the organization was founded that preserves and expands the work he started.
Daily for over forty years of his adult life, Cayce would lie down on a couch with his hands folded over his stomach and allow himself to enter a self-induced sleep state. Then, provided with the name and location of an individual — anywhere in the world — he would speak in a normal voice and give answers to any questions about that person that he was asked. These answers, which are called "readings", were written down by a stenographer, who kept one copy on file and sent another to the person who had requested the information.
Today, on file at the library of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc., in Virginia Beach, Virginia, are copies of more than 14,000 of Edgar Cayce’s readings. These are available to the public and have been filed along with any follow-up reports received from the individuals who had asked for the readings. This material represents the most massive collection of psychic information ever obtained from a single source. The organization, which continues to research the readings, has grown from a few hundred supporters, at the time of Cayce’s death in 1945, to one which is now, literally, worldwide. Countless individuals have been touched by the life work of this man who was raised a simple farm boy and yet became one of the most versatile and credible psychics the world has ever known.
Edgar Cayce was born near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, on March 18, 1877. He had a normal childhood in most respects, one rich with the heritage of 19th century farm life. One of five children, he grew up surrounded by a large family with grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins living nearby. Like many children, he had imaginary playmates, but they vanished as he grew older. He was raised at a time when much of the country was experiencing the excitement of religious revival meetings. This atmosphere may have in part accounted for his lifelong interest in the Bible, and even as a child his dream was to become a medical missionary. At that early age no one would have ever guessed the unusual manner in which his dream would become a reality.
At the age of six or seven, he told his parents that he could sometimes see visions, occasionally talking to relatives who had recently died. For the most part, his family attributed these experiences to his overactive imagination and paid little attention to them. He found comfort in reading the Bible and decided to read it through from cover to cover, once for every year of his life. Its stories and characters thus became familiar and very real to him. At the age of thirteen, he had a vision which would influence him for the rest of his life: a beautiful woman appeared to him and asked him what he most wanted in life. He told her that, more than anything, he wanted to help others — especially children when they were sick.
Shortly after the experience, Edgar displayed a talent that could no longer be explained by his family in terms of the boy’s imagination. Edgar could sleep on his school books and acquire a photographic memory of their entire contents. It was found that he could sleep on any book, paper or document, and upon awakening, be able to repeat back, word for word, any length of material — even if it contained words which were far beyond his limited education. The gift helped him in school, but gradually faded. In order to financially help his parents, Edgar left school at the age of sixteen and started working with an uncle on his grandmother’s farm.
The following year, the family moved to Hopkinsville. Edgar got a job at the bookstore on Main Street. A few months later, he met, and fell in love with Gertrude Evans. They became engaged on March 14, 1897, four days before Edgar’s twentieth birthday, and decided to marry when he would be able to support a family.
In June of 1898, Edgar lost his job and worked for a while in a dry goods firm before moving to Louisville, large city in Kentucky, where he had obtained a better paying job in a bookstore. At Christmas 1899, he went back to Hopkinsville and formed partnership with his father, Leslie Cayce, who was then an insurance agent. Edgar became a traveling salesman. At the turn of the century, almost twenty three years old, he seemed to be doing quite well, selling insurance as well as books and stationery, and he became confident that it wouldn’t be long before he could afford to get married. However, one day, after taking a sedative, he developed a severe case of laryngitis. He wasn’t really concerned at first — after all, many people lose their voice for a day or two — but the condition persisted. Doctors were called in and later on specialists, but still Edgar was unable to speak above a whisper. As the days turned into weeks, he was forced to give up his job as a salesman and look for something else he could do that didn’t require much speaking.
He found the perfect job in Hopkinsville as a photographer’s assistant. There he could be close to Gertrude and his family, and it wouldn’t bother him so much that his condition was incurable. Although he was often saddened by the fact that he had never been able to finish school and become the doctor and preacher he had dreamed of, he found comfort by reading his Bible and became content with the idea of settling down with a wife and children.
At this time, hypnotism and stage shows were experiencing a renewed revival in this country. One showman, who called himself "Hart - the Laugh Man [King]," brought his comedy and hypnotism act to the Hopkinsville Opera House. Although not a therapist, Hart was successful and conscientious. When he heard about Edgar’s trouble, he accepted as a challenge to try to cure his laryngitis. In a first session, Hart hypnotized him and told him that he would be able to regain his voice. To the amazement of everyone present, Edgar could respond to questions in his normal voice. However, he didn’t take the posthypnotic suggestion, and his hoarseness returned when Hart awakened him. The experiment was attempted repeatedly by the visiting hypnotist; each time, Edgar was able to speak normally in his sleep state. Nevertheless, when the young man was told to wake up, his soft-spoken whisper returned. The local papers became excited about the case. Even when Hart left Hopkinsville because of other commitments, Edgar’s predicament was not forgotten. Many people became convinced that somehow hypnotism was the cure to Cayce’s difficulty.
Knowing that some patients under hypnosis showed powers of clairvoyance, a New York specialist interested in the case advised to repeat the experiment but, this time, instead of suggesting that the young man’s voice return, ask Cayce to talk about his own problem. His parents were against the idea. Ever since the first experiment with Hart, their son had lost weight. It appeared as though the sessions were a drain on his physical body. Gertrude let her fiancé make the decision, for with or without his voice they could have a life together — and besides, Edgar rather liked working with photography.
Edgar consented to one further test. A local man, Al Layne, was found to give the suggestions. Layne had educated himself. Not only had he worked with hypnotism, but he was familiar with osteopathy as well. Edgar offered to put himself to sleep — much as he had done when he had slept on his school books. Once he was asleep on the couch, Layne asked him to explain what was wrong with him and how he could be cured. And Cayce spoke back! He described the cause as a "psychological condition producing a physical effect." He went on to explain that the problem could be removed by suggesting to him — while he was in the unconscious state — that the blood circulation increase to the affected areas. After Layne made the suggestion, he and Cayce’s family watched in amazement as the upper part of Edgar’s chest and his throat turned a bright crimson red and the skin became warm to the touch. Twenty minutes passed. Edgar spoke again and said [mentioned] that, before awakening him, the suggestion should be made that the blood circulation return to normal. Layne followed these instructions. When Cayce wakened, he was able to speak normally again, healed from his laryngitis which had lasted an entire year. The date, March 31, 1901, marked the first time Edgar Cayce had ever given a psychic reading.
He, his parents, and Gertrude were overjoyed. His plan was to continue being a photographer and get married as soon as possible. He wouldn’t have given another thought to putting himself into the sleep state again, except that Al Layne had witnessed something extraordinary and was beginning to have other ideas. For years, Layne had been bothered by a stomach difficulty that doctors had been unable to cure. Because he knew enough about medicine to realize what therapeutic suggestions could be harmful, he asked Edgar to try giving a reading on the stomach problem. Although skeptical, Edgar agreed, for he felt obligated to Layne for having helped him regain his voice. The reading was given to satisfy Layne’s curiosity. Asleep on the couch, Cayce spoke in a normal voice and described the problem exactly; he recommended herbal medicines, foods, and exercises for improvement. After one week of following the sleeping Cayce’s suggestions, Layne felt so much better that he became even more excited about Edgar’s ability, and he strongly encouraged him to try other tests.
Edgar Cayce felt as if he had been placed in a precarious position. On the one hand, this business of readings was very strange to him. He knew nothing about medicine or the diagnosing of illness. On the other hand, he only wanted to live a normal life in Hopkinsville with a wife and a family. Yet Layne argued that he had a moral obligation if his talent could be helpful to people. Finally, after a great deal of prayer, after talking it over with his family, and after looking to his Bible for guidance, he agreed to continue the experiments under two conditions: the first was that if he ever suggested anything in the sleep state that could be at all harmful to people, they would stop the readings, and the second was Layne had to always remember that Edgar Cayce was first, and foremost, a photographer.
One of the earliest readings was for a five-year-old named Aime Dietrich, who had been seriously ill for three years. At the age of two, after an attack of influenza — which doctors then called the grippe — her mind had stopped developing. Since that time her tiny body had been racked with convulsions. Her mind was nearly a blank and, though doctors and specialists had been consulted, she had only gotten worse instead of better.
Cayce put himself to sleep while Layne conducted the reading and wrote down everything that was said. The sleeping Cayce said that Aime’s problem had begun a few days before catching the grippe — she had fallen and injured her spine while getting down from a carriage. The influenza germs had settled in her spine because of the trauma, and the convulsions had begun. The little girl’s mother verified the accident. While still sleeping, Edgar Cayce recommended some osteopathic adjustments that were to be carried out by Layne. Layne made the adjustments on the little girl’s spine and got a check reading. The sleeping Cayce told Layne he hadn’t done them correctly and gave further instructions! After several attempts, Layne was able to carry out the suggestions to the exact specifications of the sleeping photographer. Several days later, Aime recognized a doll she had played with before getting sick and called it by name. As the weeks passed, her mind recognized other things as well, she knew her parents, and finally the convulsions stopped completely. Within three months, Aime’s mind was catching up to where it had left off, and she became a normal, healthy, five-year-old girl.
Cayce was happy that he had been able to help, but he still wanted only to live a normal life! However, Layne’s enthusiasm, along with the enthusiasm of Cayce’s own father and people like Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich, made it more difficult to lead a simple, ordinary, everyday life style! Cayce continued giving readings without charge, while Layne conducted. It was soon discovered that Cayce only needed the name and location of an individual to be able to give a reading, diagnose the person’s condition, and outline a regimen of treatment. The readings puzzled him — many times he didn’t even understand what he had said after he had awakened and looked at what Layne had written down — but he never forgot to say a prayer of thanksgiving when someone got well because of his gift.
In those days, Cayce resided in Bowling Green, some sixty miles away from Hopkinsville, and worked in a bookstore. Layne visited him every Sunday to obtain readings for his patients. On June 17, 1903, after an engagement of more than six years, Gertrude Evans and Edgar Cayce were finally married. In spite of his being uncomfortable with the readings, his life was fulfilling. He had a loving wife, a home, a Sunday School class at the local church, and a good job. A year later he formed his own photographic partnership and was able to open a studio.
Eventually, Layne decided to become a fully accredited osteopath. The number of patients coming to him had continued to increase as he and Cayce had become more well-known, and so he left Hopkinsville to enter the Southern School of Osteopathy. Cayce’s belief that the readings might be put to rest for a time was short-lived, however, because a group of local medical doctors took up the study of his psychic ability. They performed tests on the sleeping Cayce, some of which turned out to be detrimental to him.
Cayce spent most of his time working as a photographer. The studio was prosperous. However, when a fire destroyed a large collection of prints and reproductions that he had on consignment, Cayce was in debt. Nine months later, another fire wrecked the studio. Edgar opened it again in two weeks. He took upon himself all the losses, for his partner had withdrawn. Gertrude returned to Hopkinsville with Hugh Lynn, their son born on March 16, 1907. Edgar stayed in Bowling Green to pay off his debts. He left in August of 1909, totally broke. He then looked for a job in Alabama, where photographers were scarce.
He visited his family for Christmas. His father introduced him to Dr. Wesley Ketchum, a homeopath who had settled down in Hopkinsville. Dr. Ketchum had heard of Cayce through some of Layne’s former patients, and he decided to get a reading for himself. He had recently diagnosed himself as having appendicitis, and he wanted to see if Cayce would be able to discern this. However, while asleep, Cayce gave an entirely different diagnosis and outlined a simple treatment. In order to humor the young man, Dr. Ketchum went to another doctor for a third opinion and discovered that Cayce’s diagnosis was indeed correct.
Dr. Ketchum started using Cayce’s psychic talent in his most difficult cases. In 1910, he submitted a paper to the American Society of Clinical Research, calling Cayce a medical wonder. As a result, the October 9th issue of the New York Times featured a long article on Cayce. The headline read: "Illiterate man becomes a doctor when hypnotized." Because requests for readings were pouring in, Dr. Wesley Ketchum, Edgar Cayce, Leslie Cayce and Albert Noe, wealthy hotel man, formed the Psychic Reading Corporation. Edgar returned to Hopkinsville, where he opened a photographic studio, the "Cayce Art Studio". He began, in his spare time, to give readings on a daily basis. He became known as a psychic diagnostician, though he was much happier as a photographer. It wouldn’t be until the following year that his attitude about the readings would finally change.
In one instance, a rich construction supervisor, whose name was Mr. Dalton, severely fractured his leg and kneecap in an accident. He was told by several doctors in town that they could set the leg, but because of the seriousness of the injury (Dalton’s kneecap was damaged beyond repair) he would never be able to walk normally again. Not satisfied with their reports, Dalton consulted Dr. Ketchum. Cayce gave a reading and recommended what was an extremely radical treatment for 1905: Ketchum was to consolidate the kneecap with several nails [was to drive several nails into the kneecap to hold it together]. The procedure was unheard of at the time, but Dr. Ketchum, trusting in Cayce, carried it out. The surgery was performed, and several months later Dalton was up and walking around as though the accident had never occurred. Edgar Cayce’s fame continued to spread.
Gertrude and Edgar had their second son in 1911. They named him Milton Porter. Soon after his birth, the baby developed whooping cough and later on colitis. Several doctors were called in, but the baby continued to get worse. Cayce never really thought about consulting the readings until the doctors had given up hope. As a last resort, Cayce gave a reading for his second son. When he woke up, he was shattered to learn that the condition was too serious. The readings offered no hope, and the baby died before it was two months old.
Afterwards, Cayce and his wife went into a state of depression. He blamed himself for not getting a reading sooner — perhaps it might have helped; now he would never know. Gertrude’s health was affected. She became weak after the baby’s death, and the doctor thought she had contracted pleurisy. As the months continued to pass, the illness hung on, and she showed no signs of improvement. In fact, she was getting worse and was eventually confined to bed.
By late summer, Gertrude’s doctor had changed his diagnosis. He called Cayce aside and spoke the awful truth: Gertrude had tuberculosis and was dying. A TB specialist confirmed that nothing further could be done. Everyone expected her to die by the end of the year except her husband. Edgar gave a reading. While in the sleep state, he recommended a combination of prescription drugs as well as filling a charred oak keg with apple brandy. Gertrude was to inhale the fumes to clear up the congestion. Although the doctors claimed that the combination of drugs would be useless, Dr. Ketchum wrote the prescription. After following this treatment for only two days, Gertrude was felling better and her fever had fallen. By September she was even better, and by November even her doctors decided she was going to get well. By the first part of January, 1912, Gertrude Cayce was fully recovered.
That same year, Edgar Cayce was investigated by a delegate from Harvard University, Dr. Hugo Münsterberg. The latter was determined to prove that Cayce was but a freak and ruin his reputation. When he left Hopkinsville, he was convinced of the legitimacy and the effectiveness of the readings, and he encouraged Edgar to practice his unusual talent which was helping so many people.
Cayce broke his partnership with Ketchum and Noe. He went to work as a photographer in Selma, Alabama. The following year, he bought for himself the studio where he was employed, and had Gertrude and Hugh Lynn move to Selma. There, he could escape from his growing notoriety and began to live a quiet life. However, this did not last long. One day his son, Hugh Lynn, was playing with flash powder in the studio and severely burned his eyes. The local doctors gave no hope that the boy would ever see again. In fact, they recommended removing one of the eyes due to the extent of the damage. Cayce decided to give a reading instead. In the sleep state he gave assurance that sight was not gone. He recommended an additional compound to be added to the solution that had been prescribed by the doctors and said Hugh Lynn should stay for two weeks in a darkened room with his eyes bandaged. No eye surgery was performed, and when the bandages were removed, the boy could see. Local newspapers picked up the story and again, Edgar Cayce was famous. He began giving readings in addition to his job, and like he had done in every other city he had lived in, he became active in the local church and started teaching Sunday School. On February 9, 1918, Gertrude gave birth to another son, Edgar Evans.
The request for readings continued, and Edgar Cayce was faced with a problem. Although people were being helped by the readings, many were having difficulty finding doctors to carry out treatments recommended by a sleeping man that the doctors had never even met — a man who, in many instances, had never seen the people he was diagnosing. Cayce began dreaming of having a hospital, staffed with fully qualified doctors, nurses, and therapists, who would carry out the treatments recommended in the readings.
It was this dream that caused him to form an ill-fated partnership with others who were seeking oil. He went to Texas to give readings on possible oil sites but was disappointed time and again. The readings made it quite clear that the information was never to be used for financial gain and that some of his partners did not share his dream of a hospital. They wanted money only for themselves.
Edgar Cayce returned to Selma, Alabama, and picked up where he had left off. He had his wife, his two sons, his business, and the church. His Sunday School classes became the most popular in the county because Cayce had the ability to make the Bible come alive. In the Fall of 1923, he hired a secretary, Gladys Davis, to take down the information in the readings while Gertrude conducted and asked her sleeping husband the questions.
Until 1923 most of Cayce’s readings were limited to medicine. However, that year a printer from Dayton, Ohio, who had obtained successful readings for two of his nieces, asked Cayce for a horoscope reading. Toward the end of the reading [5717-1] the sleeping Cayce spoke the curious sentence: "he was once a monk." That statement opened up the door to a whole new area of research — the possibility of reincarnation.
All at once, Cayce was faced with a new dilemma. There wasn’t any doubt that the information was helpful and accurate when dealing with health, but the readings matter-of-fact reference to reincarnation seemed foreign to his fundamental Christianity. He prayed about it, did much soul searching, and obtained a few readings. He was advised to read the Bible once through from cover to cover while keeping the idea of reincarnation in mind. What emerged was a beautiful view of Oneness that encompassed all of the world’s major religions, with special emphasis on the Judeo-Christian religion.
The underlying philosophy was that life is a purposeful and an eternal experience; that everything which exists is part of God; that each of us is one of God’s children, and we are all equal; and that we have the total free will to learn to love one another. Edgar Cayce found that the concept of reincarnation was not incompatible with any religion but, more important, he found that the idea merged perfectly with his own beliefs of what it meant to be a Christian.
Soon afterwards, the "life-readings" were developed. They dealt with an individual’s previous lifetimes, as well as the person’s potential for this lifetime. Eventually the topics in the readings expanded to include such items as mental and spiritual counsel, unusual approaches to the studies of psychology and parapsychology, information on the world’s history, intriguing thoughts about the missing years of Jesus’ life, and even advice for improving personal relationships.
Because the requests for readings continued to grow, Cayce gave up his photography studio and began looking for the financial backing for his hospital. He also began to accept donations for the readings, but he never refused to help those who were unable to pay. Because of the helpfulness of the readings, several backers were found to make Cayce’s dream of the hospital a reality. One group wanted to locate the facility in Chicago, another wanted it to be in Dayton. However, time and again, the readings advised that the hospital be located in or near Virginia Beach, Virginia. Finally, a New York businessman, Morton Blumenthal, agreed to finance the project.
In September of 1925, the Cayce family moved with Gladys Davis to Virginia Beach. In 1927, the Association of National Investigators was formed. Its purpose was to research and experiment the information contained in the readings. Its motto was: "That We May Make Manifest Our Love for God and Man." The following year, on November 11, 1928, the Edgar Cayce hospital opened its doors. Patients came from all over the country to have a reading and then be treated by a qualified staff composed of doctors, nurses, and therapists. The sleeping Cayce gave each patient a reading, diagnosed the ailment, and recommended everything from a change of diet to surgery. The readings favored no single school of medical thought but instead used all of them in appropriate circumstances.
In spite of the stock market crash of October 1929, a university, "Atlantic University", opened in the Fall of 1930. Until 1931 the hospital operated successfully. In the midst of the Depression, however, financial backing was lost and the hospital had to close its doors in February. The University survived until Christmas.
In June of that same year, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. [A.R.E.], was formed as a research body whose goal was to investigate the information given by Cayce in the readings. This organization became interested in such things as holistic health care, the workings of ESP, meditation, spiritual healing, the importance of dreams, and the study of life after death.
People came from all over asking how they too could become more psychic. Cayce’s response was that the goal should be to become more spiritual for psychic is of the soul, and, as an individual became more spiritual, psychic ability would develop naturally. People were told that if they could incorporate the philosophy of the readings into their own religious and belief systems, it could be a useful and positive experience; otherwise they were advised to leave the information in the readings alone.
As the years passed, Cayce became more and more psychic in the waking state as well. He once fled from a room in sorrow because he knew that three young men would not be returning from the war. He also had developed the ability to see auras, which are fields of light that surround all living things. From these auras Cayce could perceive people’s moods as well as their overall physical condition.
As his fame grew, so did the number of skeptics. Many people came to Virginia Beach to expose him as a fraud, but in time all were convinced of the legitimacy of what he was doing. Many stayed in Virginia Beach and received readings for themselves. One staunch Catholic writer, named Thomas Sugrue, came to Virginia Beach to investigate what he thought had to be trickery and ended up writing There is a River, the biography of Edgar Cayce which was published in 1943 while he was still alive. Coronet magazine, one of the most popular of the era, sent a reporter to investigate. The article, written by Marguerite Harmon Bro, "Miracle Man of Virginia Beach", drew widespread attention, and Edgar Cayce became more famous than he had ever been before.
During the height of World War II, sacks of mail were delivered to Cayce with ever-growing requests for readings. Despite the readings’ warning that he should give no more than two a day, Cayce began giving eight in an effort to keep up. Gladys Davis’ appointment book had readings scheduled two years in advance!
In the spring of 1944, Edgar began to grow weak. His own readings advised him to rest, but he felt a tremendous obligation to those who were asking for his help. Finally, he collapsed from sheer exhaustion, and just as he gave his first reading for himself, he gave his last reading for himself — in September of 1944. The reading told him he had to rest. When Gertrude asked "How long?" the response was "until he was well or dead." Shortly afterwards, he had a stroke and became partially paralyzed. By the end of the year his friends feared the worst. Although Edgar told them he would be healed after the first of the year, they understood what he meant — and he died on January 3, 1945. At the time, no one really understood how ill Gertrude was, yet within three months, on Easter Sunday, she died as well.
~Gladys Davis took it upon herself to preserve the information she had taken such great pains to write down, until Edgar’s sons returned from the war. Eventually, she took charge of the project of cataloguing and indexing all of the 14,145 readings. Gladys finished indexing the readings in 1971, more than a quarter of century after Cayce had died! After the indexing, she discovered that the readings covered more than 10,000 different subjects — nearly every question imaginable had been asked. She continued working as secretary for the Board of Trustees of the Cayce organizations until her death, at the age of 81, in 1986.
Hugh Lynn took over the organization his father had started and was able to encourage interest all over the world. When Hugh Lynn died, in 1982, the Association had grown from a few hundred members into one composed of ten of thousands. Nowadays, innumerable individuals in the world benefit from the Edgar Cayce legacy on health, reincarnation, dreams, psychic phenomena, spiritual growth, comparative religions, astrology, prophecies, world affairs, and much more.
Just what was the source of Edgar Cayce’s remarkable ability — an ability, he claimed, anyone could develop? Apparently, Cayce obtained his information in two different ways: first, he was somehow able to tap into the subconscious mind of the person who was asking for information; and in the second way, he could tap into what he called "the Akashic Records" — a record Cayce said was written on the skein of space and time and could also be called "God’s Book of Remembrance". From these two sources, he was able to speak knowledgeably on virtually any subject.
Today, several organizations work with the information contained in the Edgar Cayce readings. The A.R.E. continues to make the material more readily available through practical presentations and publications, and members throughout the world are kept up-to-date on developments in regard to the things Cayce spoke about. The Edgar Cayce Foundation is a separate organization that is legally responsible for the readings. It spends time and resources doing research and sponsoring comparative studies between the Cayce information and other schools of thought. Atlantic University, which closed in 1931, was reactivated in 1985 and offers a master’s degree in Transpersonal Studies. The Health Research Center analyzes the medical information contained in the readings and incorporates the material into contemporary medical research.Together, these organizations have found that the psychic information of the photographer from Kentucky has stood the test of intensive research.
INDIGO CHILDREN - Understanding Psychic Children,
Edgar Cayce on the Indigo Children
Peggy Day and Susan Gale
Paperback - 186 pgs
According to American mystic Edgar Cayce, groups of amazing and unusual individuals would begin to incarnate on earth late in the twentieth century and beyond. They would come to be called Indigo Children.
These children can be categorized into three different groups:
Psychic, Indigo, and Crystal, each having his or her own amazing gifts and talents.
This book shows how these children can be recognized and nurtured as the special people they truly are. The authors also share research and stories about these incredible souls and discuss the many facilities and groups that work to cultivate the children.
As Crianças Índigo
Este tema é fascinante será tratado aki no meu site como de suma importância.
É informação essencial para pais, educadores, psicólogos, pedagogos e todas as pessoas interessadas num futuro melhor para nossas crianças e para toda a humanidade.
A seguir vcs poderão aki por mim ter uma boa introdução ao assunto das Crianças Indigo seguida de resumo extremamente meticuloso e bem feito do livro "The Indigo Children" escrito por Lee Carroll e Jan Tober publicado pela primeira vez em Maio/1999 e já traduzido para o espanhol ( mas ainda não foi traduzido para o português )
Como diz Drunval Melchizedek: "As crianças vão liderar o caminho."
"As Crianças Índigo"
A partir da década de 80, elas começaram a chegar, mais e mais.
São crianças espetaculares.
Elas estão chegando para ajudar na transformação social, educacional, familiar e espiritual de todo o planeta, independente das fronteiras e de classes sociais.
São como catalisadores para desencadear as reações necessárias para as transformações.
Elas possuem uma estrutura cerebral diferente no tocante ao uso de potencialidades dos hemisférios esquerdo (menos) e direito (mais).
Isso quer dizer que elas vão além do plano intelectual, sendo que no plano comportamental está o foco do seu brilho. Elas exigem do ambiente em volta delas certas características que não são comuns ou autênticas nas sociedades atuais. Elas nos ajudarão a destituir dois paradigmas da humanidade:
1. Elas nos ajudarão a diminuir o distanciamento entre o PENSAR e o AGIR. Hoje na nossa sociedade todos sabem o que é certo ou errado. No entanto, nós freqüentemente agimos diferentemente do que pensamos. Dessa maneira, estas crianças vão nos induzir a diminuir este distanciamento gerando assim uma sociedade mais autêntica, transparente, verdadeira, com maior confiança nos inter-relacionamentos.
2. Elas também nos ajudarão a mudar o foco do EU para o PRÓXIMO, inicialmente a partir do restabelecimento da autenticidade e confiança da humanidade, que são pré-requisitos para que possamos respeitar e considerar mais o PRÓXIMO do que a nós mesmos. Como conseqüência, teremos a diminuição do Egoísmo, da Inveja, das Exclusões, resultando em maior solidariedade e partilha.Você pode estar se perguntando: Como estas crianças vão fazer tal transformação? Através do questionamento e transformação de todas as entidades rígidas que as circundam.
Começando pela Família, que hoje baseia-se na imposição de regras, sem tempo de dedicação, sem autenticidade, sem explicações, sem informação, sem escolha e sem negociação. Estas crianças simplesmente não respondem a estas estruturas rígidas porque para elas é imprescindível haver opções, relações verdadeiras e muita negociação. Elas não aceitam serem enganadas porque elas têm uma "intuição" para perceber as verdadeiras intenções e não têm medo. Portanto, intimidá-las não traz resultado, porque elas sempre encontrarão uma maneira de obter a verdade. Elas percebem as verdadeiras intenções e as fraquezas dos adultos.
A segunda entidade vulnerável à ação dos Índigos é a Escola.
Hoje o modelo de ensino é sempre imposto sem muita interação, sem escutar e sem a participação dos estudantes. Simplesmente este modelo é incompatível com os Índigos, sendo portanto o pior conflito, muitas vezes superior ao existente com a Família, principalmente pela falta de vínculos afetivos ou amor. Como elas possuem um estrutura mental diferente, elas resolvem problemas conhecidos de uma maneira diferente, além de encontrar formas diferentes de raciocínio que abalam o modelo atual de ensino.
Assim, através do questionamento, elas influenciarão todas as demais entidades, tais como:, Mercado de Trabalho, Cidadania, Relações Interpessoais, Relações Amorosas e Instituições Espirituais, pois elas são essencialmente dirigidas pelo hemisfério direito.
Infelizmente, a missão dos Índigos é muito difícil, pois sofrerá rejeição de algumas entidades da nossa sociedade.
Antes dos anos 80, os Índigos morriam muito cedo porque a freqüência de energia do planeta não era favorável a eles. Depois da nova freqüência e com um montante maior de crianças, eles começaram a causar transformações maravilhosas no nosso planeta e em breve, após uma geração, nós perceberemos claramente as modificações.
O assunto sobre Crianças Índigo é fascinante e relativamente novo no campo da pesquisa. Existem poucas obras sobre o assunto. Apresentaremos aqui um resumo do Livro "The Indigo Children" escrito por Lee Carroll e Jan Tober que teve sua primeira publicação em Maio/1999 e já foi traduzido para o espanhol (mas ainda não foi traduzido para o português), obedecendo a seguinte organização:
Jan Tober e Lee Carroll já apresentaram milhares de seminários em todo o mundo sobre ativação e melhoramento da auto-estima humana. Lee já escreveu 7 livros de auto-ajuda e elevação da consciência espiritual nos últimos 10 anos, inclusive com tradução para diferentes línguas. Jan é autora de numerosos artigos, fitas e CD´s relacionados com auto-ajuda. Jan e Lee têm sido convidados a apresentarem sua mensagem de esperança e amor nas Nações Unidas.
Depois de muito contato com diferentes sociedades ao longo do mundo, eles começaram a perceber que existiam padrões e dúvidas comuns por parte de pais no tratamento com essas crianças. Adicionalmente, não existia literatura especializada sobre o tema, sendo que eles observaram o seguinte:
• Este não é um fenômeno norte-americano. Eles o testemunharam em três continentes diferentes.
• Este fenômeno parece ir além das barreiras culturais envolvendo múltiplas línguas.
• Este assunto escapou à atenção da mídia devido ao fato de ser muito estranho para ser considerado no paradigma da psicologia humana, que considera a humanidade como um modelo estático e imutável . Como uma regra, a sociedade tende a acreditar na evolução mas somente na forma passada. O pensamento de que nós deveríamos estar vendo um novo nível de consciência humana vagarosamente chegando no nosso planeta agora, manifestado nas nossas crianças, vai além do pensamento conservativo estabelecido.
• Este fenômeno está aumentando. Mais relatórios continuam a vir à tona.
• Há muito tempo os profissionais começaram a observar este fenômeno.
• Existem algumas respostas emergentes para os desafios.
Objetivo do Livro
Este livro foi escrito para os pais. É uma relatório inicial, longe de ser um relatório conclusivo sobre o assunto. É apresentado para ajudar a você e a família, dando informações para aplicação prática nas questões diárias. Este livro foi montado principalmente através do encorajamento e até pedidos insistentes de centenas de pais e professores que os autores encontraram ao longo do mundo.
Forma de Apresentação do Assunto
O livro faz uma compilação de trabalhos de vários outros autores PhD´s através de artigos que representam a experiência em pesquisa ou resultante de terapias de diversos profissionais.
O que é uma Criança Índigo?
Uma Criança Índigo é aquela que apresenta um novo e incomum conjunto de atributos psicológicos e mostra um padrão de comportamento geralmente não documentado ainda. Este padrão tem fatores comuns e únicos que sugerem que aqueles que interagem com elas (pais em particular) mudam seu tratamento e orientação com objetivo de obter o equilíbrio. Ignorar esses novos padrões é potencialmente criar desequilíbrio e frustração na mente desta preciosa nova vida.
Existem vários tipos de Índigos, mas na lista a seguir nós podemos dar alguns dos padrões de comportamento mais comuns:
• Elas vêm ao mundo com um sentimento de realeza e freqüentemente agem desta forma.
• Elas têm um sentimento de "desejar estar aqui" e ficam surpresas quando os outros não compartilham isso.
• Auto-valorização não é uma grande característica. Elas freqüentemente contam aos pais quem elas são.
• Elas têm dificuldades com autoridade absoluta sem explicações e escolha.
• Elas simplesmente não farão certas coisas; por exemplo, esperarem quietas é difícil para elas.
• Elas se tornam frustradas com sistemas ritualmente orientados e que não necessitam de pensamento criativo.
• Elas freqüentemente encontram uma melhor maneira de fazer as coisas, tanto em casa como na escola, o que as fazem parecer como questionadores de sistema (inconformistas com qualquer sistema).
• Elas parecem anti-sociais a menos que estejam com outras do mesmo tipo. Se não existem outras crianças com o nível de consciência semelhante em volta, elas freqüentemente se tornam introvertidas, sentindo-se como se ninguém as entendesse. A escola é freqüentemente difícil para elas do ponto de vista social.
• Elas não responderão à pressão por culpa do tipo: "Espere até seu pai chegar e descobrir o que você fez".
• Elas não são tímidas em fazer você perceber o que elas precisam.O termo
"Crianças Índigo" vem da cor da aura dessas crianças.
(11/05 03:26) Yan: Existe uma amiga dos autores, que conheceram em meados dos anos 70, cujo nome é Nancy Ann Tappe. Nancy foi a autora do livro chamado "Entendendo Sua Vida Através da Cor" (Understanding Your Life Through Color). Neste livro estão as primeiras informações sobre o que ela titulou de Crianças Índigo.
Como ela vê as cores? Quão preciso é isso?
Nancy tem sido diagnosticada com uma situação em que dois dos seus sistemas neurológicos cruzam e isso cria uma situação em que ela, literalmente, pode ver a aura humana. Ela é como uma câmera de Kirlian, ou seja, ela vê campos eletromagnéticos, as cores e as freqüências. Ela é uma pessoa fabulosa, uma maravilhosa conselheira, metafísica e professora.
Ela percebeu muito cedo que existia uma cor da aura associada com alguns recém-nascidos.Ela estava trabalhando no seu PhD. Nancy tem dito desde 1980 que cerca de 80% das crianças nascidas são índigo.
E, a partir de 1995, nós temos um índice maior ainda, tanto que requer uma análise para sab
(11/05 03:27) Yan: para saber o que está acontecendo.
Nós estamos vendo uma nova geração de Mestres vindo para nosso planeta e elas são também chamadas de "Crianças Estrela", "Crianças Azuis" e através do trabalho de Nancy, elas são chamadas, a partir de nossa perspectiva, de "Crianças Índigo". Elas são nossa esperança para o futuro. Elas são nossa esperança para o presente. E isso, esotericamente falando, é o que está realmente acontecendo.
Tipos de Crianças Índigo
Existem quatro tipos diferentes de Índigos e cada um tem uma proposta:
1. Humanista:
Primeiro, existe o Índigo Humanista que vai trabalhar com as massas. Eles serão os futuros doutores, advogados, professores, vendedores, executivos e políticos. Vão servir as massas e são hiperativos. São extremamente sociais. Conversam com todo mundo e fazem amizade facilmente. São desastrados do ponto de vista motor e hiperativo, como dito anteriormente, e de vez em quando, eles vão dar com a cara nos muros, pois esquecem de pisar n
(11/05 03:28) Yan: de pisar no freio. Eles não sabem brincar com apenas um brinquedo. Ao invés disso, trazem todos para fora e os espalham. Às vezes, não tocam na maioria destes. São do tipo que têm que ser permanentemente lembrados pois freqüentemente se esquecem das ordens simples e se distraem. Por exemplo, você pede para eles arrumarem o quarto. Eles começam a arrumar e de repente encontram um livro e começam a ler porque são leitores ferozes. Certa vez, eu estava em um vôo onde estava uma criança de cerca de 3 anos que estava aprontando. Sua mãe deu-lhe o panfleto de segurança do avião e ele o abriu todo com todas as figuras. Ele permaneceu sentado, muito sério como se estivesse lendo, muito sério e intenso na concentração. Ele estudou o folheto por uns cinco minutos e eu sabia que ele não poderia ler mas ele pensava que ele estava. Este é o típico Índigo Humanista.
2. Conceitual:
Os Índigos Conceituais estão mais para projetos do que para pessoas. Serão os futuros engenheiros, arquitetos, pr
(11/05 03:29) Yan: , projetistas, astronautas, pilotos e oficiais militares. Eles não são desajeitados, ao contrário, são bem atléticos como crianças. Eles têm um ar de controle e a pessoa que eles tentam controlar na maioria das vezes é a mãe se são meninos. As meninas tentam controlar os pais. Se eles são impedidos de fazer isso, existe um grande problema. Este tipo de Índigo tem tendência para outras inclinações, especialmente as drogas na puberdade. Os pais precisam observar bem o padrão de comportamento dessas crianças quando elas começarem a esconder ou a dizer coisas tais como, "Não chegue perto do meu quarto": é exatamente quando os pais precisam se aproximar mais.
3. Artista:
Este tipo de Índigo é muito mais sensível e freqüentemente menor em tamanho, embora isso não seja uma regra geral. Eles são mais fortemente ligados às artes. Eles são criativos e serão os futuros professores e artistas. Em qualquer campo que eles se dediquem será sempre pelo lado criativo. Se eles entrarem
(11/05 03:31) Yan: na medicina, eles se tornarão cirurgiões ou pesquisadores. Quando eles entrarem nas artes, eles serão o ator dos atores. Entre 4 a 10 anos eles podem pegar até 15 diferentes artes criativas - fazer uma por cinco minutos e encostar. Portanto, se diz às mães de artistas e músicos, "Não compre instrumentos, mas alugue". O Índigo Artista pode trabalhar com até 5 instrumentos diferentes e então, quando eles entrarem na puberdade, escolherão um campo e se empenharão para se tornarem artistas nessa especialização.
4. Interdimensional:
O Índigo Interdimensional é muito maior do que os demais Índigos, do ponto de vista de estatura. Entre 1 e 2 anos de idade você não pode dizer nada para eles. Eles dizem: "Eu já sei. Eu posso fazer isso. Deixe-me sozinho". Eles serão os que trarão novas filosofias e espiritualidade para o mundo. Podem ser mais valentões porque são muito maiores e também porque não se encaixam no padrão dos outros três tipos.Dicas para reconhecer os Índigos
(11/05 03:32) Yan: Os autores listam as seguintes características para ajudar a identificar se sua criança é um Índigo:
• Tem alta sensibilidade
• Tem excessivo montante de energia
• Distrai-se facilmente ou tem baixo poder de concentração
• Requer emocionalmente estabilidade e segurança de adultos em volta dela
• Resiste à autoridade se não for democraticamente orientada
• Possui maneiras preferenciais no aprendizado, particularmente na leitura e matemática
• Podem se tornar frustrados facilmente porque têm grandes idéias, mas uma falta de recursos ou pessoas para assistirem pode comprometer o objetivo final
• Aprendem através do nível de explicação, resistindo à memorização mecânica ou serem simplesmente ouvintes.
• Não conseguem ficar quietas ou sentadas, a menos que estejam envolvidas em alguma coisa do seu interesse
• São muito compassivas; têm muitos medos tais como a morte e a perda dos amados
• Se elas experimentarem muito cedo decepção ou falha, podem desistir
(11/05 03:33) Yan: e desenvolver um bloqueio permanente.
Algumas Frases extraídas do Livro
"Se você está constantemente obtendo resistência de um Índigo, cheque você primeiro. Eles podem estar segurando um espelho para você ou estar pedindo, de uma forma inconformista, ajuda para descobrir novos limites, ajustamento fino nas suas habilidades ou talentos, ou ir para o próximo nível de crescimento."
"Índigos já nascem Mestres, todos sem exceção! Nós temos que entender que eles esperam que todos nós façamos os que eles fazem de forma natural e, se não fizermos, eles permanecerão pressionando nossos botões até que cumpramos nosso papel de forma correta. Ou seja, até que nos tornemos mestres de nossas próprias vidas. Portanto, quando meu filho fez suas coisas, ele ensinou a todos uma lição silenciosa, incluindo a mim mesmo."
"O termo Crianças Índigo refere-se aos emissários especiais enviado do Céu pelo Pai-Mãe-Criador, suportando um profundo intento."
(11/05 03:34) Yan: "Muitas pessoas têm dificuldades no relacionamento com esses emissários porque eles aproximam-se com crenças pré-concebidas e regras que as crianças não compartilham."
"Crianças são tudo que elas precisam ser; elas são elas mesmas. Vamos deixá-las sozinhas para que elas possam ser exatamente o que elas são."
Problemas que os Índigos podem experimentar
Existem atributos positivos com as Crianças Índigo, mas existem também três complicações que o autor já testemunhou tanto profissionalmente como na vida particular:
• Elas demandam mais atenção e sentem que a vida é muito preciosa para deixar escapar. Elas querem que as coisas aconteçam e freqüentemente forçam situações para realizarem o desejado. Os pais facilmente caem em armadilhas de fazer para a criança ao invés de desempenhar um papel na modelagem ou no compartilhamento. Uma vez que aconteça os pais serão apenas fantoches.
• Estes emissários podem tornar-se emocionalmente irritados por pessoas que não entendam o fe
(11/05 03:35) Yan: o fenômeno Índigo. Eles não podem compreender porque as pessoas operam em modalidades não baseadas no amor. Porém, elas são extremamente resistentes e hábeis para ajudar crianças carentes, embora esta ajuda seja freqüentemente rejeitada. Quando jovens, eles podem ter problemas de ajustamento com outras crianças.
• As Crianças Índigo são freqüentemente tituladas como tendo ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) ou alguma forma de hiperatividade. Em muitos casos são tratados com química quando deveriam ser tratados de forma diferente.
O que podemos fazer?
Estas crianças estão aqui para nos ajudar na transformação do mundo. Portanto, nós precisamos aprender com elas, principalmente escutando-as e observando-as. Não obstante, estamos relacionando algumas regras básicas que precisamos observar para não tolhermos o brilho dessas crianças:
• Trate os Índigos com respeito. Honre sua existência na família.
• Ajude-os a criar suas próprias soluções disciplinadas.
(11/05 03:36) Yan: • Dê a eles escolha em tudo.
• Nunca os diminua, nunca.
• Sempre explique o por quê de você dar instruções.
Escute essas explicações por você mesmo. Não parece estúpida a expressão "porque eu disse que deve ser assim"? Se você concorda com a estupidez de expressões assim, então reconsidere suas instruções e as mude. Eles o respeitarão por isso e esperarão. Mas se você der a eles ordens autoritárias e ditatoriais sem bondade e razões sólidas, essas crianças o derrotarão. Elas simplesmente não vão obedecer e o que é pior, elas vão dar uma lista de motivos que desclassificam suas intenções. Algumas vezes suas razões podem ser simples, como por exemplo, "porque isso vai me ajudar hoje pois estou realmente cansado". A honestidade vencerá como nunca antes. Eles vão pensar sobre isso e acatarão.
• Faça deles um parceiro no relacionamento. Pense bastante sobre este aspecto.
• Quando crianças, explique tudo que você estiver fazendo para eles. Eles podem não entender, no
(11/05 03:38) Yan: não entender, no entanto, eles perceberão sua consciência e honra por eles. Esta é uma tremenda dica antes deles aprenderem a falar.
• Se problemas sérios desenvolverem, teste-os antes de iniciar tratamento baseado em drogas.
• Provenha segurança no seu suporte a eles. Evite crítica negativa. Sempre deixe-os saber que você os apoiará em todos os momentos. Eles crescerão de encontro com suas verbalizações e irão surpreendê-lo durante o processo. Então, celebrem juntos. Não os faça simplesmente realizar, mas permita que eles façam com encorajamento.
• Não os diga quem eles são, ou o que eles vão ser no futuro. Eles sabem melhor que você. Deixe que eles decidam suas áreas de interesse. Não os force a entrar em algum ofício familiar ou em algum tipo de negócio porque isso é que a família vem desempenhando por gerações. Estas crianças absolutamente não serão seguidores.
Dicas no relacionamento com Índigos
• Os Índigos são abertos e honestos, isso não é uma vulnerabilidade
(11/05 03:39) Yan: isso não é uma vulnerabilidade mas a maior força. Se você não for aberto e honesto com eles, mesmo assim eles serão com você, no entanto, eles não o respeitarão.
• Marasmo pode trazer arrogância para os Índigos, portanto não os deixe cair no marasmo.
Se eles agem de forma arrogante, isso significa que eles precisam de novos desafios e novos limites. Alimente seus cérebros mantendo-os ocupados da melhor forma possível.
• Pais, professores e orientadores devem estar aptos para definir e manter limites claros, ainda que suficientemente flexíveis para mudar e ajustar esses limites quando necessário, baseados no crescimento emocional e mental, pois os Índigos crescem rápido. Ser firme mas justo é necessário para a segurança deles e para nossa.
• A mensagem dada e transmitida pelos adultos deve ser mais prazerosa do que dolorosa, e mais baseada no amor do que no medo.
• Mantenha a criança informada e envolvida.
• Evite mal-entendidos simplesmente dando explicações.
(11/05 03:40) Yan: • Não perca a paciência com sua criança.
• Evite dar ordem (verbos no imperativo).
Ao invés de ordens verbais, utilize o toque para chamar a atenção deles. Eles são muito sensíveis ao tato (toque no ombro, aperto de mão, abraço, etc).
• Mantenha sua palavra.
• Negocie com cada situação.
• Não esconda nada e não use linguagem abusiva. ]
• Deixe sua emoção mostrar amor e não ódio.
• Se uma repreensão é dada, crie situações de dar um tempo ou folga.
• Discuta a situação geradora da repreensão após seu término.
• Depois de tudo, sempre reúna com a criança e reveja se houve um aprendizado e crescimento após a repreensão.
• Importante, lembre-se que punição não funcionará com essas crianças. Punição é diferente de repreensão. Punição é baseada na culpa enquanto que repreensão é baseada num crescimento ou melhoramento.Cuidados com os métodos educacionais nas escolas.
Na educação ou na escolha de escola devemos ter em mente que nós temos que ensinar as cr
(11/05 03:41) Yan: Na educação ou na escolha de escola devemos ter em mente que nós temos que ensinar as crianças como pensar e não o que pensar. Nossa regra não é passar o conhecimento, mas, ao invés, a sabedoria. Sabedoria é o conhecimento aplicado. Quando nós somente damos conhecimento para as crianças, nós estamos dizendo a elas o que pensar, o que elas supostamente devem saber e o que nós queremos que elas acreditem que seja verdade.
Quando nós damos às crianças sabedoria, no entanto, nós não dizemos a elas o que pensar ou o que é verdade. Ao invés disso, nós dizemos a elas como obter sua própria verdade. Naturalmente, nós não podemos ignorar o conhecimento quando ensinamos sabedoria, porque sem conhecimento não existe sabedoria. Um certo montante de conhecimento deve ser passado de uma geração para a próxima, mas nós devemos deixar as crianças descobrirem por elas mesmas. O conhecimento é freqüentemente perdido, mas a sabedoria nunca é esquecida.
Os velhos padrões de energia são baseados na c
(11/05 03:43) Yan: na crença fundamental que as crianças são vasos vazios que devem ser preenchidos com conhecimento pelos experts, os professores. Os professores usam técnicas de envergonhar e comparar os estudantes com a idéia que isso trará motivação.
Nesta atmosfera, qualquer criança que não se encaixa neste modelo será considerada como tendo problema.
O problema com este sistema é que as crianças aprendem a encontrar suas necessidades por atenção e reconhecimento de uma forma negativa.
Aspectos Espirituais dos Índigos
Os novos meninos índigos, eu me refiro a eles como os Pequeninos, chegaram aqui para nos dar um novo entendimento da humanidade. Eles são presentes para os pais, para o planeta e para o universo. Quando honramos os Pequeninos como presentes, nós vemos a sabedoria divina que eles trazem para ajudar a crescer a vibração do Planeta Terra.
O passo mais importante para entender e comunicar com essas novas crianças é mudar nossa forma de pensar a respeito delas.
INDIGO CHILDREN - Understanding Psychic Children,
Edgar Cayce on the Indigo Children
Aspectos Espirituais dos Índigos
Os novos meninos índigos, eu me refiro a eles como os Pequeninos, chegaram aqui para nos dar um novo entendimento da humanidade. Eles são presentes para os pais, para o planeta e para o universo. Quando honramos os Pequeninos como presentes, nós vemos a sabedoria divina que eles trazem para ajudar a crescer a vibração do Planeta Terra.
O passo mais importante para entender e comunicar com essas novas crianças é mudar nossa forma de pensar a respeito delas. Derrubando nossos paradigmas para honrar os Pequeninos como presentes ao invés de problemas, você abrirá as portas para entender a sabedoria deles e a sua própria. Os Pequeninos honrarão seu intento e um caminho para o entendimento aparecerá.
O crescente uso de medicações psicotrópicas reflete nosso desconforto mundial com a mudança. Nós estamos no limiar de deixar o velho mundo, baseado em competição, ciúme e inveja, e entrar numa nova era fundamentada em cooperação, amor e conhecimento de nossa unicidade. A velha energia está deixando caminho para a nova energia.
As crianças que recentemente estão encarnando são diferentes das gerações anteriores.
Elas são chamadas de "Crianças da Luz", "Crianças do Milênio" e "Crianças Índigo" por uma boa razão.
Estas crianças são altamente conscientes, sensíveis e com psíquico perfeito.
Elas também têm tolerância zero para desonestidade e falta de autenticidade.
Elas sabem quando alguém está mentindo instantaneamente.
Imagine quão difícil é para estas crianças estarem em um sistema educacional que tem muita falta de autenticidade, tais como:
"Vamos fingir que nós gostamos de estar aqui. Não vamos discutir quão infelizes nós todos somos para sermos forçados a vir a este lugar para aprender/ensinar coisas que não temos certeza da aplicação prática em nossa vida real". Em casa, os adultos freqüentemente tratam suas crianças com desonestidade. Por exemplo, os pais escondem coisas dos seus filhos. Essas intuitivas crianças sabem quando alguma coisa está errada. Elas perguntam ao Pai ou a Mãe para confirmação destes sentimentos. Se os pais negam a verdade, isso pode conduzir essas crianças à frustração. Elas não sabem como conciliar a disparidade entre o que elas sentem por dentro (verdade) com o que os adultos dizem (inverdade).
As Crianças Índigo encarnaram neste tempo por uma razão muito sagrada:
para introduzir uma nova sociedade baseada em honestidade, cooperação e amor. Quando elas atingirem a fase adulta, nosso mundo será vastamente diferente do que é hoje. Nós não mais teremos violência e competição.
Nós recordaremos da nossa habilidade para manifestar nossas necessidades, portanto não haverá necessidade de competir com os outros.
Desde que nossas habilidades telepáticas naturais serão restabelecidas, mentir será impossível.
E porque todo mundo perceberá a unicidade que existe entre todos os seres viventes, a solicitude será a base da sociedade.
Nós incorremos em um grande débito de karma se interferimos na missão divina dessas crianças.
Será extremamente importante que ajudemos a conduzir essas crianças para o sucesso espiritual.
Para fazer isso, precisamos ser muito honestos com elas.
Quando uma criança perguntar-lhe alguma coisa, mesmo que isso o faça sentir desconfortável, diga a eles a verdade.
Eu freqüentemente rezo pedindo sabedoria para falar com minhas próprias crianças, para que possa falar a verdade de uma maneira amável.
Se você se sente desconfortável ao falar a verdade para sua criança, deixe que ela saiba disso. Você não precisa virar confidente, mas é importante honestamente compartilhar seus sentimentos com ela.
Dessa maneira, você se tornará uma modelador positivo que mostra às crianças como honrar suas emoções.
Nós estamos aprendendo da metafísica e suas fontes que estas novas crianças vindas para o planeta são de longe mais conscientes espiritualmente. Isto não significa que todos os Índigos vão crescer no ministério e como gigantes espirituais. Isso realmente significa que eles chegaram com um diferente nível de consciência, maior do que o nosso.
De acordo com a maioria das fontes espirituais, estas crianças não somente estavam sendo esperadas mas elas são prova de uma evolução da consciência humana, além da velha energia das gerações anteriores.
Elas são pacificadoras, almas velhas e sábias e uma suprema esperança de coisas melhores neste planeta
. Elas estão interessadas em fazer as coisas cheias de paz em casa entre os pais. Elas importam de longe além das normas esperadas para as crianças e estão transbordando sabedoria que nos faz ficar sem fala. Seus instintos humanitários vêm já prontos e mostram as características delas desde o início. Elas são portanto um novo passo evolucionário na humanidade.
Questões relacionadas à Saúde
Existem duas disfunções claramente associadas aos Índigos: ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) Desordem de Déficit de Atenção e ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) Desordem Hiperativa de Déficit de Atenção. Os Índigos são freqüente e erroneamente diagnosticados como ADHD ou ADD porque se recusam a obedecer.
Quando assistimos ao filme de Clint Eastwood, nós aplaudimos a rebeldia dele. No entanto, quando o mesmo espírito está evidente nas crianças, nós damos drogas a elas (Ritalin é a droga mundialmente usada).
Diante disso, é importante enfatizar os seguintes pontos:
1. Nem todos os Índigos são ADD ou ADHD.
2. Nem todas as crianças com ADD ou ADHD são Índigos.
Algumas pesquisas, como a encontrada em [mediconsult.com], estimam que existem de 3 a 5 milhões de crianças ADHD. Se adicionarmos aquelas com deficiência de aprendizado, o quadro pode chegar a 10 milhões de crianças ou mais. Sendo assim, a entidade NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) - Instituto Nacional de Saúde Mental dos Estados Unidos, passou a considerar ADHD como uma prioridade nacional com liberação de muita verba para pesquisa. Entre várias pesquisas, destacaremos a chamada CRP:
Polaridade Reversa Crônica (CRP)
Keith R. Smith descobriu a polaridade reversa crônica (CRP) como um remédio para a síndrome da fadiga crônica há anos atrás por acidente. Desde então, ele tem percebido que muitos dos sintomas de ADHD em crianças são idênticos ao CRP em adultos. Quando ele começou a testar crianças com ADHD suas suspeitas foram confirmadas. Quase todas as crianças com ADHD que estiveram em seu consultório apresentaram polaridade reversa crônica. Uma vez que ele adicionou remédio herbáceo para esta condição como pré-requisito para um plano nutricional, coisas maravilhosas começaram a acontecer para as crianças. Elas começaram a responder ao tratamento e melhoraram. A maioria delas se tornaram "boas".
Todo sistema e processo no corpo físico é baseado em eletricidade. Em nossos processos mentais, o sistema imunológico e o coração são todos parte de um vasto sistema que utiliza eletricidade. O corpo humano é um sistema elétrico que se auto-contém e se auto-gera. A qualquer momento em que a eletricidade está em operação, campos magnéticos são criados, sendo que campos magnéticos possuem polaridade: isto é, possuem pólo norte e pólo sul. Se você submeter um ímã ao stress, ele reverterá a polaridade, ou seja, em essência, os pólos norte e sul serão trocados.
Desde que o corpo humano é baseado em eletricidade e tem um campo magnético sutil, certas condições tais como stress poderão reverter os pólos como num ímã. Isso pode ser temporário e é tratado como tal por vários profissionais de medicina alternativa/holística. Na prática, ele descobriu que a polaridade reversa pode durar muito e pode ser difícil de curar sem um entendimento perfeito de uma variedade de condições.
Ele foi levado a descobrir que a polaridade reversa freqüentemente se torna crônica e parece ser o maior fator na causa de: síndrome da fadiga crônica, depressão, ansiedade, doenças do sistema imunológico, câncer, ADHD e muitas outras disfunções que não parecem se curar com tratamentos padrões. Sintomas variados criam confusão de como tratar o problema, que geralmente passa desapercebido, até o aparecimento de um sintoma mais pronunciado.
O Sistema Elétrico do Corpo
A condição de polaridade reversa enfraquece a força elétrica do corpo. Stress prolongado é a maior causa disso. Como a carga elétrica do corpo enfraquece, sintomas ocorrem como sinais de aviso. Se a carga do corpo cair abaixo de 42 hertz, o sistema imunológico não pode resistir a doenças. Nos estágios iniciais de CRP, os sinais de aviso do corpo podem incluir dor nas costas, músculos rígidos, ou dor de cabeça; se nós não dermos atenção a estes sintomas e não pararmos para recarregar nossa força elétrica, os sintomas podem piorar para fadiga extrema, depressão, ansiedade, enxaqueca, dormência e dor crônica em áreas fracas.
Com a polaridade revertida, o sistema de auto-preservação torna-se inativo. Os sinais elétricos usuais para o sistema imunológico parecem destruir ao invés de proteger.
Alguns principais sintomas de CRP tem um paralelo exato com os sintomas de ADHD; por exemplo, memória recente fraca e problema de concentração.
De acordo com diagnóstico da Associação de Psiquiatria Americana, o diagnóstico de ADD e ADHD requer 9 sintomas de falta de atenção e 9 de hiperatividade/impulsividade, que podem desenvolver antes dos 7 anos e persistir por no mínimo 6 meses e que sejam suficientemente severos para interferir nas atividades sociais e escolares normais:
Falta de Atenção
1. Prestam pouca atenção aos detalhes e cometem erros sem se importarem
2. Têm dificuldades de prestar atenção
3. Não escutam as pessoa
(12/05 07:52) Yan: 3. Não escutam as pessoas
4. Não possuem continuidade nas tarefas sem terminá-las
5. Têm dificuldades de organização
6. Evitam atividades com um substancial esforço mental ou concentração
7. Freqüentemente perdem coisas necessárias na escola e em outras atividades diárias
8. Ficam distraídos facilmente
9. Freqüentemente se esquecem de atividades rotineiras.
1. Freqüentemente irrequietos e retorcendo
2. Freqüentemente abandonam o assento quando deveriam permanecer assentados
3. Sempre correndo e subindo em lugares impróprios
4. Têm dificuldades em se encaixar em jogos mais moderados ou em outras atividades
5. Estão sempre em movimento como se tivessem um motor
6. Falam demais
7. Soltam respostas prematuramente
8. Têm dificuldades em aguardar a vez
9. Freqüentemente interrompem e atrapalham os outros.
(12/05 07:53) Yan: Segundo Keith R. Smith, a polaridade reversa crônica é contagiosa, não causada por germes mas pela proximidade.
Se você colocar uma bateria carregada próxima a uma descarregada, a bateria carregada perderá carga.
Da mesma forma, crianças circundadas por pais estressados (CRP), ou no útero de tais mães, podem ter sua polaridade revertida inconscientemente pelos pais.
Isso freqüentemente ocorre antes do nascimento e continuam à medida que a criança desenvolve sem intervenção para quebrar o ciclo. Ele prevê que pesquisadores vão provar que isso cria desequilíbrio químico no cérebro e desordem nervosa desencadeando os sintomas já mencionados. ( Texto traduzido e adaptado por Dailton Menezes, junho 2006.)
Na pesquisa sobre as Crianças Índigo, alguma coisa se tornou quase aparente para nós: mesmo embora estas crianças formem um grupo relativamente novo, sua sabedoria sem idade está nos mostrando um nova e mais amável maneira de estar, não só com elas mas com cada
(12/05 07:54) Yan: com cada um de nós.(traduzido, adaptado por Dailton Menezes, junho 2006.)
Alguns Links
"Through the Eyes of a Child"- conjunto de 2 fitas de video de Drunvalo Melchizedek (somente em inglês).
Quem falava pela boca de Edgar Cayce?
Mais do que simples clarividência - Talvez, médicos de diferentes épocas e escolas
Tese do modus operandí
Quando John Cutten esteve em Moscou, participando da Conferência de Parapsicologia realizada em junho de 1968, um cientista russo perguntou-lhe: "Por que, no ocidente, se interessam em associar a pesquisa parapsicológica a conceitos metafísicos e por que os fenômenos têm de ser ligados a espíritos?"
Evidente que falou surpreso e, possivelmente, com desdem a este conceituado Secretário da Sociedade de Pesquisa de Londres, pois que a pesquisa psíquica feita na Rússia está tão vinculada à visão de um mundo quadrado que, ali, não se usa muito a expressão Parapsicologia;
(12/05 07:55) Yan: ; preferem outras denominações menos psíquicas, como a de bio-informação para designar a telepatia e a clarividência
O que eles tencionam descobrir são ondas, radiações, condensadores, células dermo-opticais, etc. No entanto, é fatal, e sempre foi, que ninguém agarra a cauda de um condor sem que lhe aconteça voar ou cair. Ascensão ou queda são alternativas. como Cila e Caribe postadas diante de Ulisses. Daí que, perseguindo expressões simplesmente bioenergética, uns terminem subindo às camadas rarefeitas da espiritualidade, enquanto outros terão de sempre beijar a terra até enterrarem nela a cabeça, como avestruz.
Essa atitude negativa, anti-espírito, não se encontra só na, Rússia, pois, afinal, neste país isto se justifica pelo fato de a cultura da atual geração ter sido modelada pelo materialismo histórico. O repositório de fenômenos explicáveis pela interpretação espírita é enorme em todo mundo; acho até que, na velha Europa, foram registrados tantos fatos significativos para
(12/05 07:55) Yan: significativos para despertamento,perfeitos, evidentes, como nunca os tivemos, nós, no Brasil, Mas que é que vai refletir um espelho embaciado por preconceitos milenares?
Ainda agora, cotejando a vida do célebre Edgar Cayce e, principalmente, detendo-me em aspectos das suas atividades no campo da filosofia e da religião, encontrei inúmeros pontos de contacto com aquilo que aprendemos através das obras psicografadas por Chico Xavier, notadamente as de André Luiz.
A reencarnação, as diversas moradas na Casa do Pai, a interpretação de Cristo como espírito Co-Criador, tal como nos sugere a "Evolução em Dois Mundos", alguns aspectos da própria técnica reencarnatória com planejamento anterior, etc. tudo isto se encontra em profusão, num trabalho porfiado de quase meio século de vida apostolar e bem difundida. No entanto, para todos os efeitos, Edgar Cayce terá sido sempre um extraordinário clarividente que, em estado hipnótico, fazia maravilhas. Tais maravilhas, todavia, não fazem
(12/05 07:56) Yan: . Tais maravilhas, todavia, não fazem o cérebro do norte-americano funcionar de modo algum, no sentido de abrir-se para outras dimensões do ser.
Edgar Cayce deita-se no divã e dorme imediatamente, por força de auto sugestão. A seu lado, uma pessoa de confiança, a sua esposa Gertrudes, vigia-o e lhe sugere que verifique o estado de saúde de determinado paciente, em determinado endereço.
Edgar, dormindo profundamente, assumindo agora uma voz mais autoritária e diferente, descreve o doente por dentro, com todas as suas complicações patológicas, usando terminologia rigorosamente médica! Depois, receita o remédio. Este remédio pode ser uma droga à venda mas, geralmente, o médium mesmo faz a fórmula, bastante incomum! Não se limita a isto, caso o paciente necessite de uma aplicação especial, ensina como fabricar o aparelho. Ainda mais, diz como fazer certas aplicações. Num caso concreto, depois de receitar pequenas doses de álcool doce com nitrato e óleo de zimbro, determina que lhe
(12/05 07:57) Yan: , determina que lhe "apliquem um vibrador na espinha de alto a baixo, desde a inserção das espáduas até a ponta do cóccix, sem contudo subir até a base do cérebro...."
Certos casos são bem eloqüentes e reveladores: A garota Aime Dietrich, com 2 anos de idade, apanhou forte gripe e desde então ficou imbecilizada, sem falar ou qualquer inteligência.
Cayce fez a leitura, em transe: "A garota sofreu uma lesão na espinha e os germes da gripe se instalaram na coluna vertebral." A mãe lembrou que, de fato, a menina rolara da carruagem e batera com as costas no estribo, no dia que a levara ao médico. No entanto, toda a ciência da Terra não dera pela causa. A garota, graças a Cayce, se tornara agora a linda moça casadoira.
Certa feita, Edgard Cayce receitou óleo de fumaça e, como confessou o Dr. Kitchum, médico presente, aquilo lhe pareceu pilhéria de mau gosto. Pois bem, Cayce designou a Farmácia em Louisville e em que lugar nos fundos da mesma se encontrava a droga sem que
(12/05 07:58) Yan: sem que o próprio dono do estabelecimento o soubesse! Era preparado tão velho que o rótulo estava quase ilegível! Noutros casos, Cayce alterava a fórmula de dado remédio, como no caso do Atomidine. Ele receitava segundo diversas escolas, tanto homeopata, como alopata.
Poderíamos atribuir os efeitos de Edgar Cayce a um simples capítulo de clarividência?
Por clarividência entendemos a faculdade que tem uma pessoa de perceber imagens ou ocorrências, à distância, por via extra-sensorial. Se o sujeito, estando numa sala, percebe e revela o que se passa, naquele momento, na sua casa, eis que nos dá mostras de ser clarividente. Mas no caso de Edgar Cayce aquilo que faz é bem diferente e importa numa habilitação profissional.
Qualquer um de nós pode ver uma prateleira cheia de remédios, sem saber usá-los para as enfermidades. Eis, pois de que forma nos distanciamos da simples Paparapsicologia, para cairmos no Espiritismo.
(12/05 08:00) Yan: Nestes casos, como o de Edgar Cayce, utiliza-se muito a explicação da telepatia, isto é, ele faria leitura no subconsciente dos outros. Parece-me que o próprio Edgar dá tal explicação,
talvez por inconsciente espiritofobia decorrente de ser inveterado leitor da Bíblia e professor na escola dominical da Igreja Cristã protestante. Como diria o saudoso Imbassahy, uma explicação que não explica nada! De que forma descobrir no inconsciente de alguém aquela coisa de que se necessita na hora?
Ademais, Insistimos no mesmo ponto: O modus operandi. Ter guardado algo no consciente ou no inconsciente não é saber fazê-lo. Para fazer-se algo, importa que exista experiência ou habilidade pessoal.
Um sacerdote que
o consultou, escreveu-lhe: "Onde acharei aqui quem me faça as compressas de óleo de rícino?"
Cayce lhe responde direitinho, como dobrar o pano, o tamanho deste, como torcê-lo, em que zona e que pressão dar à compressa! Deu-lhe as explicações, dormindo!
Outro caso,
(12/05 08:01) Yan: Outro caso, encontro-o citado num excelente trabalho de Wallace Leal Valentín Rodrigues para a revista Planeta - julho de 73 –
denominado "Este homem fazia milagres, dormindo"!
Um membro da família real italiana devia ser atendido e todos ficaram preocupados, Para surpresa geral, Edgar Cayce começou a falar em Italiano, língua que desconhecia, pois, na realidade, como atestou o Dr. Munsterberg, da Universidade de Harvard, ele tinha um grau sofrível de cultura.
De nenhum modo, a auto-sugestão hipnótica e mesmo a hetero-sugestão pode conduzir à eliminação da hipótese espírita, mesmo que a literatura nos apresente certos tipos clássicos utilizados por hipnólogos, nos velhos tempos, para fazerem diagnóstico.
Sabemos, bem como a hipnose provoca artificialmente a abertura para a produção do fenômeno espirítico. Aliás, no início do Espiritismo, utilizava-se o hipnotismo para dar início ao transe. Por outro lado, temos concluído, por mensurações eletroencefalógrafas e abor
(12/05 08:01) Yan: e abordagem científica, como a feita por Cervino, que existe correlação estreita entre hipnotismo e espiritismo.
No hipnotismo o agente está na carne; no espiritismo (mediunismo) fora dele! Também, André Luiz nos ensina isto em Mecanismo da Mediunidade.
Conseqüentemente, o fenômeno Edgar Cayce é, a nosso ver, um misto parapsico-espirítico. Ele, em encarnação antiga foi sacerdote e médico e, com tal predisposição, propiciou o trabalho de inúmeras entidades que, durante o seu transe, manifestavam os seus conhecimentos. Daí durante o transe, na sessão de leitura, Edgar Cayce diga: "Nós..."
Cila e Caribde. Temível sorvedouro e rochedo, respectivamente, no estreito de Messina. O piloto que procurava escapar de um perigo podia cair no outro; dai a expressão: escapar de Cila para cair em Caribde. Ulisses. Heroi grego, rei legendário da Itaca um dos principais atores do cerco de Troia.
(12/05 08:03) Yan: "No momento em que uma criança nasce, a mãe tbm nasce. Ela nunca existiu antes. A mulher existia, mas a mãe nunka. Uma mãe é algo absolutamente novo"( Yan Ay )
"porque as coisas lindas muito mais do que lindas,essas ficarão!" ( Drummond )
"Arrebatar o eterno do desesperadamente fugaz é o grande truque mágico da existência humana." (Tennessee Williams )
"A beleza é a eternidade a olhar-se ao espelho. Mas vós sois a eternidade e o espelho."( Khalil Gibran )
"Cada dia traz em si a eternidade".( Yan Ay )
"Todo amor é eterno. E se acaba, não era amor."( Nelson Rodrigues )
"E quando fizeres de cada dia uma suprema criação de amor e humor,
de inocência e espontaneidade, teus dias comungarão com a eternidade, e teus instantes com elos do infinito."( Chamalu )
"A eternidade é o estado das coisas neste momento."( Clarice Lispector )
"A eternidade é um oceano sem praias."( Coelho Neto )
"o que um herói faz em vida ressoa por toda a eternidade " ( Yan )
Crescimento espiritual, Oração e Meditação
Um dos temas fundamentais das leituras se refere à nossa relação com as Forças Criadoras. Por esta razão, durante onze anos, de 1931 a 1942, Edgar Cayce ditou uma série de cento e trinta leituras a um grupo de pessoas interessadas nas leis espirituais (o Grupo de Estudo n.o 1). No início, alguns membros do grupo só queriam aprender a desenvolver seus poderes psíquicos. Cayce lhes disse que a grande meta era o progresso espiritual e lhes explicou que, segundo suas necessidades pessoais e os objetivos de suas presentes encarnações, suas faculdades extra-sensoriais resultariam da perseverança em estudar e colocar em prática os princípios universais.
A informação compilada pelo Grupo de Estudo n.o 1 a partir dessa série de leituras deu origem ao livro "À Procura de Deus", no qual são expostos conceitos espirituais aplicáveis à vida cotidiana. Seu objetivo é nos despertar para a verdade, nos fazer entender nossa autêntica natureza divina e nos conduzir até a Luz, nos revelando o propósito da existência e nos ajudando a cumprir nossa missão na Terra, nos dar paz, esperança e a sublime felicidade de nos sentirmos em harmonia com o Criador e com nossos semelhantes. Mostrando-nos que formamos parte de Deus e somos unos com ele, "À Procura de Deus" nos encoraja a contribuir para a edificação de um mundo melhor e a convertermo-nos em nobres instrumentos da vontade do Senhor, em puras expressões do amor universal. Os preceitos que oferecem têm sido acolhidos por pessoas de todas as tendências religiosas. Continuam inspirando e transformando inúmeras pessoas, permitindo-lhes elevar seus níveis de consciência através da oração, da meditação, da cooperação, da fé, da paciência e do altruísmo. Hoje em dia, existem no mundo muitos 'Grupos de Estudo' - nome genérico dos grupos de discussão que se reúnem semanalmente para aprofundar os temas abordados nas leituras de Edgar Cayce.
Segundo Cayce, somos seres espirituais atualmente encarnados na Terra. De fato, o homem não é um corpo físico dotado de uma alma, mas uma alma que se encontra na matéria a fim de aprender com suas experiências e de poder retornar à Fonte Suprema. Na Bíblia também, vemos que o ser espiritual (Gênesis 1) foi criado antes do ser físico (Gênesis 2). Uma vez que compreender e manifestar nossa verdadeira relação com Deus e com a Criação constitui a finalidade de nossa presença na Terra, deveríamos meditar regularmente. Notemos que Cayce já mencionava e recomendava a meditação em 1921, quando a maioria das pessoas do mundo ocidental nem sequer sabia o que era isso. Começou-se a falar mais sobre o assunto nos anos 70, ainda que para muitos continue sendo, até hoje, uma noção estranha, mais associada às religiões orientais. Desde então, abundantes investigações clínicas têm demonstrado sua influência positiva sobre a saúde e o bem estar em geral. Numerosos médicos a reconhecem agora como uma maneira eficaz de reduzir a hipertensão arterial, de diminuir o estresse e de obter mais serenidade.
Meditar consiste em aquietar o corpo e a mente, e em parar de prestar atenção ao mundo exterior, a fim de que possamos nos unir a Deus no silêncio de nosso santuário interior. A meditação atua favoravelmente no plano físico, relaxando o corpo; no plano mental, acalmando os pensamentos e as ansiedades; e no plano espiritual, renovando a energia vital e estimulando nossos atributos divinos. Isto nos permite levar uma existência mais útil, melhorar as relações com as pessoas que nos rodeiam e enfrentar com ânimo renovado as dificuldades que se apresentam. Ao dedicar a cada dia alguns momentos para liberar a mente das múltiplas preocupações que a assaltam, vamos recobrando a plena consciência de nossa essência divina. Podemos dizer que orar é dirigir-nos a Deus e falar com ele, enquanto que meditar significa escutar a Deus, deixando-nos instruir e guiar pela parte de nosso ser que se acha em constante comunhão com o Infinito.
Aplicando algumas regras simples, a meditação está ao alcance de todos, e mesmo os principiantes percebem os efeitos benéficos de um período de silêncio motivado por um ideal elevado.
• A primeira etapa requer que se adote uma posição confortável; por exemplo, sentados em uma cadeira, com as costas retas, os pés apoiados no chão, os olhos fechados e as mãos apoiadas no colo ou ao lado do corpo. Começar a relaxar com respirações lentas e profundas -inspirar fundo e reter um pouco o ar nos pulmões antes de expirar. Ao mesmo tempo, ir examinando com a mente as tensões existentes no corpo, e sucessivamente eliminá-las usando a imaginação ou massageando as zonas correspondentes com a ponta dos dedos.
• A segunda etapa consiste em concentrar-se em um pensamento pacífico e inspirador, que chamaremos de "afirmação": por exemplo, "a paz me envolve e reina em mim", "estou em um estado de relaxamento total", um versículo da bíblia, ou um aforismo espiritual como "Deus é Amor". Convém impedir que a mente vagueie ou se concentre em coisas da vida diária. Depois de refletir sobre a mensagem da afirmação, analisando cada palavra com cuidado, é necessário impregnar-se de seu significado. De fato, as impressões experimentadas no ser interior impactam muito mais que as palavras em si. Assim, não basta repetir "Deus é Amor", pois é o sentimento que acompanha esta afirmativa que lhe dá sua força e sua amplitude.
• A terceira etapa é a meditação em si. Consiste em permanecer em silêncio, submergido nos sentimentos produzidos pela afirmação. Quando a mente se desviar, é indispensável voltar a concentrar-se, primeiro no sentido das palavras da afirmação e, em seguida, nos sentimentos que estas suscitam. Não desanime se a mente divagar: conseguir fixar a atenção num só pensamento exige tempo. A principio, faça períodos de silêncio de uns cinco minutos, e vá aumentando até chegar, com o tempo a quinze ou vinte minutos.
• Na quarta etapa devemos enviar bons pensamentos, ou orações, para outras pessoas, antes de concluir a sessão de meditação. Por exemplo, no caso de se haver escolhido o amor como tema central, dirigir este sentimento para os seres queridos e para quem quer que você saiba que está necessitando.
Praticada cotidianamente, a meditação fica cada vez mais fácil, e a quietude que emana desses momentos de concentração silenciosa e de recolhimento se reflete em todos os aspectos da vida.
Discordando dos que sustentam que a mente deve ficar inativa, porque se deixa distrair e altera o processo de meditação, Cayce declara nas leituras que opoder criativo da mente pode ser utilizado de maneira adequada para se alcançar um alto grau de harmonização com a Fonte Universal.
Meditar regularmente propicia curas a nível físico, mental e espiritual. Graças às afirmações construtivas que empregamos e ao ideal que mantemos durante a meditação, nossas tendências negativas desaparecem, sendo substituídas por atitudes mais positivas.
De modo geral, desperdiçamos horas em ocupações que não nos trazem nenhum beneficio, enquanto que alguns minutos diários reservados à oração e à meditação podem nos proporcionar mais paz, alegria e plenitude que qualquer outra atividade. Busquemos primeiro o Reino dos Céus, que está dentro de nós. A palavra e as promessas divinas são eternas: invoquemos ao Senhor, sabendo que somos o templo do Deus vivo, que o Todo Poderoso reside em nosso Santuário Interior. [1] No silêncio da meditação, uma vez relaxado o corpo, serenada a mente e esquecidas as preocupações, nos abrimos à nossa natureza espiritual e nos unimos à Força Criadora.
As leituras de Edgar Cayce dizem que todos devemos meditar, pois a comunhão com Deus é primordial. Com efeito, a alma, nosso ser superior, não está feliz senão com o Divino e aspira a morar no seio do Criador. A meditação assídua nos ajuda a compreender e a manifestar nossa relação íntima com o Senhor, a aplicar os princípios universais na vida diária, a distinguir a onipresença de Deus, e a prepararmo-nos para que a transição que chamamos morte constitua um passo adicional para o entendimento cada vez mais perfeito do Pai. [2]
Livros recomendados:
• "À Procura de Deus", (Editora Pensamento)
• "Edgar Cayce: Doze Lições de Espiritualidade" ("Twelve Lessons in Personal Spirituality") - Kevin Todeschi
• "A Missão da Alma" ("Soul Purpose") - Mark Thurston
[1] Veja "À Procura de Deus", capítulo "A Meditação".
[2] Veja "À Procura de Deus", capitulo "A Meditação"
Sonhos e sua interpretação
Ainda que muita gente não costume se lembrar de seus sonhos, todo mundo sonha! No início do século XX, enquanto Sigmund Freud e seus colaboradores, como Carl Jung, demonstravam a importância dos sonhos na psicanálise, Edgar Cayce formulava um método simples que permitia entendê-los de maneira prática e utilizá-los construtivamente na vida diária. As centenas de leituras de Cayce que se referem aos sonhos e sua interpretação revelam que sabemos, a nível subconsciente, muitissimo mais do que pensamos, sobre nosso corpo, nossa personalidade, nossa individualidade e nosso meio ambiente. [1]
Ao sonhar, temos acesso a diferentes níveis de nosso subconsciente (ou inconsciente). Lá estão armazenadas as memórias de todos os nossos sucessos, desejos e esperanças, assim como as recordações de nossas experiências anteriores. O subconsciente também possui abundantes recursos dos quais, frequentemente, nem sequer suspeitamos; é extremamente hábil para resolver problemas, responder a perguntas, facilitar exames de
(15/05 21:39) Yan: facilitar exames de consciência e despertar faculdades psíquicas. Por isso, os sonhos podem nos dar indicações sobre as causas de nossas enfermidades, sobre como viver em harmonia com nossos semelhantes, sobre pensamentos ou emoções que nos perturbam, e muito mais. Em resumo, os sonhos nos ajudam a ter um maior conhecimento de nós mesmos nos planos físico, mental e espiritual.
Carl Jung, psiquiatra suíço contemporâneo de Edgar Cayce, demonstrou que existe no inconsciente um nível profundo, que chamou de "inconsciente coletivo", que é proveniente de uma autêntica realidade espiritual que não foi reconhecida por Freud. Neste nível podemos nos comunicar uns com os outros através de símbolos universais ou arquétipos, ou seja, imagens que tem o mesmo sentido para todos. Assim, um gato grande ou um leão representam força e vitalidade; os pássaros correspondem a vários aspectos do amor ou de compaixão; a água caracteriza o Espírito; um ancião ou um ancestral personifica
(15/05 21:39) Yan: personificam nosso ser superior ou nossa sabedoria interior. Isso explica por que, através de seus símbolos ou temas universais, numerosos contos e mitos de diferentes culturas se assemelham.
Às vezes podemos associar as imagens de nossos sonhos a arquétipos, mas isso nem sempre funciona, de modo que as melhores interpretações se fazem analisando o que cada símbolo evoca para cada sonhador. Por exemplo, um rifle significará provavelmente coisas muito distintas para um armeiro e para uma vítima de guerra.
Ao contrário do que em geral pensamos, não existem sonhos "maus", pois todos, inclusive os pesadelos, contêm mensagens destinadas a ajudar-nos (possível exceção para um pesadelo causado por uma indigestão). Sonhar com catástrofes é uma maneira de aliviar nossas tensões emocionais, e pode nos encorajar a tomar certas decisões como: mudar nossa dieta, nosso estilo de vida ou nossas atitudes. Sedéssemos a eles a importância que merecem, nossos sonhos se
(15/05 21:40) Yan: nossos sonhos se converteriam em uma fonte inigualável de ensinamentos e de inspiração.
A alguém que havia sonhado com um homem uniformizado, sem cabeça, Cayce disse em uma leitura que, no lugar de "perder a cabeça" teimando em executar seu trabalho com perfeição até os mínimos detalhes, mais valia que se deixasse guiar pelo Espírito. A outro que sonhou que um histérico corria pelas ruas gritando e aparentando pânico, Cayce o aconselhou que dominasse seu mau gênio. Uma mulher se viu em sonhos falando com uma amiga que usava uma bonita dentadura postiça sendo que a metade dos dentes, em forma intercalada, parecia de ouro puro. Cayce explicou que os dentes de ouro, símbolos das verdades espirituais que ela mesma mencionava com tanta freqüência, eram falsos porque ela não colocava em prática o que apregoava. A uma senhora que havia sonhado que sua falecida mãe estava viva e feliz, Cayce disse que isso era verdade pois:: "a morte não é uma realidade, mas apenas uma
(15/05 21:41) Yan: mas apenas uma transição do mundo físico ao plano espiritual." [2]
Alguns sonhos são bem literais. Por exemplo, um sonho no qual comemos uma salada pode ser um estímulo para que passemos a consumir mais verduras cruas. Também acontece de sonharmos com uma pessoa que não vemos há muito tempo, e logo após a encontramos de novo ou recebemos notícias dela.
No entanto, a maioria dos sonhos é simbólica. Lugares desconhecidos ou casas fechadas, freqüentemente se referem a aspectos de nós mesmos que não temos explorado ou que nos negamos a considerar, um automóvel normalmente representa nosso corpo e pode indicar que devemos modificar certos hábitos ou cuidar de nossa saúde.
Os sonhos de nascimentos ou de mortes são ainda mais simbólicos. Correspondem freqüentemente a novas situações, a mudanças ou à abolição de velhos hábitos. Um sonho no qual alguém vai ter um filho, ou cuida de uma criança pequena que não existe na realidade, é prenúncio
(15/05 21:41) Yan: de um novo começo na vida ou de uma idéia que está por aparecer. Um sonho fúnebre freqüentemente indica a morte de algum aspecto de nossa personalidade. Por exemplo, se uma pessoa sonha que assiste aos funerais do sacerdote de sua paróquia, isto pode indicar uma desatenção com o lado espiritual que está sendo deixado "descansar em paz".
Os sonhos que dão conselhos ou emitem opiniões se referem a sistemas de valores, regras ou ideais que adotamos. Ao sonhar, fazemos uma comparação, ou "correlação" como costumava dizer Cayce, entre nossas ações recentes e nossos critérios pessoais. Citemos o caso de uma mulher a quem se havia recomendado, em vão, que evitasse comer chocolate por razões de saúde. Uma noite, sonhou que estava contrabandeando chocolate pela fronteira mexicana, sinal óbvio que havia em sua vida algo proibido.
Estudos científicos mostraram que todos nós sonhamos. A fim de aproveitar nossos sonhos, temos que colocar um caderno ou um
(15/05 21:42) Yan: ou um bloco de apontamentos na mesa de cabeceira. Se dormirmos tempo suficiente, convencidos de que vamos nos recordar de nossos sonhos, e fizermos o esforço de escrever no momento de despertar, tudo o que nos vier à mente, mesmo que seja apenas uma vaga impressão ou sensação, deveremos começar a lembrar de nossos sonhos.
Já que a mesma imagem pode ter significados diferentes para diferentes indivíduos, a análise de um sonho é, de modo geral, uma coisa pessoal. Portanto, o melhor modo de interpretar os símbolos é estabelecer a conexão entre eles e os acontecimentos de nossa vida.
Segue-se um método simples para trabalhar com os sonhos que pode ser empregado com sucesso até por novatos.
1. Anotemos nossos sonhos todos os dias.
2. Lembremos que nossas impressões e nossos sentimentos sobre um sonho são essenciais para podermos analisá-lo em profundidade, e que, quase sempre, existem várias interpretações possíveis, de acordo
(15/05 21:43) Yan: com o nível de consciência ou de conhecimento em que nos encontremos
3. Tenhamos em mente que os personagens de nossos sonhos correspondem, usualmente, a diferentes aspectos de nossas personalidades ou de nossas individualidades. Reparemos em nossos estados de ânimo, expressões, conversas e atitudes no sonho, e comparemos com nossos pensamentos, palavras e atos na vida desperta.
4. Estejamos atentos aos símbolos, aos personagens e às emoções que aparecem repetidamente em nossos sonhos, registrando-os em um "dicionário de sonhos" pessoal, especificando que importância eles tem para nós.
5. Não esqueçamos que nossos sonhos podem ser de grande utilidade, mesmo que não os entendamos de imediato. A chave do sucesso está na assiduidade e na perseverança.
Essencialmente, os sonhos nos fazem perceber o que acontece conosco e ao nosso redor, através da correlação que fazem entre nosso comportamento habitual e os valores que constituem nosso ideal. Nos alerta
(15/05 21:44) Yan: Nos alertam para necessidades do corpo, nos revelam nossos desejos ocultos e nos permitem levar uma existência mais positiva. Também nos ajudam a tomar decisões e podem indicar-nos como melhorar nossas relações com uma pessoa, mesmo que, conscientemente, já tenhamos feito todo o possível.
Em resumo, quando definimos objetivos precisos e atuamos diligentemente para alcançá-los, os sonhos aclaram e orientam nossa vida. Trabalhar com nossos sonhos é análogo a conversar com um confidente, que conhece tudo sobre nós e está sempre disposto a falar sobre nossos problemas e preocupações. Na maior parte do tempo, esse confidente se limita a nos escutar; mas, muitas vezes, isto é suficiente para fazer surgir respostas que se encontravam ocultas em nosso interior.
As leituras nos encorajam a prestar atenção aos nossos sonhos. Edgar Cayce disse que não acontece nada importante conosco que não tenhamos sonhado antes. Ele afirmou: "Os sonhos são uma manifestação
(15/05 21:46) Yan: "Os sonhos são uma manifestação do subconsciente. Tudo o que chega a ser realidade aparece primeiro em sonhos." [3]
Livro recomendado:
• "Sonhos: Respostas desta noite às perguntas de amanhã" ("Dreams, Tonight's Answers for Tomorrow's Questions") - Mark Thurston (Editora Pensamento)
[1] Na terminologia de Cayce, a personalidade designa o que os outros vêem de nós, exibido por nosso ego. Pertence, portanto, ao reino da ilusão que oculta nossa essência divina. A individualidade se define como "a lâmpada interior", "o que brilha desde dentro, diferenciando-nos uno dos outros." [345-2] Nossa individualidade é nosso eu verdadeiro, nossa natureza profunda, nossa alma, o ser espiritual que forjamos desde que existimos.
[2] Leitura [136-33] [3] Leitura [136-7]
Saúde e medicina holística
As leituras de Edgar Cayce
(15/05 21:46) Yan: inumeráveis conselhos práticos sobre a maneira de se obter e manter uma boa saúde. A própria natureza de grande parte destas noções revela que Cayce tinha idéias de vanguarda. Suas sugestões para a recuperação e para a conservação da saúde, assim como para o equilíbrio do estilo de vida, apóiam-se em princípios tais como: dieta apropriada, exercício físico, controle das atitudes e das emoções, relaxamento e tempo livre, purificação interna e externa do corpo. Segundo Cayce, o segredo de uma boa saúde reside muito mais no cuidado correto do corpo e na medicina preventiva que no tratamento das doenças depois que elas aparecem, ou seja, "mais vale prevenir que remediar". No mundo ocidental, Cayce foi um dos precursores de uma alimentação à base de frutas, verduras, pescado, aves e água em quantidade suficiente para a depuração dos órgãos internos. Convém notar que ele fez estas recomendações, e outras similares, em uma época em que a maioria da população dos Estados Unidos consumia prin
(15/05 21:47) Yan: consumia principalmente carne vermelha e hidratos de carbono.
Os preceitos de Cayce sobre a saúde e a arte de manter-se em forma não se limitam a uma dieta adequada e à prática regular de exercício. Há dezenas de anos, Cayce já insistia sobre o papel da mente no equilíbrio físico e no bem estar das pessoas. A ciência médica reconhece hoje em dia que os pensamentos positivos aceleram os processos de cura. Tanto Cayce como a medicina moderna afirmam que o humor e a alegria contribuem para restaurar a saúde, enquanto que contrariedades, tensões e atitudes negativas, como raivas constantes, conscientes ou inconscientes, favorecem as doenças.
Inclusive pessoas que criticam outros aspectos da obra de Cayce concordam que suas recomendações ligadas à saúde são básicas para a manutenção da boa forma física.
(15/05 21:48) Yan: Estes conselhos cobrem uma ampla gama de assuntos, desde verrugas a hemorróidas, acne, deficiências vitamínicas, fraturas, longevidade, artrite, problemas infantis, parto, câncer, epilepsia, psoríase e transtornos mentais. Na verdade, Cayce mencionou nas leituras praticamente todas as principais doenças da primeira metade do século XX. É interessante constatar que muitos tratamentos que Cayce prescreveu na época para casos isolados permanecem valendo e podem ser generalizados. Citemos a psoríase e o escleroderma: Cayce propunha alimentos específicos, manipulações vertebrais e outros remédios naturais. Nos últimos anos, centenas de pessoas afetadas por estas doenças obtiveram melhoras ao aplicar tais recomendações.
As leituras de Cayce, anotadas entre 1901 e 1944, se adiantaram à sua época ao mencionar a influência das atitudes e das emoções sobre a saúde; a medicina das energias; a importância da oração; a cura espiritual. Além disso, anunciaram muitos descobrimentos vindouros
(15/05 21:49) Yan: na maneira de abordar as questões de saúde. Por exemplo, Cayce declarou em 1927: "Chegará o dia em que se diagnosticarão as enfermidades a partir de uma só gota de sangue." Isto é, de fato, muito comum na atualidade.
A saúde integral, segundo Cayce, corresponde à harmonização dos três componentes básicos do ser humano: físico, mental e espiritual. Deve-se considerar o ser humano em sua totalidade, corpo, mente e alma, e não se limitar a tratar as doenças. Por esta razão, freqüentemente é dito que a medicina holística contemporânea teve sua origem nas leituras psíquicas de Edgar Cayce.
Fosse para um problema de saúde ou para qualquer outro assunto, as leituras ocorriam, de modo geral, da seguinte forma: Edgar Cayce deitava-se num sofá e entrava num transe auto-hipnótico. Sua secretária, Gladys Davis, ficava sentada a seu lado, pronta para estenografar o que se diria durante a sessão. Quando Cayce "adormecia", a pessoa que conduzia a leitura, usualmente sua esposa Gertrude, faz
(15/05 21:49) Yan: sua esposa Gertrude, fazia a sugestão apropriada para obter a informação desejada. Para as "leituras físicas", Gertrude dizia:
Você estará na presença do corpo de __________ [nome do interessado], que se encontra neste momento em __________ [nome da cidade e endereço]. Percorrerá o corpo com cuidado e o examinará em detalhe. Falando claramente, em um ritmo normal, descreverá os estados patológicos existentes e determinará suas causas; indicará a forma de melhorá-los e de aliviar o corpo. Também responderá às perguntas que se façam."
Cayce confirmava: "Sim, encontramo-nos na presença do corpo." Se já houvesse dado, mesmo que trinta anos antes, uma ou mais leituras para o paciente em questão, dizia: "Já estudamos este caso", e retomava de onde havia parado, independente do tempo transcorrido. Normalmente, dissertava com sua voz habitual e se referia à pessoa como se ela estivesse ali, embora em muitas oportunidades a pessoa estivesse a milhares de quilômetros de distância. C
(15/05 21:50) Yan: Cayce estabelecia um diagnóstico detalhado, mencionando todos os dados úteis sobre a circulação sanguínea, o sistema nervoso e os órgãos envolvidos. A seguir dava instruções sobre como aliviar os males e, para terminar, respondia às perguntas. Se uma pessoa estivesse assistindo à sua própria leitura, bastaria formular mentalmente uma pergunta para que Cayce a respondesse.
Das numerosas leituras relativas aos princípios curativos e à medicina holística, pode-se deduzir que os fundamentos de uma boa saúde podem ser resumidos na sigla "C.A.R.E." : - circulação, assimilação, relaxamento, eliminação. O papel de cada uma destas funções é o seguinte:
Em primeiro lugar, a circulação. A mesma é primordial nos mecanismos de regeneração do corpo. Portanto, sua estimulação mediante exercícios físicos, massagens, ou manipulações terapêuticas como as que se levam a cabo na quiroprática e na osteopatia, reforçam consideravelmente os processos naturais de cura.
Em segundo lugar, a assimilação. Esta representa a maneira pela qual o corpo digere o alimento e distribui os nutrientes.
Por um lado, a assimilação depende do regime alimentício: segundo as leituras, este deveria consistir em vinte por cento de alimentos "ácidos" (ou seja, que acidificam o organismo), e oitenta por cento de alimentos "alcalinos".
Deve-se ingerir um litro e meio a dois litros de água por dia. Por outro lado, a assimilação depende do modo de preparar e de combinar os alimentos. Por exemplo, as leituras recomendam o consumo regular de cereais e de cítricos, mas nunca numa mesma refeição, por causa de sua incompatibilidade durante a digestão.
Em terceiro lugar, o relaxamento. Não apenas bastante sono, mas também tempo livre e recreio. Cayce afirmou em uma leitura:
"Estes transtornos resultam do que se poderia chamar de desequilíbrios ocupacionais: pouco tempo ao sol e pouco trabalho físico; demasiado trabalho intelectual, enquanto devem ser mantidas as justas relações entre a alma, a mente e o corpo.
Quem não reserva em sua vida um lugar para o lazer e não harmoniza cada aspecto de seu ser, engana-se a si mesmo. Cedo ou tarde, sofrerá as conseqüências."
Leitura [3352-1]
Em quarto lugar, a eliminação.
É indispensável que o corpo expulse suas toxinas e purifique seus órgãos internos para funcionar normalmente. Uma alimentação adequada, muita água por via oral, movimentos respiratórios, exercício físico (caminhar por exemplo), banhos de vapor, enemas, asseguram bons mecanismos de eliminação.
Cayce insistia na importância de evacuar o intestino todos os dias.
O equilíbrio entre a circulação, a assimilação, o relaxamento e a eliminação resulta em cura, saúde e longevidade.
Embora certas recuperações tenham sido espetaculares devemos ressaltar que as leituras de Cayce nunca indicaram fórmulas ou remédios milagrosos.
Normalmente sugeriam um conjunto de terapias que envolviam o organismo inteiro, assim como os diferentes aspectos do ser. Apesar de seus poderes psíquicos, Cayce não era curador. Pelo contrário, graças aos conselhos sobre saúde integral transmitidos pelas leituras, ensinava às pessoas a conduta apropriada para melhorar seu estado físico ou curar suas doenças.
Seguir os tratamentos e as recomendações das leituras às vezes exigia grandes esforços e muita constância.
Aos que recorriam a ele para a cura de doenças, Cayce freqüentemente perguntava por que desejavam curar-se. Em outras palavras, o paciente que, desde o momento em que se sente bem, volta ao estilo de vida que provocou sua doença, se nega a encarar as causas profundas de seus males. Ao ignorar a lição oferecida, corre o risco de expor-se a um problema maior no futuro.
Livros recomendados:
• "Edgar Cayce: Suas curas naturais" ("The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy") - Harold Reilly and Ruth Hagy Brod
• "As Chaves da Saude" ("Keys to Health") - Dr. Eric Mein
• "Os Remédios de Edgar Cayce" ("The Edgar Cayce Remedies") - Dr. William McGarey
"Milagres de cura" ("Healing Miracles") - Dr. William McGarey
Reencarnação e Karma
Edgar Cayce fez sua primeira leitura em 1901, sobre um problema de saúde, para si mesmo. Muitas outras se seguiram, mas o conceito de reencarnação não apareceu até 1923, numa sessão dada para Arthur Lammers, um impressor de Dayton, Ohio.
Convém mencionar que uma leitura havia abordado a questão doze anos antes; mas essa primeira alusão foi ignorada durante muito tempo pois, naquela época, ninguém no grupo de Cayce conhecia este conceito.
A reencarnação acabou sendo o assunto de quase duas mil leituras psíquicas, chamadas "leituras de vida". Constitui o segundo maior tema mencionado por Cayce em transe.
Em essência, o que é a reencarnação?
É a crença de que cada um de nós passa por vidas sucessivas, com o propósito de crescer em espírito e de recobrar a plena consciência de nossa natureza divina. O ponto de vista de Cayce exclui a metempsicosis ou transmigração das almas, segundo a qual os humanos podem reencarnar em forma animal. Por outro lado, provê uma base filosófica para o passado, colocando ênfase especial na maneira como devemos encarar nossa existência atual: devemos viver o momento presente, procurando nos desenvolver espiritualmente e ajudar-nos uns aos outros. As leituras ensinam que nossas escolhas e atos passados nos trouxeram ao ponto em que nos encontramos. Não tem muita importância quem fomos, ou o que fizemos no passado, mas sim como reagimos frente às oportunidades e aos desafios que surgem neste instante, aonde quer que nos encontremos. De fato, nossas escolhas e condutas a cada momento, definidas por nosso livre arbítrio, são as que realmente importam. A perspectiva de Cayce, não é nada fatalista, e abre horizontes quase ilimitados.
Nas leituras, Cayce falou também sobre o risco de se ter um conceito incorreto sobre a reencarnação. Disse que certas teorias dão uma compreensão errônea do seu verdadeiro significado. Dentre estas, todas as que não reconhecem o livre arbítrio criam o que chamou de "um monstro kármico", quer dizer, uma noção filosoficamente errada, que não leva em conta os fatos autênticos, nem a estreita conexão existente entre karma, livre arbítrio, destino e graça. Ainda hoje em dia, muita gente interpreta de maneira equivocada, a reencarnação como uma seqüência inevitável de experiências e relacionamentos imposta a nós pelo nosso karma. Se assim fosse, nossas decisões anteriores nos obrigariam a seguir uma trajetória marcada por acontecimentos específicos, e nosso futuro já estaria definido. Esta visão difere totalmente da de Cayce, pois as leituras destacam que o passado nos proporciona apenas uma conjuntura possível, ou provável. Mostram que, longe de sermos meros espectadores, desempenhamos um papel dinâmico no desenrolar de nossa existência.
A palavra "karma" é um termo sânscrito que significa "ação". Freqüentemente se dá a ela o sentido de "causa e efeito". As leituras concordam com esta idéia, mas acrescentam a noção filosófica inédita e exclusiva de que o karma pode ser definido simplesmente como uma memória. Portanto, não se trata de uma "dívida" que temos de pagar conforme algum critério universal, nem de uma série de experiências determinadas por nossas prévias ações, boas ou más. O karma é apenas uma memória, uma fonte de informação que inclui elementos 'positivos' e outros aparentemente 'negativos', e na qual o subconsciente busca os dados que utiliza no presente. Isto explica, por exemplo, as afinidades ou as animosidades espontâneas que sentimos por certas pessoas. Ainda que essa memória subconsciente se reflita em nossa fisionomia e influa em nossos pensamentos, reações e decisões, sempre podemos recorrer ao livre arbítrio para orientar nossa vida.
As leituras de Cayce mencionam que quando falecemos, não reencarnamos de imediato. O que chamamos subconsciente no plano físico vem a ser nosso consciente no outro plano. A alma recapitula tudo o que viveu e escolhe, entre as lições que deve aprender, as que se sente capaz de assumir no momento, a fim de seguir sua evolução. Então aguarda o momento propício para renascer na Terra. Normalmente, escolhe um lugar já conhecido. Em cada nova vida, opta por um corpo masculino ou feminino, segundo o objetivo de sua encarnação. Ademais, seleciona o âmbito e as condições (pais, família, lugar, época, etc.) que melhor lhe permitam aperfeiçoar-se e aprender suas lições. Suas experiências dependerão da forma com que empregue seu livre arbítrio dentro desse contexto. Podemos considerar nossas tribulações como obstáculos e transtornos ou, ao contrário, transformá-las em situações benéficas, em oportunidades para elevar nosso nível de consciência. O processo de reencarnação continua até que consigamos personificar o amor universal no mundo e expressar nossa essência divina em todos os aspectos da vida terrestre.
Convém notar que talentos e qualidades nunca se perdem, de modo que as qualidades cultivadas em cada encarnação se somam e podem ser usadas no futuro. Por exemplo, o dom das crianças prodígios é o ressurgimento de um talento exercitado em uma ou várias existências prévias. Um excelente professor de literatura poderia ter sido um escritor ou historiador em vidas anteriores. Nossas aptidões costumam se manifestar em função das metas de nossa encarnação atual.
As leituras revelam que o karma não existe entre indivíduos, mas unicamente entre uma pessoa e ela mesma. Em outras palavras, "cada um de nós está sempre se encontrando consigo mesmo"[1]. Como conseqüência, o curso de nossa vida se baseia nas decisões que vamos tomando para reagir a uma conjuntura que nós mesmos criamos. Em geral, temos a chance de resolver nossos próprios problemas kármicos através de interações com os demais mas, todos temos a tendência de, ao invés de assumir a plena responsabilidade por nossos fracassos e decepções , colocar a culpa nos outros como se eles fossem a real causa de nossos problemas.
Assim sendo, apesar de nosso karma ser essencialmente nosso, nos sentimos constantemente atraídos pelos indivíduos e grupos que nos oferecem as condições e ocasiões favoráveis para trabalhá-lo. De maneira similar, os outros se aproximam de nós em sua jornada individual levados por suas memórias kármicas. Portanto, nossas relações com os demais nos permitem encontrar-nos conosco mesmos e ter as experiências que nos ensinam e nos ajudam a avançar no caminho espiritual. É interessante notar que a maneira como cada indivíduo decide "encontrar-se consigo mesmo", fazendo as escolhas, uma de cada vez, é que irá
>>> essencialmente, determinar a vida que ele vai experimentar. Com freqüência, episódios vividos em grupo reaparecem em encarnações posteriores, como vínculos familiares, profissionais, culturais ou étnicos. As leituras dizem que nunca nos encontramos com alguém acidentalmente, porque coincidências não existem. Do mesmo modo, só sentimos uma profunda simpatia ou antipatia por alguém desconhecido, se já tivermos encontrado essa pessoa antes.
Devemos ficar atentos às conseqüências de nossas decisões e atitudes, uma vez que colheremos inevitavelmente o que semeamos. A Bíblia diz: "Tudo o que um homem semear, ele também colherá." [2] Os adeptos da reencarnação afirmam: "Atraímos o que é semelhante a nós." Isto implica que, algum dia, teremos experiências análogas às que nossas escolhas produziram na vida de outros.
Divergindo das doutrinas fatalistas que dizem que nosso destino já está determinado, a teoria de Cayce afirma que somos donos de nosso próprio destino. De fato, podemos controlar nossos pensamentos, palavras e atos, e escolher nosso comportamento ante as circunstâncias que nós mesmos criamos.
Compreendamos que tudo que acontece em nossa existência é fruto de nossa própria criação, e que nossas tribulações sempre contribuem para nosso desenvolvimento quando as consideramos como oportunidades de corrigir os erros do passado ou de adquirir sabedoria e entendimento.
Descobrir o porquê de nos encontrarmos em uma ou outra situação não é fundamental, mais importante é como nos dispomos a lidar com elas pois, de nossas reações, nascerão nossas experiências futuras. Assim, duas pessoas poderiam adotar atitudes completamente diferentes em casos semelhantes, com relação, por exemplo, à perda de um emprego. Enquanto uma poderá ficar angustiada e amarga, a outra verá uma ocasião inesperada para reconstruir sua vida e para dedicar-se a alguma atividade pela qual tem paixão há muito tempo.
"Descubra porque você está buscando essa informação. Se é para saber que você viveu, morreu, e foi enterrado perto da cerejeira no fundo do jardim, isto não o fará um melhor vizinho, cidadão ou pai! Por outro lado, se é para saber que você disse palavras pelas quais se sentiu culpado e, que agora pode redimir-se atuando de maneira justa, então sím, vale a pena!" Leitura [5753-2]
Livros recomendados:
• "Muitas moradas" ("Many Mansions") - Gina Cerminara (Editora Pensamento)
• "Reencarnação: Reivindicando seu passado, Criando seu futuro" (Reincarnation Claiming Your Past, Creating Your Future") - Lynn Sparrow (Editora Pensamento)
[1] Leitura [1432-1]
Traduções equivalentes: "um sempre se confronta consigo mesmo"; "um se encontra continuamente frente a si mesmo".
[2] Epístola aos Gálatas 6:7
Percepção extra-sensorial e fenômenos psíquicos
A história de Edgar Cayce está cheia de exemplos de percepção extra-sensorial e de fenômenos psíquicos. Seu dom é classificado como percepção extra-sensorial, pois lhe permitia conhecer noções e fatos aos quais nunca tinha tido acesso, e ver gente, lugares e eventos que não se encontravam dentro de seu campo visual normal. Em transe, Cayce podia dissertar sobre qualquer assunto, responder a qualquer pergunta, descrever qualquer cena, e falar sobre tudo que dizia respeito a uma pessoa: sua saúde, suas emoções, suas qualidades, seu meio ambiente, sua vida atual, suas encarnações passadas.
Uma vez que existem vários tipos de faculdades paranormais, os especialistas dividiram o tema 'percepção extra-sensorial' em diversas categorias, com o propósito de definir melhor os fenômenos envolvidos.
De modo geral, a percepção extra-sensorial se refere à capacidade de receber ou de enviar informação
por meios outros que não os cinco sentidos. Em outras palavras, se trata da possibilidade de entrar em contato com alguém ou alguma coisa sem utilizar nem os olhos, nem os ouvidos, nem o tato, nem o olfato nem o paladar. Segundo as leituras de Edgar Cayce, essas são qualidades que todos podemos cultivar e utilizar, porque já existem, latentes, em nossa alma.
Uma primeira categoria de percepção extra-sensorial é a telepatia que requer que sintonizemos com a mente de outra pessoa. Estando no estado de Kentucky, Cayce deu uma leitura para um advogado que estava em Nova York. [1] Cayce o viu fumar um cigarro, o ouviu assobiar certa melodia e assistiu seu encontro com um cliente; também o viu ler três cartas e falar por telefone. Esses fatos foram todos verificados mais tarde. Outro exemplo de telepatia é quando pensamos repentinamente em alguém de quem não temos notícias há muito tempo e, logo em seguida, essa pessoa entra em contato ou aparece.
Uma ou outra categoria de percepção extra-sensorial é a clarividência, definida como a capacidade de se ter acesso a um conhecimento que não se possui. Assim, podemos pegar algumas cartas, embaralhá-las e tentar dizer quais são ou, pelo menos, determinar suas cores. Para que mostremos faculdades de clarividência, o número de respostas corretas deve ser maior que o definido pelo cálculo de probabilidades. O resultado não tem de ser cem por cento exato, mas superar de maneira significativa e consistente a expectativa matemática.
Se pedirmos a alguém que olhe cada carta e se concentre nela antes de adivinharmos, trata-se de telepatia.
A fim de ilustrar a diferença entre telepatia e clarividência, consideremos uma leitura feita em Virginia Beach para um garoto de doze anos que estava num hospital no Estado de Ohio. [2] Cayce disse que o garoto tinha febre e mencionou sua temperatura. Um médico, posteriormente, confirmou esta informação. Como a temperatura ainda não
havia sido tomada esse foi um caso de clarividência e não de telepatia.
Uma terceira classe de percepção extra-sensorial é a premonição, ou seja a capacidade de ver eventos com antecipação, ou seja, de fazer predições. Um exemplo disso é a impressão de "déjà-vu". Algumas vezes temos a sensação de já termos vivido anteriormente a situação pela qual estamos passando. Assim, podemos entrar em um lugar desconhecido e percebermos que é muito familiar; ou conversar com um amigo e nos darmos conta de que sabemos de antemão o que ele vai dizer. As leituras de Cayce dizem que, uma explicação para este fenômeno é que, freqüentemente, nossos sonhos nos deixam entrever os acontecimentos vindouros. Ainda que tenhamos esquecido esses sonhos premonitórios, podemos reviver certos episódios dos mesmos em forma de sensações de "déjà-vu".
A premonição é freqüente na obra de Edgar Cayce. Um dia, ao terminar uma leitura para um menino que estava em Nova York, [3] Cayce começou, espontaneamente, uma outra sobre os problemas de saúde de uma mulher do Missouri que já havia recorrido a ele em várias ocasiões. Depois de haver enviado a esta senhora o texto da leitura, [4] Cayce recebeu uma carta, solicitando uma leitura, cuja data era posterior à data da leitura.
Quando efetuava leituras para crianças, era normal Cayce falar sobre seus talentos ocultos, antecipar seu modo de ser ou de agir como adultos e, às vezes, indicar decisões que tomariam na vida pessoal e profissional. Em 1929, Cayce previu a queda da Bolsa de Valores de Nova York mais de seis meses antes que isso ocorresse. [5] Também previu a declaração da Segunda Guerra Mundial; e sabia que morreria enquanto seus filhos estivessem combatendo no exterior.
Embora tenha sido classificado por alguns como "profeta", Cayce nunca teve essa pretensão. Na verdade, chegou a se descrever em uma leitura como "um servidor humilde, fraco e sem mérito". [6] Fez
poucas predições ligadas a eventos mundiais, essencialmente porque tais prognósticos estão sujeitos a inúmeros fatores e influências externos. Por exemplo, quando um vidente tenta "prever" o futuro, tudo que ele pode fazer é prever um futuro baseado nos acontecimentos atuais. Se os eventos continuarem a fluir seguindo o mesmo curso, se as atitudes e estilos de vida das pessoas, e se as condições mundiais continuarem as mesmas, aí sim os videntes podem acertar sobre qual será o resultado.
O ser humano pode, a qualquer momento, empregar seu livre arbítrio para transformar sua própria existência. Se suficientes pessoas se corrigem, o curso dos acontecimentos históricos se modifica e as predições se fazem menos exatas. A Bíblia relata como o profeta Jonas foi enviado à corrupta cidade de Nínive a fim de anunciar sua destruição e exortá-la ao arrependimento. Os habitantes acreditaram na advertência de Jonas, abandonaram suas más condutas e, por isso, a cidade não foi destruída. [7]
Por isso, as profecias e as informações obtidas por premonição dependem de muito mais elementos que a telepatia e a clarividência.
Uma quarta categoria de percepção extra-sensorial é a retrocognição, ou a capacidade de ver eventos passados. Quando Cayce realizava uma "leitura de vida", geralmente lhe davam a data e o lugar de nascimento da pessoa. Começava por retroceder no tempo até o nascimento da pessoa enumerando, às vezes, alguns fatos importantes de sua presente encarnação. Por exemplo, em uma leitura ditada em 1938 Cayce comentou: "1936 - ano agitado; de 1935 a 1932 - período de distúrbios; de 1931 a 1926 - pouca paz..." [8] Em outra ocasião, Cayce recebeu dados incorretos sobre uma jovem de dezoito anos de idade. Voltando no tempo até chegar ao seu nascimento, exclamou: "Nós não a encontramos aqui!" Depois de uma pequena pausa, acrescentou: "Sim, temos os registros aqui (parece que o lugar e a data estão errados)". Verificou-se posteriormente que a pessoa havia, na verdade, nascido em 23 de Janeiro (um dia mais cedo) e em Nova York e não na cidade de Cleveland, Ohio, como disseram a Cayce. [9]
Mais de onze anos antes do descobrimento, ocorrido em 1947, dos Manuscritos do Mar Morto, as leituras mencionaram uma seita judia sobre a qual os eruditos conheciam muito pouco naquela época: os Essênios. Cayce deu muitos detalhes sobre sua maneira de viver e de trabalhar. Entre outras coisas, disse que tanto os homens como as mulheres eram admitidos em sua comunidade. Isto ia contra as convicções dos especialistas, que acreditavam que os Essênios formavam uma ordem monástica composta unicamente por homens. Não obstante, escavações arqueológicas efetuadas em Qumrān, perto do local onde foram encontrados os manuscritos evidenciaram em 1951, seis anos depois da morte de Cayce que, realmente, homens e mulheres integravam a sociedade essênia.
Acabamos de citar alguns casos de percepção extra-sensorial que aparecem nas leituras de Edgar Cayce. Elas dizem que as faculdades psíquicas constituem qualidades da alma; logo são inerentes à natureza humana e existem em todas as pessoas. Uma vez que "o psíquico provem da alma" [10], podemos, com bastante facilidade, ter experiências paranormais recorrendo a diversos métodos ou a estímulos externos. No entanto, as leituras advertem que as experiências que não se apóiam em um ideal elevado são freqüentemente enganosas e, podem ser perigosas, e que o desenvolvimento de nossas aptidões extra-sensoriais não deve ser um fim em si, mas um meio de crescer espiritualmente, de conhecer melhor a nós mesmos e de ajudar o próximo.
Muita gente acha os fenômenos psíquicos estranhos, insólitos, e até assustadores. Segundo as leituras, eles são tão naturais quanto se ter uma inspiração ou um pressentimento. E é bom lembramos de que, só porque alguma informação é 'psíquica' não quer dizer que seja completamente exata. Atribuindo-lhe o mesmo crédito que damos a nossos amigos ou a nossos sentidos corporais, podemos utilizá-la para adquirir novas noções, ampliar nosso entendimento ou tomar decisões.
Tendo tudo isso em vista, aceitemos nosso sexto sentido, a intuição. Devemos considerá-la um atributo normal de nosso ser e tentar conseguir que se converta em um fiel aliado na nossa vida, e em uma inestimável ferramenta a serviço do bem.
Livros recomendados:
• "Despertando seus Poderes Psíquicos" ("Awakening Your Psychic Powers") - Henry Reed - Editora Pensamento
• "Edgar Cayce - Canalizando seu Eu Superior" ("Edgar Cayce on Channeling Your Higher Self") - Henry Reed
[1] Leitura [740-1]
[2] Leitura [2826-1]
[3] Leitura [4599-1]
[4] Leitura [5700-6]
(16/05 07:46) Yan: 5] Leitura [900-425]
[6] Leitura [254-76]
[7] Veja Jonas 3
[8] Leitura [1650-1]
[9] Leitura [1462-1]
[10] Leituras [261-15], [294-185]
Livros sobre Edgar Cayce em Português EDITORA PENSAMENTO
Respostas desta Noite para as Duvidas de Amanhã - Mark Thurston
Harmon Bro e Junes Bro
Reinvindicando o seu Passado, Criando o seu Futuro - Lynn Sparrow
Henry Reed
Glenn Sanderfur
Margaret Gammon
Mark Thurston e Christopher Frazel
A partir dos vinte e quatro anos de idade, Edgar Cayce colocou a serviço da humanidade, o dom que possuía de entrar em uma espécie de transe auto-hipnótico, no qual sua mente transcendia o espaço e o tempo. Neste estado de profunda meditação, era-lhe tão fácil dissertar sobre os segredos do Universo como sobre a maneira de se eliminar uma verruga. As dissertações de Cayce, que passaram a ser chamadas de "leituras", constituem uma inestimável coleção de documentos, aos quais cada vez mais gente recorre em todo tipo de circunstâncias; seja para equilibrar a alimentação, melhorar os relacionamentos pessoais, tentar a recuperação de uma doença considerada incurável ou se aproximar de Deus.
Edgar Cayce faleceu há muitos anos, mas o número crescente de livros que apresentam diferentes aspectos de sua vida e de sua obra -mais de quatrocentos até hoje- dão testemunho da perenidade da informação veiculada nas leituras.
Edgar Cayce on the Future
Almost every day,
several times a day,
for more than forty years,
Cayce would induce himself into an altered out-of-body state of consciousness
and reveal profound information on various subjects
such as health, dreams, meditation, religions, and reincarnation, to name a few.
But it was the information that Cayce revealed about the future which he is probably most known for. He provided information about the history of humanity from the very beginning to a time in the future when humans will evolve into beings with supernatural powers. He described a new era of enlightenment and peace when divinity within humans would be manifested on the earth. But before this "kingdom of God" would rule the world, Cayce foresaw world events that can only be described as apocalyptic, a period of purification involving natural disasters that will dramatically alter the surface of the earth, wars, economic collapse, and socio-political unrest. These visions of the future agree with what is known about prophecies from NDEs.
Cayce believed that these horrible future events could be averted if humanity changed its behavior. And this is the purpose for giving prophecies - to warn people to change so that the prophecies won't happen. Since Cayce certainly was not 100% accurate in his predictions, I believe this only shows how some of Cayce's apocalyptic predictions have been averted. So, a successful gloom and doom prophecy is one that does doesn't occur. Cayce's prophecies became well-known all over the world and a case may be made that he may have had some influence in creating the change within people to alter the course of history enough so that the prophecy would not happen. Cayce would repeatedly say that even the Lord of Lords could not accurately predict future events because human free will can alter and change the future. Cayce is referring to the Biblical account when Jesus is asked when he would return. His reply was:
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matt. 24:36)
So, prophecy is never given for any other purpose than as a warning. For this reason, a successful prophecy is one that has been averted and therefore does not happen. Skeptics of Cayce's prophetic ability like to point out that because some of his predictions did not happen, this means he was a fake. But from another perspective, one can say that his prophecies helped to change enough people to prevent them from occurring.
Cayce envisioned that a time would come when all individuals would realize their responsibility toward one another – a realization that would change the thought of humanity. During the height of World War II, he saw the possibility of a united world and a renewed sense of spirituality all over the world. When asked in 1944 which religious thought would lead the world toward the greatest amount of spiritual light and understanding, the reply was simply, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself!”
Cayce's Visions of the Future That Already Have Come True
Cayce received many visions of the future and many of them have already come to pass. From these visions he made a number of remarkably accurate predictions. The following is a list of them:
Foresaw the Stock Market Crash and Great Depression
In 1924, Cayce predicted the crash of the market after a long bull run during the late 1920's. During the mid-1920's he chronicled the rise and fall of the stock market, teaching his clients how to play the bull market and how to prepare for the crash of 1929. He even outlined what growth industries would give them the best long term portfolio after the market reached bottom. Cayce should have been quite well-to-do with endowment from a share of their speculations, but his clients did not pay attention to the readings and failed to pay heed to his warning. Six months later, they lost all they had when the great October 1929 Stock Market Crash occurred. This was also the trigger for the Great Depression which Cayce also foresaw. In 1931, Cayce foresaw that the Great Depression would lift in the spring of 1933 which it did.
Foresaw revolutions in foreign lands
In March 1935, Cayce added that eventually, unless there is more of the spiritual attitude raised in groups here and there, world conditions would terminate in a revolution throughout many of the foreign nations. There was nothing in 1935 which caused much unrest. But in 1936, the Spanish Civil War broke out, Italy invaded Ethiopia, Japan invaded China, and Stalin elevated the Great Purges to star billing throughout Russia.
Foresaw the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler
In January 1934, Cayce predicted that Hitler would rise in power to reign over Germany. In August 1935, Cayce predicted that Hitler would remain in power until it will "come as an overthrow or an outside war."
Foresaw a world war that would begin in 1936
Cayce gave one of his greatest world prophecies in February 1932. He sweepingly outlined the course of most of the decade of the 1930's, which centered around:
"A great catastrophe that's coming to the world in ' 36, in the form of the breaking up of many powers that now exist as factors in the world affairs."
Cayce predicted the acceptance or rejection of the League of Nations in 1936, after which changes would come which would create different maps of the world. He detailed that before 1936 arrived the powers in Russia, United States, Japan and England, or United Kingdom would be "broken up", as indeed they were with major changes in the governments and policies of each nation.
Cayce began 1935 with predictions about a revolution throughout many of the foreign nations and finished up 1935 with his first grim predictions about a universal war which he described as the whole world on fire. He predicted that international patterns would spiral out of control after 1936, resulting in new national boundaries. By 1937 he foresaw both the beginning and the end of World War II. Cayce's readings continued to provide highly accurate predictions about the escalation of the whole world on fire, the U.S. entry into the effort to fight it, the establishment of peace, and the return to normalcy within the new world order. Early on he twice gave a highly accurate time frame for the ending of the war. Before the war even began, Cayce was describing the nature of the post-war era.
Foresaw America's 1941 entry into the war
America's entry into the war was revealed through a reading in July 1939 for a retired naval commander, which also contained a message of hope:
Question: "Am I likely to be recalled to active service within two or three years?"
Answer: "The only likelihood will be in ‘41. This, too, if the people pray, and live as they pray, will pass."
Cayce ominously called the American Destiny, hinting about U.S. involvement in the great fire: America must remain:
"As it were - the balance of power in not only the money forces of the world but those influences that will later be for the manning of those powers where greater destructive forces will arise in those portions of the world..."
He laid out the worldwide scope of the conflict:
"Disturbance in Asia, that will be effective or active through the changes in Germany, Italy and especially through the Balkan forces or Balkan States, will produce a disturbance that may reach proportions that will become rather terrifying to all of Europe and Asia."
Foresaw a decisive World War II battle
On June 20, 1943, Cayce described a battle that would happen and determine the outcome and length of the world war.
Five days after making this prediction, the German and Russian armies clashed in the greatest tank battle of all time.
Foresaw the deaths of Presidents FDR and JFK
In 1939, Cayce predicted the deaths of two presidents in office:
"You are to have turmoil -- you are to have strife between capital and labor. You are to have a division in your own land, before you have the second of the Presidents that next will not live through his office ... a mob rule!"
President Franklin D. Roosevelt died in office in April 1945. In November 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, when racial tensions in the United States were boiling.
"Unless there is more give and take," Cayce said, "consideration for those who produce, with better division of the excess profits from labor, there must be greater turmoil in the land."
Kennedy was killed during the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement. Great civil and racial unrest followed just as Cayce foresaw.
Foresaw India's independent from Britain
Cayce predicted that India would become independent from Britain.
This prophecy was fulfilled in 1947 when India began a transition to a democratic republic after independence from Britain.
Foretold archeological facts which later proved trueCayce was equally as far ahead of the archeologists and paleontologists. It took nearly another 60 years for the predominance of evidence from around the world to prove Cayce probably correct in his claim that the human species is 10.5 million years old, that the Giza monuments in Egypt were aligned with the stars as of 10,500 BC, that the structure of the Egyptian religion was defined from astronomical relationships, and that an ancient civilization influenced the development of Egypt, Maya, and Bharati.
Foretold the discovery of the Essenes and Dead Sea Scrolls
Cayce correctly described the location of an Essene community which was discovered when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. He revealed a series of information concerning Palestine which was given for people who were told they had been together during the life and times of Jesus. This data includes a description of the Essenes and their part in the advent of the Messiah, and is prophetic of the light thrown upon these mysterious people by the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1948, fully ten years later after Cayce described them.
Foresaw the rebirth of the nation of Israel
In 1932, Cayce advised the Jews to regard the advent of Fascist anti-Semitism in Europe as the time to fulfill the biblical prophecy which foretold that the Jews would return to Israel.
In May of 1948, the nation of Israel was re-established just as Cayce predicted. This was followed by war between Israel and the Arab countries around it.
Foretold the discovery of the land from Atlantis
Cayce revealed that new land will appear in 1968 or 1969 off the east coast of North America, the so-called "rising of Atlantis".
It was in that timeframe that the Bimini Road was discovered in the Atlantic Ocean. Whether this is actually a road or natural, geologic erosion is being hotly debated. Many people believe this to be the actual portion of Atlantis that Cayce was referring to.
Cayce maintained that Atlantis was an ancient civilization that was technologically superior to even our own and that its last surviving islands have disappeared somewhere in the Atlantic ocean some ten thousand years ago.
Cayce revealed that the size of Atlantis was equal to that of Europe, including Asia in Europe. He saw visions of this continent of the past which had gone through three major periods of division; the first two occurred around 15,600 B.C., when the mainland was divided into islands. The three main islands of Atlantis Cayce named were Poseida, Og and Aryan.
He said the people of Atlantis had constructed giant laser-like crystals for power plants, and that these were responsible for the second destruction of the land. Cayce blamed the final destruction of Atlantis and the disintegration of their culture on greed and lust. But before the legendary land disappeared under the waves, Cayce revealed that there was an exodus of many Atlanteans to ancient Egypt. Cayce attributed the Biblical Great Flood of Noah to be a result of the sinking of the last huge remnants of Atlantis.
During Cayce's otherworldly journeys, Cayce would often reveal the past lives of those who would come to him for information concerning their health. A number of people who came to Cayce were told by him that they had past lives in the legendary lost land of Atlantis. In fact, Cayce revealed that a vast number of souls who lived past lives in Atlantis have been incarnating to America for a long time now to usher in a new era of enlightened human consciousness. In all, Cayce referred to Atlantis no fewer than seven hundred times over a span of twenty years.
Foresaw the collapse of Soviet Union and communism
Cayce predicted the failure of communism and the collapse of the Soviet Union:
"[Through Russia], comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."
Cayce's words, despite all disbelief, were fulfilled in 1991 when the Soviet Union dissolved as a nation, abandoned communism, and instituted economic and political freedom.
Foresaw the alliance of Russia and US
Cayce foresaw that Russia would one day become America's ally. Russia, he said, would be guided by friendship with the United States. The Soviet Union's attempt to rule "not only the economic, but the mental and spiritual life" of its people was doomed to failure.
"..for changes are coming, this may be sure -- an evolution or revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The basis of it for the world will eventually come out of Russia. Not communism, no! But rather that which is the basis of the same as the Christ taught -- his kind of communism."
Cayce's vision came true after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Foresaw Russian religious freedom and religious movement
Cayce predicted a strong religious movement would come out of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
In 1991, the fall of the Soviet Union and atheistic communism occurred as Cayce predicted. The resulting freedom to practice religion released a flood of Russian spirituality.
Discovered scientific facts which were later verified to be trueCayce provided many descriptions of the workings of the world and the cosmos. Many of them seemed implausible in his day but during the past 50 years none of Cayce's comments about science or the natural principles of how the cosmos works has been unproven. Many have been proven and more and more of his ideas have come to form the basis of modern science.Cayce described part of the fundamentals of what would become the sciences of weather and earthquake prediction in the later part of the 20th century, easily 30 years ahead of scientists. He predicted the existence of a ninth Planet (Pluto) many years in advance, and the discovery of major quantities of gold on the bottom of the ocean, which was discovered in the 1970's. He also attributed the main cause of motion in the earth's tectonic plates and crust to the motions and relationships of the planets, which the Trilogy thoroughly documents as an important scientific discovery.Foresaw the rise of major technological industriesClosely related to his ability to read science well in advance of its practitioners, Cayce astutely predicted the broad stream of the technological future. He was able to fully describe the major technology industries which would drive the development of the American economy after World War II. Consistently, 10 to 30 years in advance of the economy, while ideas were still in their novelty stage, Cayce advised his clients to focus on all aspects of radio, telegraphy, telephones, communications and electronics industries which were associated with war products, deluxe fine furniture cabinetry for electronic products, composite woods and molded materials, and plastic resins. A man named David Kahn made millions of dollars with this information.The following are some more of Cayce's most astute predictions about science and technology:Discovered the existence of the long economic cycle
Cayce described a long term economic cycle of 24 to 25 years which predicts depressions and major recessions. Starting with a base year of 1907, every 24th or 25th year precisely describes an economic downturn. Based on Cayce's definition, the next major depression is forecast for the year 2006 or 2007. The cycle does not describe all of the downturns but it definitely describes the worst downturns.Foresaw a shift of the earth's poles around the millennium
In the late 1920's and early 1930's, Cayce was the first to describe the concept of the shifting of the pole as a result of the crust of the Earth moving independently from the core of the Earth to bring different a surface area over the spin axis. During the past 30 years, this concept has received more and more attention by geophysicists, some of whom now seriously argue that the crust does move independently. Some geophysicists now also argue that the best way to explain a variety of paleo sea-level and other data is that it moves and shifts fairly frequently and more rapidly than previously imagined.
Cayce predicted changes to the earth surface to begin some time between 1958 and 1998. The cause of these dramatic earth changes will be the shift in the world's magnetic poles around the year 2000. Cayce predicted that when this pole shift occurs it would begin reversals in the world's climate so that:
"..where there has been a frigid or semi-tropical climate, there will be a more tropical one, and moss and fern will grow."
Cayce's prediction of a pole shift occurred in 1998. According to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, in 1998 something changed the earth's gravitational field which moved the magnetic poles closer together. The NASA article explained that as the ice on the poles melted, ocean currents moved water toward the equator, which factors researchers believe to be partly responsible, in conjunction with shifts in atmospheric patterns, for this ongoing shift in the earth's magnetic field. This NASA finding affirms Cayce's prediction of a pole shift.
Foresaw the rise of the aviation and radio industries
In May 1930, despite the deepening depression, Cayce predicted the industries which would become the next U.S. focus of industrial activity: those of the aerial nature; that is, radio and its associations; aerial and its associations. At the time, both the radio and aviation industries were still widely regarded as commercially unproven toys.Foresaw the rise of new communications technologies
Cayce foresaw that exceptional changes and improvements would come in the communications and broadcasting industries: he pointed years in advance to the coming of TV, fax, telex, expanded stock ticker-tape services, and microwave transmission on land to replace copper wire.Foresaw the great influence of aviation on the world
During the 1930's Cayce told his clients to get out of rails and to get into the air. In February 1933, he named the most outstanding change that would come - airplane manufacturing and transportation industry. In November 1942, Cayce predicted that air transportation will become more and more the basis of ALL relationships with other nations, countries, as well as the internal or national activity. By 1944 he predicted that any town that has any name will eventually be on an airline and when they're off it's as bad as being off the railroad (in another ten to twenty years).Foresaw the development of infra-red vision for night vision
Cayce was probably the first human being to describe the concept of infra-red vision. Infrared night vision is now one of the mainstays of U.S. military superiority.Foresaw the union of the radio and telegraph industry
Cayce foresaw the rapid integration and expansion of the communication industry which would be driven by the new technology. In October 1935 he predicted that by '39 should be a fact - that is, the united activity of Radio and the Telegraph lines. By the end of the 1930's the ITU had created the technical standards which allowed all forms of communication to inter-operate. In November 1942 he added:
"Thus, all communications are a part of this activity. This means not only radio and telegraph (for these must be eventually one) ... but more and more the air as the greater means of communications. With more and more satellite communication facilities coming on line, even in the 1990's, it is more and more the air."
Discovered an investment strategy that proved to be successful
In March, 1936, Cayce advised investing in allied industrials, that deal with preparations of war materials, for the next few months. But the industrials having to do with communications of all natures, for long terms.Discovered a consumer products strategy that proved to be successful
In September, 1942, Cayce advised investing in any electrical appliances, all forms of home appliances, those of greater conveniences, - all of these will offer the greater investment now and for the future - for the next few years, at least. These consumer products drove the economy for a long time and companies which manufactured them become huge. It is still true today, in the form of computers and digital electronics. In March, 1944, Cayce again predicted post-war economic leadership for technology in all of the industrial products, including radio, ice box, automobile, lights. He predicted at the same time that TV would become an important consumer product before the TV broadcasting industry had even been conceived.
Foresaw the day of his own death
The last vision of the future Cayce received concerned himself. His visions would often warn him that he should not use his powers more than twice a day or serious health problems would occur. But because Cayce would receive thousands of requests for help, he would ignore these warnings and help them anyway. Many letters were from mothers who were worried about their sons fighting World War II. Cayce's final vision warned him that the time had come for him to stop working and rest.
But on January 1, 1945, Cayce announced that he would be buried in four more days. This was yet another prediction that proved to be true.
Cayce's Visions of the Future That are Yet to Happen
The year the battle of Armageddon will occur in the spirit realm (may be happening already)
Cayce predicted that the so-called "Battle of Armageddon" described symbolically in the Bible would begin in 1999. Cayce foresaw that this "battle" will not be a war fought on earth. Rather, it will be a spiritual struggle between the "higher forces of light" and "lower forces of darkness" for 1000 years of earth time. The reason for this struggle is to prevent souls from lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to earth. By preventing souls from the lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to earth, only enlightened souls will be permitted to reincarnate. The result will be 1000 years of building a world of peace and enlightenment. After 1000 years, souls from lower afterlife realms will be permitted once again to reincarnate to earth. By this time, the so-called "kingdom of heaven" will have been established on earth.
The year of the second coming of Christ (may have already happened)
Cayce often maintained that humanity would soon experience a "day of reckoning." He predicted the year of the second coming of Jesus to be 1998.
Critics who are not very familiar with the Cayce material have pointed out that 1998 has come and gone and the second coming has not occurred. Such critics wrongly expect the second coming to happen when Jesus appears in the sky with a chorus of angels while Gabriel blows a horn and dead bodies crawl out of their graves. This idea of the resurrection was the result of a misunderstanding of the concept of reincarnation - the ancient concept of birth and rebirth.
It is more logical and more realistic for Jesus to make his entrance the same way he did in his previous life - rebirth. For this reason, I believe that Jesus has indeed returned just as Cayce foresaw. If my theory is true then it means that Jesus is currently living on earth as a young child. Here is why I believe my theory is highly probable:
(1) Cayce has a good track record about his predictions - especially the major earth-changing ones.
(2) Cayce was a very spiritual and religious person in love with Jesus. He actually met Jesus on occasion during his afterlife sojourns and had a strong personal relationship with him.
(3) As a Christian "prophet", the second coming of Christ would be perhaps Cayce's most important prophecy to make. It would seem highly unlikely that he would be so accurate on other prophecies and not accurate on the event his heart was set on most.
(4) One particular NDE supports the idea that Jesus has already returned. Dr. Richard Eby had a NDE in which he was told by Jesus that he would not die until Jesus returns. But on December 2, 2002, Eby died. Thus, either Jesus is already here, or Dr. Eby and/or Jesus is lying. The lying theory seems improbable.
(5) One particular NDE supports the idea that Jesus is going to return very soon. Angie Fenimore was also given information suggesting that Jesus is to return very soon, if he hasn't done so already. Notice also that Fenimore agrees with Cayce about spiritual warfare going on now.
"Humanity is in the final moments before Jesus Christ returns to this earth. The earth is being prepared for this event. The war between the forces of light and the forces of darkness are growing so intense on earth, humanity is in danger of being consumed by the forces of darkness." (Angie Fenimore)
(6) There is an ancient prophecy that quite possibly supports Cayce's timeframe for the second coming of Jesus. Nostradamus gave a prophecy that I believe refers to the reincarnation of Jesus. Here it is:
"In the year 1999 and seven months, from the sky will come the Great King of Terror. He will bring back the great king of the Mongols. Both before and after this, war reigns unrestrained." (Nostradamus)
(a) Here is my interpretation of this quatrain:In the year 1999, the Great King of Terror (perhaps Jesus) will come from another dimension to be reborn. Jesus will have the king of the Mongols (possibly Genghis Khan) be reincarnated. Before 1999 and after 1999, great wars will break out.(b) Concerning the identity of the King of Terror:
Whenever the Bible refers to the "day of the Lord" or "the end of days" or the "end of the age," it always refers to a period of fear, terror, judgment, fire, and brimstone. This is why I interpret the King of Terror to be Jesus. The year 1998 that Cayce gave could be a reference to the conception of Jesus. The year 1999 that Nostradamus gave could be a reference to the birth of Jesus. (c) Nostradamus gives anagrams for the names the three antichrists:
The Nostradamus quatrain above describes a king of the Mongols which may be a reference to the final antichrist of which Nostradamus named three of them. They are: "Napaulon Roy" (i.e., Napoleon), "Hister" (i.e., Hitler), and the final one Nostradamus named is "Mabus." (d) Why did Nostradamus use heavy symbolism?:
Nostradamus was clever enough to give us the names in a way that we could recognize them without him actually naming them. In his day, the penalty for being a prophet was death. This is why Nostradamus cloaked and scrambled his prophecies in symbols and anagrams so that they can be hidden but still deciphered.(e) Nostradamus names the third antichrist:
The identity of "Mabus", the third antichrist, has baffled many Nostradamus buffs. Many current world leaders have been suggested to be this Mabus. The identity of this antichrist may become known someday soon - who knows? Here are some ideas from the leading Nostradamus scholar John Hogue.
More Cayce Prophecies for the Future
A new field of science will be developed based on a psychic/spiritual phenomenon
Cayce predicted in September, 1939, that when there is the same interest or study given to things or phases of mental and spiritual phenomena as has been and is given to the materialized or material phenomena, then it will become just as practical, as measurable, as meter-able, as any other phase of human experience. Cayce did not specify a time frame, he specified a condition, placing as much research emphasis on the spiritual/occult phenomena as material causation. It would be nice to think that Cayce was referring to near-death research which would fit the description of the science he is referring to. Until we know more in the future, we will have to assume that this prediction is still pending.
A new discovery in astronomy will occur
Cayce provided a major clue that astronomers have not yet taken up: the discovery of the revolution of the solar system around a star system composed of Arcturus and the Pleiades.
There is a possibility of a World War III
Cayce foresaw the possibility of a third world war. He spoke of strife arising near the Davis Straits, and in Libya, and in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf.
Given the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the tensions in the Middle East right now, such a war could certainly be a possibility.
Major archeological discoveries concerning human origins will be found
Cayce predicted that there will be three profound archeological discoveries of a very ancient and important nature that will revolutionalize the way we understand human origins, cosmology and religion. Cayce stated that this will occur when humanity reaches a higher level of spirituality. The three repositories mentioned are in Egypt (near the Great Pyramid), the Bimini area (where the possible portion of Atlantis has already been discovered), and the Yucatan (the location where the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs).
China will become a Christian nation
Cayce envisioned a future where China would be the:
"the cradle of Christianity as applied in the lives of men."
On the surface of it, this prediction appears to completely improbable. This prediction of Cayce's has stumped a lot of people who are not familiar with the Cayce material. Some critics use this prediction to show that Cayce is fallible. The answer to these critics is that, first of all, Cayce has already been shown to be less than 100% in his predictions and there is no reason to believe that a person with Cayce's ability have to be perfect in their predictions. This aside, those who are more knowledgeable about the Cayce material knows that the brand of Christianity that Cayce affirmed to be the highest form of Christianity is not modern or traditional Christianity, but rather Gnostic Christianity. This sect of Christians possessed the secret teachings of Jesus that he did not reveal to the general public.
Gnostic Christianity resembles Buddhism more than it does traditional Christianity because it involves reincarnation, the divine light within, and concepts that can found in near-death experiences.
One of the most respected scholars on the subject of Gnosticism is Elaine Pagels. She noted that the similarities between Gnosticism and Buddhism have prompted some scholars to question their interdependence and to wonder whether "...if the names were changed, the living Buddha appropriately could say what the Gospel of Thomas attributes to the living Jesus." Although intriguing, she rightly maintains that the evidence is inconclusive, since parallel traditions may emerge in different cultures without direct influence. Elaine Pagels, The Gnostic Gospels, (New York: Random House, 1979, repr. 1989), xx-xxi
Since the Chinese communist government has stopped its cultural war against religion and democracy and lifted the restriction on the practice of Buddhism, I see no reason to doubt that Chinese Buddhism will one day become the "Cradle of Christianity."
Volcanic activity will proceed major earthquakes
"If there are greater activities in [the volcanoes] Vesuvius or Pelee, then the southern coast of California and the areas between Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada, we may expect, within the three months following same, inundation by the earthquakes. But these are to be more in the Southern than the Northern Hemisphere."
America's west coast will be destroyed
The widespread destruction in Los Angeles and San Francisco as well as in many portions of the west coast will occur. Earth changes will occur in the central portion of the United States as well.
NDE researcher Dr. Ken Ring discovered that many near-death accounts he was studying foretell future earth changes such as earthquakes, volcanoes, a pole shift, strange weather patterns, droughts, famines, tidal waves and a new social order followed by a golden age. These NDE visions of the future agree completely with the Cayce predictions described below.
The ocean level will rise significantly
With the shifting of the earth's magnetic poles that began in 1998 will come a gradual melting of the polar ice caps and eventually cause inundations of many coastal regions resulting in a drop in the landmass of about 30 feet. In 1941, Cayce elaborated on this effect:
"As to conditions in the geography of the world, of the country -- changes here are gradually coming about ... For, many portions of the east coast will be disturbed, as well as many portions of the west coast, as well as the central portion of the U.S. In the next few years land will appear in the Atlantic as well as in the Pacific. And what is the coast line now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean. Even many battle fields of the present will be ocean, will be the seas, the bays, the lands over which The New World Order will carry on their trade as one with another."
Dramatic changes in coastlines around the world
Due to the shifting of the earth's magnetic poles and natural disasters, dramatic changes such as this will occur:
"The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America. When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea and those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that that's almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Etna area, then we many know it has begun."
Interesting note: In 1991, a series of natural disturbances occurred following the eruption of Mount Etna in Sicily. Soon after the eruption of Mount Etna, volcanic eruptions occurred in the Philippines. These events may not be a fulfillment of Cayce's prediction, but they may be a harbinger of greater earth changes.
Major earth changes will occur in America
Here is a description of these major earth changes in Cayce's own words:
"Portions of the now east coast of New York, or New York City itself, will in the main disappear. This will be another generation, though, here; while the southern portions of Carolina, Georgia -- these will disappear. This will be much sooner. The waters of the lakes will empty into the Gulf, rather than the waterway over which such discussions have been recently made. It would be well if the waterway were prepared, but not for that purpose for which it is at present being considered. Then the area where the entity is now located (Virginia Beach) will be among the safety lands, as will be portions of what is now Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and much of the southern portion of Canada and the eastern portion of Canada; while the western land -- much of that is to be disturbed as, of course much in other lands."
A new era of peace and enlightenment will follow the tremendous earth changes
Finally, Cayce foresaw a new era of enlightenment and peace for humanity in the future. Cayce states:
"A new order of conditions is to arise; there must be a purging in high places as well as low; and that there must be the greater consideration of the individual, so that each soul being his brother's keeper. Then certain circumstances will arise in the political, the economic, and whole relationships to which a leveling will occur or a greater comprehension of the need for it."
"This America of ours, hardly a new Atlantis, will have another thousand years of peace, another Millennium. All this done in the same manner that the prayers of ten just men once saved a city. And then the deeds, the prayers of the faithful will glorify the Father as peace and love will reign for those who love the Lord."
Cayce's glimpse of his next incarnation and a view into the future
Cayce once had a prophetic dream involving an event in his next incarnation on earth. It gives us an interesting look into the future:
“I had been born again in 2100 A.D. in Nebraska. The sea apparently covered all of the western part of the country, as the city where I lived was on the coast. The family name was a strange one. At an early age as a child I declared myself to be Edgar Cayce who had lived 200 years before. Scientists, men with long beads, little hair, and thick glasses, were called in to observe me. They decided to visit the places where I said I had been born, lived, and worked in Kentucky, Alabama, New York, Michigan, and Virginia.
"Taking me with them the group of scientists visited these places in a long, cigar-shaped metal flying ship which moved at a high speed.
"Water covered part of Alabama. Norfolk, Virginia, had become an immense seaport. New York had been destroyed either by war or an immense earthquake and was being rebuilt. Industries were scattered over the countryside. Most of the houses were built of glass. Many records of my work as Edgar Cayce were discovered and collected.
"The group returned to Nebraska, taking the records with them to study... These changes in the earth will come to pass, for the time and times and half times are at an end, and there begins those periods for the readjustments...”
From the list of prophecies that Cayce gave which proved successful, his prophecies of the future should be seriously considered. However, Cayce himself stated that the future is not fixed and that human free will makes virtually everything possible.
"As each second passed there was more to learn, answers to questions, meanings and definitions, philosophies and reasons, histories, mysteries and so much more, all pouring into my mind. I remember thinking, 'I knew that, I know I did, where has it all been?'" - Virginia Rivers describing her NDE
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